2008.05 - ATP BAS in Ocean Sciences

1. School/College and Department/Unit: Maui Community College (MauiCC), Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Department
2. Chair/Convener of Planning Committee: Ann Coopersmith
3. Program Category: X New ___Modified ___ Interdisciplinary
4a. Degree or Certificate Proposed: Bachelors in Applied Science in Ocean Studies (BAS-OS)
4b. List similar degrees or certificates offered in UH System:
 University of Hawai`i at Hilo: BS, BA in Marine Science and BS in Forestry & Natural
Resources Management: Aquaculture Specialization
 University of Hawai`i at Manoa: BS in Marine Biology
5. Planning
a. Planning period: Spring 2009 – Spring 2010
b. Activities to be undertaken during the planning phase:
Spring 2009 Submit ATP for BAS-OS for approval to MauiCC Curriculum Committee
(CC), Academic Senate (AS), and Vice Chancellor for Academic
Affairs (VCAA); CCAO; and MauiCC Chancellor
Submit grant proposal to hire one APT, two upper-division faculty
members, and STEM counselor
Develop upper-division curriculum, Dr. Judith Lemus, Hawai`i Institute of
Marine Biology (HIMB)
Fall 2009
Complete and evaluate needs assessment
Develop course articulation plan for University of Hawai`i (UH) - Manoa
College of Education teacher certification program
Develop program proposal
Spring 2010 Submit program proposal to MauiCC CC, AS, VCAA, and Chancellor;
CCAO; University of Hawai`i (UH) Administration and Board of
Regents (BOR)
Program proposal approved by UH Administration and BOR
Submit request to WASC Senior to initiate accreditation of BAS-OS
Advertise screen, and hire one APT, two upper-division faculty, and one
STEM counselor
c. Submission date of program proposal: Spring 2010
d. Workload/budget implications during planning period:
Curriculum development and preliminary hiring will be funded by an Rural Development
Program (RDP) grant
6. Program Description
The Bachelor’s Degree in Ocean Studies (BAS-OS) Degree will offer a broad academic
background in biological and physical ocean sciences and will feature directed field research
experiences. The program will focus on knowledge and skills that address problems affecting
the unique marine habitats and organisms of the Hawaiian archipelago with particular attention
to the sustainability of marine resources and ecosystems. Major emphasis will be on the use of
current and emerging technologies as research tools.
Objectives: The BAS-OS baccalaureate degree will:
 provide a comprehensive background in ocean science literacy;
 introduce the newest technologies and skills used in marine field and laboratory research;
 raise the awareness of local and global marine environmental problems and issues
incorporating inquiry, problem-based learning, and place-based learning;
 assist marine researchers working in the County of Maui by providing highly trained
student interns for on-going projects;
 prepare students for careers in a variety of marine-related areas including research and
project management; and
 provide opportunities for experiences in K-12 ocean science education and prepare
students for articulation to teacher certification programs.
Relation to MauiCC and UH System Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plans: The proposed
degree directly supports the College’s Mission, Vision, and Strategic Plan which are guided by
the Native Hawaiian reverence for the ahupua`a, a practice of sustaining and sharing diverse but
finite resources for the benefit of all. The mission statement is “Maui Community College is a
learning-centered institution that provides affordable, high quality credit and non-credit
educational opportunities to a diverse community of lifelong learners.” The College’s vision
statement is “We envision a world-class college that meets current and emerging Maui County
education and training needs through innovative, high quality programs offered in stimulating
learning environments. Refer to Appendix A for a summary of the specific goals, objectives, and
action strategies in the College’s 2003-2010 Strategic Plan that are directly related to this
proposed degree.
In March 2008, the UH System Strategic Outcomes and Performance Measures were updated
through 2015. In the section on Potential Campus Strategies to Create a Globally Competitive
Workforce, two of the goals that will be supported by this degree are 1) to increase student
support in STEM fields and 2) to increase collaboration with external partners to address critical
workforce shortages. Refer to Appendix B.
Relation to DOE Career Pathway: The development of this degree directly supports the State
Department of Education (DOE) Career Pathway in Natural Resources which serves to guide
career exploration and planning activities, to focus teaching and learning, and to link education
with relevant real-world experiential activities.
Program Requirements: Counseling and recruitment will begin once the program is approved.
Upper-division courses should begin in fall 2011. For a summary of program requirements, refer
to Appendix C, which includes 1) program admission requirements, 2) program degree
requirements, 3) recommended course sequence, and 4) a summary of how the program
admission requirements satisfy some of the requirements for the MauiCC AA Degree in Liberal
Input to Program: Students may enter the BAS-OS program from a number of different
pathways. In addition to those earning an AA Degree in Liberal Arts, other MauiCC students
may be enrolled in General Education courses without a degree plan. There are many local
people employed in the marine-related workforce who have expressed an interest in a
baccalaureate degree for promotion, while others are interested in positions that require a
baccalaureate degree as a minimum qualification. This program should also attract transfer
students from within the UH System as well as from out-of-state and possibly from other
Output from Program: Appendix D list links to current positions available at several different
marine-related governmental agencies, non-profit organizations, research institutes, and non2
formal education institutions in the County, State, and Pacific Island Nations. Appendix E gives
an overview of where former and current students of MauiCC have found employment in Maui
County. Many of these are results of success Service-Learning experiences and internships.
Some graduates of the BAS-OS program may choose to teach and could continue on to one of
the post-baccalaureate teacher credential programs at the UH College of Education at the
MauiCC University Center. While some may prefer to teach at the K-8 level, graduates of this
program will be qualified to enter the certification program to teach science at the secondary
level. Other graduates may be more research oriented and may wish to transfer to postbaccalaureate graduate degree programs at any number of institutions including UH-Manoa’s
Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology or the School of Earth & Ocean Sciences & Technology.
Assessment: A variety of student assessment strategies will be used. A six-credit senior
experimental research project will be carried out and summarized in a written scientific research
report and a formal oral presentation. All students in the degree program will be required to
maintain portfolios of their upper-division course work, project and internship reports, field
notes, data analyses and summaries, research papers, selected readings, directed studies
materials, service-learning journals, web pages and other media presentations, instructors’ and
supervisors’ evaluations, and other pertinent materials.
7. Program Justification
The tide is turning in the State of Hawai`i in the area of conservation, protection, and
management of the unique and highly threatened natural resources. The college needs to be
prepared to supply a well-educated and experienced workforce.
Internal: Each year at MauiCC there is a minimum of 150 students enrolled in marine courses
with at least 20 of these students placed in research assistantships, internships, and servicelearning positions. Often these students express a desire to continue working in these areas as
careers. Unfortunately, many of them are not able to afford to leave their homes and families on
Maui to pursue advanced degrees and consequently are unable to accept positions in their area of
interest and experience. Once this degree is available, our graduates will form the new
homegrown corps of researchers, managers, administrators, directors, educators, and policy
Several years ago, MauiCC was fortunate to have had a cadre of students obtain their BS
degrees in Marine Science from UH-Hilo. Students continually ask when this opportunity will
be available again. Unfortunately, the UH-Hilo faculty made it clear that this was a one-time
experience and will not be offered to MauiCC students again.
Refer to #8. c. for information on role of the new MauiCC Science Building in this program.
External: At the most recent Hawai`i Conservation Biology Conference on Oahu, MauiCC
Marine Option Program (MOP) Coordinator, Donna Brown, was approached by Dr. Paul Jokiel,
who is the leading coral reef ecology researcher at HIMB, to discuss the critical need for
additional research interns and assistants for on-going scientific marine research projects in Maui
County. One of the most important coral reef habitat protection projects, which needs continual
data collection, is survey of the herbivorous fishes on nearshore reefs. In a recent visit to
MauiCC, HIMB Director, Dr. Jo-Ann Leong, made a commitment to allow MauiCC to provide
research assistants to support the institute researchers working in Maui County. MauiCC also has
a memorandum of agreement with the Pacific Region of the National Marine Sanctuaries (NMS)
to place our students in research assistantships. In addition to placement in Hawai`i there is a
possibility of NMS internships in American Samoa and at the national office in Washington DC.
Refer to Appendix F.
Other groups of MauiCC students assist researcher, Dr. Celia Smith with the UH-M
Department of Botany, and her graduate researchers with field projects on invasive algae.
Another of our MauiCC students is conducting a study for the National Marine Fisheries entitled
“Fish Catch, By-Catch, and Protected Species Interaction with Recreational and Commercial
Fisheries on the Main Hawaiian Islands”. Students regularly assist with the following on-going
research and restoration projects, and all of these could support upper-division research projects
 underwater baseline studies for the Kaho`olawe Island Reserve Commission,
 Turtle Standing Network and other research with the National Marine Fisheries,
 invasive species surveys for the Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge,
 coral reef technicians with the Division of Aquatic Resources,
 beach erosion research and replenishment projects, and
 Waihe`e limu restoration project with the Maui Coastal Land Trust.
There are exciting new directions in the use and design of marine technologies, such as the
use of underwater robotic devices to collect data. Local DOE schools have been very active in
robotics and quite successful at national competitions. Other local research projects that the
students and the community express interest in include: underwater acoustics and effects on
marine organisms; commercial and recreational fisheries stock replenishment and sustainability;
whale and other marine mammal communication, migration, and behavioral studies; energy from
a variety of physical ocean sources such as waves, tides, and ocean thermal variations;
aquaculture and use of algae as a source of carbon-based fuel; the causes of the degradation of
marine habitats, particularly coral reefs and beaches, and possible solutions; studies of threatened
and endangered species, such as marine turtles and Hawaiian monk seals; use and restoration of
Hawaiian fishponds; traditional fishing practices and environmental knowledge; and aquaculture
of marine ornamental and food organisms, such as aquarium fish, edible fish, shrimp, lobsters,
and oysters.
8. Description of resources required
a. Faculty: Existing: Two FTE faculty members teach lower-division courses in Biology,
Chemistry, Ecology, Marine Biology, and Physics and there is a temporary part-time
instructor who teaches Oceanography and is the Marine Option Program Coordinator.
New: Two FTE faculty members will be hired to teach upper-division courses: one would
specialize in physical oceanography and technology and the other in biology and ecology.
Both instructors will supervise and evaluate directed research and internships, directed
studies, and the senior research projects.
b. Library resources: A thorough search will be carried out to determine if the library has
access to the most commonly used scientific journals for articles in marine-related research.
Subscriptions will be needed for any journals that are not available. Additional reference
materials will be needed to support specific upper-division courses and directed studies.
c. Physical resources: The State Legislature recently appropriated $25 million to build a new
science building on the MauiCC campus. Included in this plan is a dedicated space for
Marine Science Programs. The current microbiology laboratory will be available as
community research facilities and may accommodate project partners. Additional supplies,
computer hardware and software, and laboratory equipment will need to be purchased to
assure that the new laboratories will have the most up-to-date technologies available.
d. Other resources required: An Applied Professional Technician (APT) position (Band B Instructional & Student Supervisor) will be needed to support the coordination of the field
research project assistants, internships, the Marine Option Program. A counselor will be
needed to work with the students enrolling in the STEM Department BAS programs and this
cost will be shared among the four STEM baccalaureate degree programs being proposed.
9. Five-Year Business Plan. Provide a five-year projected budget for the program that
a. Annual costs to implement the program: Refer to Mini Cost Revenue Template
b. Projected enrollment and estimated tuition revenue: Refer to Mini Cost Revenue
c. How will the program be funded? Initially, funds will be provided from grants through the
RDP to hire a curriculum consultant, two upper-division faculty, and one APT, and to
purchase equipment for the marine laboratory in the new science building. Proposals will be
submitted for NSF grants focused on undergraduate research programs and to NOAA for
placed-based education programs. MauiCC will be an active member of the new NSFfunded Center for Ocean Science Educations Excellence – Hawai`i which will provide the
UH-System with $2.5 million per year for a minimum of three years.
d. Does the current or proposed budget (Department/College/Campus) include funds or a
request for funds for the proposed program? Yes
e. Given a “flat budget” situation, how will the proposed program be funded? Tuition
revenues will support the program.
f. Mini Cost Revenue Template
Faculty w/o fringe
Other personnel costs w/o fringe
TOTAL Expenses
Projected Enrollment
No. of Courses
No. of Credits
Tuition Rate/Credit
Total Revenue from Tuition
Other Sources of Income
TOTAL Revenues
10. Impact on current courses or programs. The BAS Degree in Ocean Studies Program will
have a positive impact on enrollment in currently under-enrolled science courses such as College
Physics and Introductory Biology, which are lower-division prerequisites for admission.
11. If this program is multidisciplinary, provide evidence of commitment for support from the
colleges, departments, programs, and/or individuals expected to participate. Even though
the majority of the science courses will be offered through the STEM unit, additional upperdivision General Education courses will be required, several of which are currently offered
through the ABIT Program. Additional courses that relate to specifically to ocean studies are
proposed in Communications and Hawaiian Studies.
Reviewed by:
Campus Chief Academic Officer:
Comments and Recommendations:
Suzette Robinson_________________________________________________________
Print Name
Council of Chief Academic Officers (Systemwide Consultation):
Print Name
Chancellor: ___ Approved ___ Disapproved
Clyde Sakamoto__________________________________________________________
Print Name
Appendix A
Goals, objectives, and action strategies of the MauiCC’s 2003-2010
Strategic Plan supported by the proposed BAS Degree in Ocean Studies
The following goals, objectives, and action strategies of the College’s 2003-2010 Strategic Plan
are directly supported by the proposed BAS Degree in Ocean Studies.
Goal 1 - Educational Effectiveness and Student Success: Embrace a culture of excellence and
performance as the hallmarks of effective student learning and success.
Objective 1: Achieve a shared institutional culture that makes student learning and
success the responsibility of all.
Action Strategies
2. Provide instructional methods, technologies, materials, facilities, and academic support
services that accommodate students of varied learning styles, backgrounds, interests, and
4. Engage students in active learning.
Goal 2 - A Learning, Applied Research, and Service Network: Engage in intellectual and
educational activities that enable the county of Maui and the state of Hawai`i to flourish.
Objective 1: Support the county and state economy and workforce development.
Action Strategies
2. Expand training and workforce development programs.
10. Facilitate dialogue and discussion with business and community partners to
better serve workforce needs.
11. Determine the need for emerging specializations in the workplace; create
partnerships between college and community representatives to address new
program initiatives.
14. Partner with the community to identify educational and training needs and to
determine how the College can best meet those needs.
Objective 2: Provide access for students, faculty, and staff to a first-class information
technology infrastructure, support, and services that sustain and enhance instruction, applied
research, and administrative services.
Action Strategies
5. Become the primary provider of workforce development and technology
training programs in Maui County.
Objective 3: Practice applied research for the discovery of knowledge.
Action Strategies
1. Promote applied research through collaboration across disciplines.
Develop, implement, and support new applied research programs.
Appendix B
UH System Strategic Outcomes and Performance Measures, 2008–2015
Strategies supported by the proposed BAS Degree in Ocean Studies
Potential Campus Strategies
Globally Competitive Workforce
• Deliver programs by distance to increase access to needed workforce skills
• Focus recruitment and retention of students in critical workforce shortage areas
• Increase student support in STEM fields
• Increase collaboration with external partners to address critical workforce shortages
• Promote skills needed for global competence
Appendix C
Admission Requirements for the
Bachelors in Applied Science Degree in Ocean Studies
1. A student may apply for admission to the BAS-OS program upon successful completion
of one of the following admission requirements:
a. Completion of an AA or AS degree from an accredited institution with a cumulative
GPA of 2.5 or higher in all courses attempted, or
b. completion of an AAS degree from an accredited institution that includes 45 or more
transferable semester credits with a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in all courses
attempted, and
Completion of the following course requirements with grade C or better:
Biology 171, 171L, 172, 172L
Chemistry 161, 161L, 162, 162L
English 210
Mathematics 140 or higher
Oceanography 210, 210L
Physics 151, 152
Zoology 200
2. A student may apply for admission as a provisional student in the BAS-OS program upon
successful completion of the following admission requirements:
a. Completion of 45 or more transferable credits from an accredited institution with a
cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher in all courses attempted and completion for the preBAS-OS course requirements outlined in 1.b. and
b. Approval of the BAS-OS Committee.
Appendix C
Program Requirements for the
BAS Degree in Ocean Studies - total 60 credits
Required Courses
Introduction to Ocean Studies (1)
Marine Instrumentation (2)
Directed Research & Internship (6)
Senior Research Project (6)
Invertebrate Zoology (3)
Ichthyology (3)
Marine Phycology (3)
Marine Ecology (3)
Chemical Oceanography (3)
Physical Oceanography (3)
Geological Oceanography (3)
Specialization in Natural Sciences (9)
Conservation Biology & Resource Management (3)
GIS/GPS in Marine Field Studies (3)
Marine Biotechnology (3)
Marine Mammals & Reptiles (3)
Marine Microbiology (3)
Marine Plankton (3)
General Education (15)
English 310 (3)
Communications 459 (3)
Communications 301 Communicating Ocean Sciences or 302 Communicating Ocean
Sciences for Informal Audiences (3)
Philosophy 323 (3)
Humanities 400 or Hawaiian Studies 400-level (3) [Malama I Ke Kai – proposed course]
Appendix C
Recommended Sequence for the BAS Degree in Ocean Studies
College Catalog Information
Upper division requirements for Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) Degree in Ocean Studies: 60 credits
Biology 303(3), 304(3), 402(3), 424(3)
Any three specialization electives (3,3,3): Biology
Oceanography 301(1), 302(2), 351(3), 361(3),
403(3) Marine Mammals & Reptiles, 405(3)
393v(6), 401(3), 493v(6)
Marine Plankton, 424(3) Conservation Biology &
Communications 301 or 302, and 459,
Resource Management, 425(3) Marine
English 310
Biotechnology; Geographic Information Systems
Philosophy 323
450(3) GIS/GPS in Marine Field Studies;
Humanities 400(3) or Hawaiian Studies 401(3)
Microbiology 430(3) Marine Microbiology
Full-time students would take courses in this sequence
Junior Year (Fall)
OCN 301 Introduction to Ocean Studies
OCN 302 Marine Instrumentation
OCN 393v Directed Research & Internship 3
OCN 361 Chemical Oceanography3
BIOL 303 Invertebrate Zoology
ENG 310 Research and Writing
Senior Year (Fall)
OCN 493v Senior Research Project
BIOL 402 Marine Phycology
OCN 401 Geological Oceanography
Specialization electives
Junior Year (Spring)
OCN 393v Directed Research & Internship
COM 301 Communicating Ocean Sciences
or COM 302 Communicating Ocean
Sciences for Informal Audiences
BIOL 304 Ichthyology
OCN 351 Physical Oceanography
PHIL 323 Professional Ethics
Senior Year (Spring)
OCN 493v Senior Research Project
BIOL 324 Marine Ecology
HUM 400 Changes & Choices
or HWST 401 Malama I Ke Kai
COM 459 Intercultural Communications II
Specialization elective
Appendix C
Recommendations for courses to fulfill the
MauiCC AA Degree in Liberal Arts
including all those required for admission to the
Bachelors in Applied Sciences in Ocean Studies (BAS-OS) - total 71 credits
* Indicates courses required for admission to the BAS-OS Program
** = Prerequisites for courses required for admission to BOS-OS
NOTE: 11 additional credits are required beyond the minimum 60 credits for the AA degree
Category I: Foundations/Skills
Foundations I
English Communication (3): English 100(3)**
Global and Multicultural Perspectives (6): Choose two from courses listed
Symbolic Reasoning (3): Mathematics 140 or higher (3)*
Foundations II
Numeracy (3): Chemistry 161(3)*
Oral Communication in English (3): Communications 210(3) recommended
Computer/Information Processing and Retrieval: ICS 101(3)
Category II: Breadth of Understanding & Experience
Human Understanding (9)
The Individual (3): Biology 151(3) recommended
The Community (6): Economics 130(3) recommended
Choose another from courses listed for Global Perspective
Human Expression (6): Hawaiian Studies 262 or 270 recommended
Environmental Awareness (7): Oceanography 201(3)*, Physics 151(4)*
Oceanography 201 recommended for Global Perspective
Asian/Pacific Perspective (3): Hawaiian Studies 107(3) recommended
Category III: Focus/Specialization/Area of Interest
Area of Interest (6): Biology 171(3)*, 172(3)*;
Electives (8-11): Biology 171L(1)*, 172L(1)*; Chemistry 161L(1)*, 162/162L(4)*; English
210(3)*, Oceanography 201L(1)*; Physics 152(4)*; and Zoology 200(4)*
Other Graduation Requirements
Writing Intensive (6 credits in courses taken)
Science Lab: satisfied by all of the following Biology 171L*, 172L*; Chemistry
161L*,162L*; Physics 151*,152*; Oceanography 201L, and Zoology 200*
Hawai`i Emphasis (1 course): Hawaiian Studies 262 or 270 recommended
Appendix C
Categories of the MauiCC AA Degree in Liberal Arts fulfilled by the
required courses for the Bachelors in Applied Sciences in Ocean Studies
AI = Area of Interest
EA = Environmental Awareness
E = Elective
GP = Global Perspective
N = Numeracy
SL = Science Lab
SR = Symbolic Reasoning
Biology 171(3), 172(3) – EA; AI or E
Biology 171L(1), 172L(1) – EA; AI or E; SL
Chemistry 161(3), 162(3) – N; AI or E
Chemistry 161L(1) & 162L(1) – N; AI or E; SL
Mathematics 140(3) or higher – SR; N
Oceanography 210(3) – EA, EA GP; AI or E
Oceanography 210L(1) EA; AI or E; SL
Physics 151(4) – N; EA; AI or E; SL
Physics 152(4) – N; EA; AI or E; SL
Zoology 200(4) – EA; AI or E; SL
Recommendations for students who have taken many of the prerequisites and
choose not to continue on to the BAS-OS Program
* Indicates courses required for admission to the BAS-OS Program
** = Perquisites for courses required for admission to BOS-OS
Category I
Foundations I
English Communication (3) – English 100 (3)**
Symbolic Reasoning (3) – Mathematics 103(3)**, or 135(3)**, or
140(3)* or higher
Foundations II, Numeracy – Chemistry 161(3)*
Category II
Environmental Awareness – Oceanography 210(3)*, Physics 151(4)*
Global Perspective – Oceanography 210(3)*
Category III
Area of Interest – Biology 171(3)* and 172(3)*
Electives – Biology 171L(1)*, 172L(1)*; Chemistry 161L(1)*; Oceanography
201L(1)*; Zoology 200(4)*
Science Laboratory – Biology 171L*, 172L*; Chemistry 161L*; Physics 151*;
Oceanography 201L(1)*; or Zoology 200*
Appendix D
Employment Opportunities, August 2008 – March 2009
Bishop Museum Human Resources
Hawai`i Ecosystems at Risk, Conservation job announcements
Job Hunt (selected jobs available in Hawaii)
State of Hawai`i, Department of Human Resources
Specific job listings
1. Natural Area Reserves Specialist III
2. Aquaculture Development Program Manager
Mortality Mitigation Position in Hawaiian Monk Seal Research Program
The Nature Consevancy
Community Project Monitoring Coordinator
Trust for Public Lands, Jobs
Hawaii Native Lands Program Coordinator
http://www.tpl.org/tier2_cl.cfm?folder_id=176 20:
University of Hawaii – Hawai`I Institute of Marine Biology
Marine Biology/Fisheries Paid Undergraduate Internship
Sea Grant
Hanauma Bay Educational Assistant
Hanauma Bay Volunteer Coordinator
Sea Grant Marine Careers
Job Resources at Marine Technology Society
US National Park Service
Marine Biology Technician
RCUH & Government of American Samoa
Marine Protected Area Network Specialist
NOAA, & Pacific Risk Management `Ohana (PRiMO)
Coastal Hazards Assistant
American Samoa Coastal Management Program, Resource Division of the Department of Commerce
The Environmental Planner
School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii
HiOOS Data System Administrator, www.rcuh.com (ID# 28585)
University of Hawai`i – Waikiki Aquarium
Director of Education
http://workatuh.hawaii.edu/zoom_job.php?10305 (position number 81077)
State of Hawai`i, DLNR, Aquatic Resources Division
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Monument Research Coordinator, Position #99015C
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Monument Policy Specialist, Position #99016C
Appendix E
Local marine-related institutions, agencies, non-profit organizations,
and businesses that utilize MauiCC research assistants, interns,
and Service-Learning students
County of Maui,
Department of Water Supply *
Planning Department
Dolphin Quest
Haleakala Ranch *
Hawai`i Nature Center *
Hawai`i Source Education Outreach Program (aka Maui Digital Bus) *
Hawai`i Wildlife Fund
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary *
Ho`ike o Haleakala *
Lahaina Divers *
Maui Dive Shop *
Maui Invasive Species Committee (MISC) *
Maui Land & Pineapple Company *
Maui Nui Botanical Garden *
Maui Ocean Center *
National Marine Fisheries *
Pacific Disaster Center
Pacific Whale Foundation *
Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument
Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF)
Ritz-Carlton Ocean Ambassador Program *
Project S.E.A.-Link *
State of Hawai`i
Department of Education, elementary, middle school, and high-school sciences *
Department of Land & Natural Resources, Division of Conservation & Enforcement *
Department of Land & Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources *
Department of Land & Natural Resources, Natural Area Reserve System *
The Nature Conservancy *
Trilogy *
US Fish & Wildlife Service
US National Wildlife Refuge at Kealia Pond *
US Parks Department, Haleakala National Park *
University of Hawai`i
Department of Botany *
Hawai`i Institute of Marine Biology
Sea Grant Extension Service *
* Have hired former and current MauiCC students
Appendix F
Memorandum of Agreement between the
U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
National Ocean Service,
Office of the National Marine Sanctuaries and
the University of Hawai`i, Maui Community College