Maui Community College Course Outline 1. Alpha NURS Number 100 Course Title Nurse Assistant Credits 6 Department Allied Health Author Kathleen Mumford Date of Outline April 5, 2010 2. Course Description: Effective Date Spring 2011 5-year Review Date 2016 Prepares nurse assistants to care for acute, semi-acute, or convalescent clients in the hospital, long-term care, or home setting. Prepares nurse assistant to work under the supervision of a registered or practical nurse. Serves as a beginning level health care course for those interested in the health care field. Prepares nurse assistants for national certification. Cross-list Contact Hours/Type 3. Pre-requisites 4 hr lec/ 6 hr lab ENG 19 with grade of C or better or placement at least ENG 22, or consent Pre-requisite may be waived by consent Co-requisites yes no none Recommended Preparation 4. Function/Designation AS Program AAS Program BAS Program AA LE - Elective Category Category Category Developmental/Remedial Additional Category List Additional Programs and Category: List Additional Programs and Category: List Additional Programs and Category: Other/Additional: Explain: See Curriculum Action Request (CAR) form for the college-wide general education student learning ______________________________________________________ ______________________ Chancellor Approval Date Revised 6/28/2016 Course Outline, page 1 2 outcomes (SLOs) and/or the program learning outcomes (PLOs) this course supports. This course outline is standardized and/or the result of a community college or system-wide agreement. Responsible committee: 5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs): List one to four inclusive SLOs. For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course Requirements & Evaluation. Use roman numerals (I., II., III.) to designate SLOs On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: I. Begin working as an entry level nurse aide in a hospital, long-term care, home, or clinic setting. II. Effectively communicate with patients, families, and other health care providers. III. Report and document appropriate patient findings IV. Use critical thinking skills to evaluate differences from normal findings using basic nursing principles and methods of measurement. 6. Competencies/Concepts/Issues/Skills For assessment, link these to #7 Recommended Course Content, and #9 Recommended Course Requirements & Evaluation. Use lower case letters (a., b.…zz. )to designate competencies/skills/issues On successful completion of this course, students will be able to: a. Demonstrate the use of computer technology used for the course and understands the potential for further use in the nursing workplace. b. Describe the health care delivery system in Hawaii with special emphasis on agencies and facilities that care for the aged. c. Describe the health care reimbursement plans currently available. d. Describe the role of the nurse assistant as a member of the health care team under the supervision of the Licensed Practical Nurse, Registered Nurse, or physician. e. Explain scope of practice for the nurse’s assistant as identified in the Hawaii Revised Statutes. f. Identify the requirements for Certification in long-term care. g. Describe the responsibilities of the nurse assistant relating to nurse delegation. h. Demonstrate professional conduct, language, and dress. i. Describe patient/resident rights including privacy and dignity. j. Demonstrate promotion of patient/resident rights including independence. k. Discuss patient/resident’s right to be free from abuse, mistreatment, and neglect. l. Implement effective written and oral communication skills including gathering of appropriate data, and documentating accurate information. m. Use basic medical terminology and abbreviations. n. Identify life span human needs o. Identify cultural values that shape cultural preferences. p. Demonstrate sensitivity to cultural and religious differences among patients, residents, families, and clients. q. Discuss the current methods of infection control and understands ways microorganisms are spread. r. Demonstrate infection control standard precautions in the clinical setting. s. Demonstrate knowledge of workplace and resident care safety and emergency procedures. t. Describe and demonstrate techniques for proper protective body mechanics. u. Identify Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) regulations regarding the use of restraints. v. Discuss alternatives to restraints and demonstrate safe application of restraints. Revised 6/28/2016 course outline 3 w. Demonstrate techniques for positioning patients in bed, lifting, moving and transfering patients to a chair. x. Demonstrate proper emergency response measures. y. Describe the typical resident unit and identify equipment and demonstrate how it is used. z. Discuss variations in the process for admissions, transfers, and discharges. aa. Monitor and report abnormal body systems signs and symptoms. bb. Perform basic nursing and patient care skills safely. cc. Perform selected therapeutic nursing care skills safely. dd. Demonstrate use of appropriate measurement devices with accuracy. ee. Identify body systems with the functions of major organs in each system. ff. Identify important parameters relating to the body systems. gg. Discuss caring for the aged and special needs populations with emphasis on mental health and social service needs; care of cognitively impaired residents, hh. Describe role of nurse assistant in caring for people with cancer, HIV/AIDS and the terminally ill. ii. Discuss the role of the nurse assistant in caring for surgical patients, mothers and newborns, and pediactic patients in the acute care setting. jj. Discuss rehabilitation, return to self-care, care of prosthetic and use of orthotic devices. kk. Differentiate working in the home and working in a health care facility. ll. Discuss job opportunities for nurse assistants to participate in a home care business. mm. Complete a job application and prepare for an interview. nn. Use critical thinking appropriate for the role of the nurse’s assistant to recognize changes in patients condition and report or communicate effectively signs and symptoms to the supervising nurse. 7. Suggested Course Content and Approximate Time Spent on Each Topic Linked to #5. Student Learning Outcomes and # 6 Competencies/Skills/Issues Lecture 1-Week Course Introduction; Health Care System in the U.S. and Hawaii; Role of Nurse Aide, Task Delegation, Professional conduct, language and dress I - a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, II- a, d 1-Week Those we care for; Legal and Ethical Issues; Patient Rights; OBRA regulations regarding use of restraints; resident abuse; Communication skills, confidentiality, introduction to cultural differences; Medical Terminology and abbreviations I - a, b, d, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, u, v, gg, nn, II - b, d, k, l, n, o, p, 1-Week Learning and Testing skills; Review of information; Examination I- a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, u, v, gg, nn, IV - h 1-Week Controlling spread of infection (blood-borne and airborne); Use of Standard Precautions (mask, gown, and gloving); Workplace Safety; Resident Safety I - a, m, q, r, s, t, nn, II - e 1-Week Patient Environment Care; Emergency Care of patients; assisting with Admissions, Discharges, Transfers; Bed-making; Lifting and Moving I - a, l, m, q, r, s, t, u, w, x, y, z, bb, cc, nn, II b, l, o, u, III - h, IV - g, h, i, m, r 1-Week Vital Signs, temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure, and oxygen; Review of information; Examination I - a, l, m, q, r, aa, bb, cc, dd, gg, nn, II - g,h,i,l, III - g,h,i,l, IV - g,h,i,l 1-Week Personal care of the patient with special care needs including cleanliness, hygiene, grooming and elimination I - a, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, aa, bb, cc, gg, nn, II - d, j, o, III - j, IV - j, k, 1-Week Care for those with Dementia; Care for those with Terminal Illness, Hospice care; After-life Care I - a, l, m, n, o, p, aa, bb, cc, gg, II - c, j,k,l, n, 1-Week Review of skills; Review of information; Examination I, II, III, and IV a, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, w, x, y, z, aa, bb, cc, gg, 1-Week Introduction to the Human Body; Preventing complications of immobility; Body Systems and related care of diseases: Integumentary System, skin care; equipment and devices that reduce pressure on Revised 6/28/2016 course outline 4 the skin; Musculo-skeletal System, prevention of atrophy and contractures; Cardio-vascular System; Respiratory System, care of those with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases; Review of Vital Signs, temperature, pulse, respirations, blood pressure I - a, l, m, q, r, aa, gg, nn, II - g, h, i, j, k, III - g, h, IV g, h 1-Week Body Systems and related care of diseases: Nervous System, care of patient with cerebral vascular accident, Parkinson’s; Senses, assisting patients with vision, hearing or touch sensitivity impairments; Endocrine System, recognition of signs and symptoms of diabetes; I - a, l, m, q, r, aa, gg, nn, II - g, h, III - g, h, IV - g, h 1-Week Body Systems and related care of diseases: Gastrointestinal System, care with tube feeding, enemas; Urinary System, recognition of signs and symptoms of urinary tract infections Reproductive System and related care of diseases, cancer; Review of skills; Review of information; Examination I - a, l, m, q, r, aa, gg, nn, II - g, h, III - g, h, IV - g, h 1-Week Care of those Developmentally Disabled, Mentally Retarded; Care for those with Cancer, HIV and AIDS; transcultural nursing and cultural values I - a, b, l, m, n, o, p, aa, gg, hh, 1-Week Care over the lifespan; Acute Care; Long-term Care; Rehabilitation, Home Care I - a, b, d, m, n, o, p, aa, gg, ii, jj, kk, II - g, h, III - g, h, IV - g, h 1-Week Certification process; Job search skills and possibility of home business; Review of skills; Review of information; Examination I - a, d, l, m, q, r, gg, hh, ii, jj, kk, ll, mm, II - z, aa, bb, cc, Laboratory 1-Week Cardio-pulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid Certifications I - a, h, m, q, r, x, aa, nn, IV - m, dd 1-Week Assurance of Infection Control Measures: proper hand-washing, use of personal protective equipment, proper handling of linens and bed-making; use of hand-sanitizer; isolation procedures I - a, h, l, m, q, r, nn, 1-Week Maintenance of Safety and Assisting with Mobility: use of gait belts, restraints and alternatives; feeding dependent persons; first aid for choking; response to fires; assisting persons to move - in bed and wheel chair, turning, positioning, lifting, transferring, use of mechanical lifts; use of lift sheets; use of walker, cane, crutches; assisting with ambulation I - a, h, i, j, k, l, m, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z, aa, bb, cc, gg, nn, II - h, m, III - h, IV - k, m 1-Week Assisting with Hygiene and Grooming: Assisting dependent persons with oral care; bathing (bed baths and showers); back rubs; perineal care (male and female); foot care (diabetic foot care); dressing; hair care (shampooing in bed, shaving the face) and nail care; assisting with hearing aids and glasses I - a, h, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, aa, bb, cc, gg, nn, II - b, d, h, III - h, IV-k, 1-Week Assisting with Nutritional and Elimination: Assisting a dependent person with eating (use of powder thickener for liquids, use of assistive feeding devices); Calculating intake by percentage and fluid volume; Review of required intake of fluids, when to push fluids; Signs and symptoms of dehydration and edema; Assisting a dependent person with toileting (bedpans, urinals, bed-side commodes, urinary drainage bags); Providing catheter care; Administering enemas (soap-suds and disposable), proper positioning for enemas; Collecting specimens (stool, urine – clean catch); Measuring output (stool, urine, other body fluids) I - a, h, l, m, q, r, aa, bb, cc, dd, ff, gg, nn, II-h, i, k, l, III-h, i, j, k, m, IV-g, h, 1-Week Assisting with Vital Signs: Temperature, Pulse, Respirations, Blood Pressures; Use of stethoscope, sphygmomanometer (manual and electronic), thermometer (manual and electronic), and watch; Measuring height and weight (upright scale, electronic lifts, in bed) I - a, h, l, m, q, r, aa, bb, cc, dd, ff, gg, nn, II-h, i, l, III- g, h, i, j, k, IV - g, h, i, j, k, 1-Week Assisting with Treatments, Dressings, Tubes: assisting with oxygen equipment nasal cannula, mask, flow-meters, endotracheal tubes; assisting with urinary and ostomy drainage bags; working with intravenous and gastric tubes; changing hospital gowns; assisting the nurse with a dressing change; use Revised 6/28/2016 course outline 5 of ace bandage and anti-embolism hose; use of heat or cold applications; recognizing abnormalities with dressings, tubes or treatments I - a, d, e, g, h, l, m, q, r, aa, bb, cc, gg, nn, II-b, d, k, cc, 1-Week Touring facilities of care: Review potential use of skills in various settings; Investigate appropriate care for various client populations; Develop understanding of cultural values, mental health issues, importance of maintaining independence I - a, b, d, h, l, m, n, o, p, II- l 6-Weeks Provide care for patients, residents, or clients in a nursing facility (or simulation setting that closely replicates an actual setting) to develop the skill proficiency learned in a lab setting into skill competency I - a, b, d, h, l, m, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, aa, bb, cc, dd, ff, gg, nn, II - c, d, e, h, j, k, l, m, t, u, III-h, j, k, IV-h,i 1-Week Skill competency testing review for state certification and course evaluations I - a, f, h, l, m, II-b, e, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ok s, III - h, i, j, IV-h 8. Text and Materials, Reference Materials, and Auxiliary Materials Appropriate text(s) and materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently available in the field. Examples include: Carter, Pamela J., Textbook for Nursing Assistants A Humanistic Approach to Caregiving, 2nd Ed. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2008. Plus the Workbook to Accompany. NURS 100 Packet Handouts, Instructor prepared materials. Uniform Appropriate reference materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently available in the field. Examples include: American Red Cross Nurse Assistant Review Manual Preparation for Testing, 2005 Appropriate auxiliary materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently available in the field. Examples include: 9. Suggested Course Requirements and Evaluation Linked to #5. Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and #6 Competencies/Skills/Issues Specific course requirements are at the discretion of the instructor at the time the course is being offered. Suggested requirements might include, but are not limited to: Exams (5) 75% Links- I- a,b,c,d,e,f,g,i,k,l.m,n,o,q,t,u,v,y,z,ee,ff,gg,hh,ii,jj,kk,ll,mm,nn, II - d,g,k,l,m,z,gg, III - a,l,m,p,gg IVr,x,ff,gg Participation 25% Links - I- all items a thru nn, II - all items a thru nn, III - a,l,m,p,z,ff,gg, IV - k,l,m,s,x,a,aa,bb,ccc,dd,gg Homework including Workbook Link- I all items a thru nn, III - l Computer participation in assignments Link - I - a, l, m, Mandatory Viewing of Lectures and Attendance at Lab sessions Link - #5 I thru IV - #6 all items a thru nn Laboratory and clinical experience with satisfactory demonstration of skill competency P/F Link - #5 I thru IV - #6 all items a thru nn 10. Methods of Instruction Revised 6/28/2016 course outline 6 Instructional methods will vary considerably by instructor. Specific methods are at the discretion of the instructor teaching the course and might include, but are not limited to: Lecture and Clinical discussions live and on-line via forums or discussions On-line assignments, tasks, tests, quizzes, and polls Videos via live class or on-line Streaming Videos Laboratory demonstration and practice Group work Clinical experience in long-term care Observation in assisted living, day care, home care or other setting 11. Assessment of Intended Student Learning Outcomes Standards Grid attached 12. Additional Information: Revised 6/28/2016 course outline