Maui Community College Course Outline 1. Alpha and Number


Maui Community College

Course Outline

Information & Computer Science ICS 261

ICS 261


Alpha and Number

Course Title


Date of Outline


Course Description

Intermediate Computer Graphics



Provides instruction with the tools and concepts of computer graphics utilizing digital media technology.

Offers experience that integrates digital image editing, illustration graphics, print publishing, web authoring, 2D and 3D animation. (Cross-listed as ART 218.)


Contact Hours/Type




3 hours lecture/lab

ICS 161, 205, 214, or consent

Recommended Preparation

Approved by _____________________________________ Date___________________

5. General Course Objectives

Demonstrate intermediate level competency in computer graphics digital media by completing graphic design projects in print, web, 2D and 3D animation.

6. Specific Course Objectives, Competencies, and Learner Outcomes

For assessment purposes, these are linked to #7. Recommended Course Content.

On successful completion of this course, students will be able to a.

Change the color of a product shot using

Selections as Channels, Hue Saturation Adjustment Layers, Brush Tool b.

Professionally color correct a nature scene utilizing

Layers, Layer Masks, Levels, Hue/Saturation, Curves Adjustment Layers c.

Photo retouch and hand tint a historical photograph applying

Color mode, Brush tool, Layers, Layer masks, Levels, Hue/Saturation, Curves Adjustment

Layers, Clone Tool d.

Layout and print a CD cover demonstrating

Layers, Adjustment Layers, Layer Masks, Clone Tool, Type, Layer Effects, Filters, Layout,

Printing e.

Create a graphic from a digital image demonstrating

Pen Tool, Templates, Illustrator Gradient Mesh Tool, Layers f.

Construct a Multimedia project compositing

Layers, Channels, Guides, Layer Effects, Layer Styles, Gradients, Filters g.

Organize a web site in Dreamweaver integrating

Image content, File formats, Tables, Links, Navigation bar, Text, 2D Animation h.

Modeling and Animating a 3D final project using

NURBs primitives, Revolve a Surface, Materials, Animation

7. Recommended Course Content and Approximate Time Spent on Each Topic

Linked to #6. Specific Course Objectives, Competencies, and Learner Outcomes.

1-2 weeks Review of Syllabus

Photoshop Review (b)

Compositing Exercise (b)

Layers (a, b, c, d, f)

Image Size (a, b, d, f)

Guides (f)

Type (d, f)

Mask Exercise (a, b, c, d)

1 week

1-3 weeks

1-2 weeks

1-2 weeks

1-2 weeks

Channels (a, b, c, d)

Masks (a, b, c, d)

Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer (a, b, c)

Adjustment Exercise (a, b, c)

Levels (a, b, c)

Hue/Saturation (a, b, c)

Curves (a, b, c)

Adjustment Exercise2 (a, b, c, d)

Image Adjustment (a, b, c, d)

Layer Mask Exercise (a, b, c, d)

Layer Masks (a, b, c, d)

Hand Tinting Exercise (c)

Color Tint Exercise (c)

Clone Tool (c)

CD Project Layout (d)

Type (d)

Layer Effects (d)

Printing (d)

Filters Exercise (d)

Natural Media Filters (d)

Multimedia Exercise (f)

Compositing Layers (b, c, d, f)

Brush Stroke Filters (a, d, f)

Image Safe, Title Safe (f)

Clipping Masks (f)

Channel Masks (a, b, c, d)

Gradients (f)

Layer Styles (f)

Web Graphics (g)

Shape Tool (g)

Class work: 3 Graphics/4 Photos (g)

Image Ready (g)

2D Animation (g)

Tweening (g)

Dreamweaver Intro (g)

Dreamweaver web site (g)

Navigation Bar (g)

Tables (g)

Links (g)

Text Formatting (g)

Illustrator: Gradient Mesh (e)

Gradienet Mesh Exercise (e)

Blend Mode Exercise (b, d)

Maya Review (h)

Maya Interface (h)

Primitives & Text Exercise (h)

Modeling NURBS, Polygons (h)

Transforming Exercise (h)

NURBS, Curves, Surfaces (h)

1-2 weeks

Revolve Surface Exercise (h)

Polygon Surfaces (h)

Extrude Exercise (h)

3D Animation Exercise (h)

Path Animation Exercise (h)

Lighting Exercise (h)

1 week

Materials Exercise (h)

Rendering, (h)

Final Project, (h)


Text and Materials, Reference Materials, Auxiliary Materials and Content

Appropriate text(s) and materials will be chosen at the time the course is offered from those currently available in the field. Examples include


Weinman, Elaine and Lourekas, Peter. 2006. PhotoshopCS2 Quickstart Guide ,

Peachpit Press, Berkeley

Riddell, Danny. 2005. Maya 6.0 Quickstart Guide ,

Peachpit Press, Berkeley

Text materials

Photoshop program tutorial

Photoshop projects tutorials

Dreamweaver program tutorial

Dreamweaver projects tutorials

PageMaker project tutorial

Maya program tutorials

9. Recommended Course Requirements and Evaluation

Specific course requirements are at the discretion of the instructor at the time the course is being offered. Suggested requirements might include, but are not limited to

0-5% Product shot

Nature scene color correction 0-5%

0-5% Historical photograph tint

CD cover project

Graphic from photograph

Multimedia project

Web site





3D Final animation project

Class tutorials

Class exercises

Reading text assigned materials

and answering questions

Class attendance and/or participation

10. Methods of Instruction






Instructional methods will vary considerably with instructors. Specific methods will be at the discretion of the instructor teaching the course and might include, but are not limited to a.

Lecture b.Digital media smart board presentations c.

Software program tutorials d.Hands-on computer tutorials e.

Design project tutorials f.

Class exercises and projects g.

Instructor and student critiques h.Student class participation i.

Collaborative problem solving j.

Service Learning k.Testing
