+CLF612 - (CLF600) Core Area: (CLF610) AGRICULTURE CORE CURRICULUM - - SUPERVISED AGRICULTURAL EXPERIENCE Unit Title: SUPERVISED AGRICULTURAL EXPERIENCE PROGRAM _____________________________________________________________________________ (CLF612) Topic: GETTING STARTED Time Taught in year IN AN SAEP 2.5 hours 1 _____________________________________________________________________________ Topic Objectives: Upon completion of this lesson the student will be able to: Learning Outcome # (B-5) (B-6) - Identify and discuss the purpose and characteristics of an SAEP plan Describe how a person can get started in an SAEP Special Materials & Equipment: Evaluation: PART I: None. Unit Quiz by instructor. IN ORDER TO START A SAEP PROJECT THE AG ED STUDENT MUST CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING FACTORS: A. Their individual interests. B. How will the project be financed? C. Does the project have a viable profit potential? D. How will the student market the project? E. What problems may be encountered by undertaking this project? F. What types of specific needs, if any, will the project require? G. The relationship of the project to the student's career goal. _________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: Invite a bank loan officer and/or PCA representative to class to explain how students can finance S.A.E. projects. _________________________________________________ 612.1 PART II: A. DESCRIBE HOW A STUDENT CAN GET STARTED IN A SAEP: The ag ed instructor should: 1. List and describe the types of SAEP's which are feasible in their community. 2. Review in class with students sample budgets of actual projects. 3. Complete with the student on a one-on-one basis the student's SAEP plan. ________________________________________________ ACTIVITY: Have students fill out their student data sheet at the beginning of the school year to develop a "road map" for project development. Prepare practice problems and/or mock problems for students to enter into their record book while you circulate assisting students with their individual data sheets. ________________________________________________ 4. Visit with the student's parents and explain the project program. 5. Assist the student with securing a loan, purchasing needed equipment, setting-up their facilities, etc. 6. Assist the student in the actual purchase of the project. 7. Conduct a project visitation at least once every grading period. 612.2