
SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: This lesson entitled "Veterinary Medicine" goes
beyond the scope of the standards, however it is provided as enrichment
Core area:
(CLF270) Unit title: ANIMAL HEALTH
taught in years
4 hours
1 and 2
Evaluation: The following may be used in crossword puzzles, as
part of a written examination, or can be used
independently for vocabulary expansion.
Provide a copy of the following list to all students.
Each day that the unit on animal health is taught,
identify 5 words from the list for the students to learn
as vocabulary builders. Select those words each day that
you think are most appropriate.
- - Animal Health Glossary - This glossary is to be use as a reference for the students as they study
animal health.
ABACTERIAL - Free from bacteria
ABORTION - premature expulsion of the fetus (well before normal term)
ABCESS - a localized collection of pus in a cavity
ACUTE - short, severe course of a disease, having a rapid onset with
pronounced symptoms
AEROBIC - growing best in the presence of free (available) oxygen
AGALACTICA - absence or failure of milk secretion
ALOPECIA - loss of hair
ANAEROBE - any microorganism which can live without either air or free oxygen
ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK - a violent attack of allergic symptoms produced in an
animal sensitive to a specific drug.
ANEMIA - a condition in which the blood is deficient either in quantity or
quality of red blood cells
ANESTHETICS - drugs which produce an insensibility to pain
ANTIHELMINTHICS - drugs which kill or expel intestinal worms
ANTIBODY - a substance produced in the body which reacts to antigens (any
foreign protein from a bacteria) usually in order to protect the
animal from a disease
ANTIDOTE - a substance used to counteract the effects of a poison
ANTIGEN - a substance that has the power of inducing the formation of
antibodies in an animal or organism under suitable conditions; used
to enhance immunity
ANTISEPTIC - a substance that will inhibit the growth of microorganisms;
the substance is usually applied to living tissue
ANTISERUM - the serum obtained from an animal which has been immunized
against a disease, therefore containing specific antibodies
produced by the animal to combat a specific disease
ANTITOXIN - antiserum from an animal immunized against a toxin
ATROPHY - reduction in size of a tissue; usually in a muscle mass
AUTOPSY - the systematic examination of a body after death
BACTERIA - a unicellular microscopic organism which is considered a plant,
although they contain no chlorophyll
BLOAT - an excessive accumulation of gas in the stomach
BRUCELLOSIS - contagious abortion disease of cattle, swine, goats, and dogs
CAPILLARIES - minute vessels connecting the smallest arteries to the smallest
CARDIA or CARDIAC - pertaining to the heart
CARRIER - an animal or person in apparent good health who harbors a pathogenic
CHEMOTHERAPY - treatment of a disease using chemical agents
CHRONIC - disease which develops and progresses slowly (contrast to acute)
CILIA - microscopic hairs
COAGULANT - an agent that causes clotting of blood
COCCUS - a bacteria that is round or spherical in shape
COITUS - sexual union between male and female
COLIC - term used to describe abdominal pain and associated signs resulting
from numerous disorders in the digestive tract
COMMUNICABLE - capable of being transmitted from one individual to another
CONTAGIOUS - the degree of power of a disease to spread from one individual
to another
CONVALESCENCE - period of recovery following an illness
CYANOTIC - bluish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes due to lack
of oxygen in the red blood cells
DERMATITIS - inflammation of the skin
DESICCATION - the drying out of tissues
DIAGNOSIS - the act of identifying a disease or illness from its symptoms
DIARRHEA - watery feces resulting from gastro-intestinal (gi) disorders, often
related to bacterial infections
DILATE - to enlarge, expand, to open
DISINFECTANT - agent that kills microorganisms
DIURESIS - increased production and excretion of urine
DYSENTERY - bloody diarrhea
DYSTOCIA - difficulty during parturition (birth)
EDEMA - the swelling resulting from the presence of excessive fluid in the
- loss of flesh causing extreme leanness; starvation
ENTERITIS - inflammation of the intestines
EPIDEMIC - an outbreak of an infectious disease which attacks many
individuals and spread rapidly unless steps are taken to
confine it
EPIDEMIOLOGY - the study of disease outbreaks, with an effort to trace down
the cause
ETIOLOGY - the study of the causes of disease
EXPECTORANTS - drugs which cause expulsion of materials from the respiratory
FETUS - unborn young
GRAM-NEGATIVE - bacteria which lose the initial stain of the Gram's stain
and are decolorized so that they appear pink; used to help
identify and classify types of bacteria
GRAM-POSITIVE - bacteria which take the initial stain of the Gram's stain and
appear purple used to help identify and classify types of
HEMOGLOBIN - important in the transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the
HEMORRHAGE - the escape of blood from the vessels or the heart
HOST - any animal (or plant) harboring parasites that live at its expense
HYDRO - prefix referring to fluid or water
HYPERGLYCEMIA - abnormally high concentration of glucose in circulating blood
INTERMEDIATE HOST - an organism that hosts a parasite while completing its
life cycle
IMMUNITY - ability to resist infection
IMMUNIZATION - process of conferring immunity on an individual
IMMUNOLOGY - study of immunity and its factors
INCUBATION PERIOD - period of time between the time infection occurs and
when symptoms first appear
INFECTION - invasion of pathogenic organisms into body tissue
INFECTIOUS DISEASE - one which is caused by a living agent such as bacteria,
protozoa, viruses or fungi and may or may not be
INFLAMMATION - a local reaction of the body against an irritant;
characterized by redness, swelling, pain and heat
INTRADERMAL - between skin layers
INTRAMUSCULAR - within the muscles
INTRAVENOUS - within a vessel
INTRAPERITONEAL - within the body cavity
IN UTERO - within the uterus
IN VITRO - in glass, outside the animal body
LACTATE - milk production
LATENT - concealed, hidden
LARVAE - immature stages of adult parasite; the term applies to insects,
ticks, mites and worms
LETHAL DOSE (L.D.) - deadly dose;
LESION - an abnormal reaction observed in tissue; an open sore or wound
LIBIDO - sexual drive
virulent, threatening life; often considered synonymous with
MANGE - contagious disease, also called scabies, scab, or itch,
characterized by loss of hair, thickening of skin and scab
formation as a result of mites
MASTITIS - bacterial inflammation of the mammary gland
a layer of tissue covering a surface or dividing a space or organ
METAMORPHOSIZE - the change process that occurs as a larvae becomes an adult;
e.g. - caterpillar ------- butterfly
inflammation of the uterus
MIGRATE - to move from one place to another
MORBIDITY - diseased; conditions producing disease
MORBIDITY RATE - number of animals sick within a population (group) of animals
MORTALITY - death rate within a population (group) of living creatures.
MORPHOLOGY - science of the forms and structures of organized cells
NAUSEA - tendency of feeling of impending need to vomit
NECROSIS - local (specific to an area) death of tissue
NEONATAL - new born
NEPHRITIS - inflammation of kidney
NYMPH - a young stage of insects, ticks, and mites; differs from adults in
having incompletely developed genitalia
ORCHITIS - inflammation of the testes
PASSIVE IMMUNITY - immunity produced by no action on the part of animal
PARASITES - animals that live in the body of another, usually larger animals
(hosts) for the purpose of food, shelter, and reproduction
PATHOGEN - disease producing substance
PERACUTE - extremely fast progression of a disease; very sharp pain
POST MORTEM - an examination done after death (autopsy)
PNEUMONIA - inflammation of lung tissue
PROBOSCIS - tubular structure protruding from the head of flies, gnats, and
mosquitoes, containing the mouth parts used for piercing and
PROGNOSIS - a forecast as to the probable result of disease; chance of
recovery or death
PRURITUS - intense itching
RADIOGRAPH - film from an X-Ray exposure (usually just called an "X-Ray")
RESISTANCE - the ability of the individual to ward off an infection or
RHINITIS - inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose
RIGOR MORTIS - stiffening of the muscles following death
SERUM - the clear liquid that separates from blood on clotting
SUBCUTANEOUS - injection given under the skin
SUSCEPTIBLE - vulnerable without defenses to [usually] a pathogen of some
SYMPTOM - sign or indication of disease
SYNDROME - group of symptoms, constituting together a specific disease
TOXIN - poison
TOXOID - toxin which has been altered but is still capable of causing antibody
formation; weak poison
TRAUMA - wound or injury
TUMOR - an abnormal mass of proliferating cells that persist and grow
independently of surrounding structures
VACCINATION - administration of a vaccine to induce immunity
VACCINE - any material, usually a preparation of microorganisms, for
preventative inoculation to produce active immunity by the
formation of antibodies
VECTOR - an organism which transmits disease from one animal to another
(e.g. mosquitos, ticks, birds, etc.)
VENEREAL DISEASE - disease spread by sexual contact
VIRULENCE - the capacity of a microorganism to produce the disease;
strength of the disease
VIRUS - the simplest form of living matter smaller than a bacteria