7957 version 4 28-Jun-16 1 of 5 SOCIAL WORK Co-ordinate family meetings and whānau hui level: 4 credit: 3 planned review date: June 2006 sub-field: Social Services purpose: People credited with this unit standard are able to: manage referrals for family meetings or whānau hui; co-ordinate planning of the family meeting or whānau hui; and coordinate the welcome and hospitality for the family meeting or whānau hui. entry information: Open. accreditation option: Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry. moderation option: A centrally established and directed national moderation system has been set up by Community Support Services ITO Limited (Careerforce). special notes: 1 People awarded credit in this unit standard are able to demonstrate knowledge of Te Tiriti o Waitangi for social service purposes, and are able to apply this competence to the context of assessment for this unit standard (for further clarification, please refer to Unit 7926, Explain Te Tiriti o Waitangi for social service purposes). 2 Some family meetings or whānau hui are co-ordinated under statutory authority. People credited with this unit standard know all pertinent aspects of legislation that is relevant to the assessment context. In the context of this unit standard, relevant legislation may include but is not limited to: Adoption Act 1955, Children, Young Persons and Their Families Act 1989, Family Proceedings Act 1980, Guardianship Act 1968, Mental Health (Compulsory Assessment and Treatment) Act 1992, Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7957 version 4 28-Jun-16 2 of 5 SOCIAL WORK Co-ordinate family meetings and whānau hui 3 All communications are treated confidentially. The scope and limits of confidentiality are defined through negotiation and informed consent, and criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and service provider guidelines. In the context of this unit standard, sources of criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and service provider guidelines include but are not limited to: the Official Information Act 1982, Privacy Act 1993, service provider codes of conduct, codes of practice issued by the Privacy Commissioner, social service codes of ethics, and service provider guidelines, protocols, staff manuals, strategic plans, kawa, or tikanga. 4 People awarded credit in this unit standard show that their actions are guided and supported by valid theory for social service practice. Evidence is required of social service theory that is derived from authoritative sources, which may include but are not limited to: body of knowledge related to social service work; cultural theory; practice research. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7957 version 4 28-Jun-16 3 of 5 SOCIAL WORK Co-ordinate family meetings and whānau hui Elements and Performance Criteria element 1 Manage referrals for family meetings or whānau hui. performance criteria 1.1 Referrals for family meetings or whānau hui are received and recorded according to the service provider's guidelines. 1.2 Referrals are assessed for relevance to the service provider and accepted or diverted in consultation with the family or whānau. 1.3 Referrals are processed through service provider systems as approved according to the service provider's guidelines. element 2 Co-ordinate planning of the family meeting or whānau hui. performance criteria 2.1 Co-ordination of the planning is carried out with all key members of the family or whānau according to identification by the family or whānau. 2.2 The service provider's guidelines and any statutory provisions that govern the meeting or hui or prescribe any requirements for task or process are communicated to participants. 2.3 The venue, proposed agenda, protocol, time, date, and proposed duration for the meeting or hui are identified. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7957 version 4 28-Jun-16 4 of 5 SOCIAL WORK Co-ordinate family meetings and whānau hui 2.4 The facilitator for the meeting or hui is identified according to negotiation with the family or whānau or service provider guidelines. 2.5 The views of those wishing but unable to attend the meeting or hui are determined and communicated to the facilitator. 2.6 Participants who have information essential to the purpose or kaupapa of the meeting or hui are identified to the facilitator. 2.7 The plan is notified to members of the family or whānau and others who are to attend the meeting or hui. element 3 Co-ordinate the welcome and hospitality for the family meeting or whānau hui. performance criteria 3.1 The cultural forms of welcome to be followed and responsibility for aspects of the welcome are established through consultation with key members of the family or whānau and the facilitator. Range: 3.2 The resources needed to support the welcome and hosting of the family or whānau are determined and obtained in time for the meeting or hui. Range: 3.3 aspects of the welcome may include but are not limited to - kai, karakia, karanga, mihi, powhiri. resources may include but are not limited to - fares, kai, kaikōrero, kaikaranga, venue. Co-ordination is carried out in accordance with criteria established by legislation, ethical practice, and service provider guidelines. New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016 7957 version 4 28-Jun-16 5 of 5 SOCIAL WORK Co-ordinate family meetings and whānau hui Comments to: Careerforce PO Box 2637 Wellington 6140 Please Note: Providers must be accredited by the Qualifications Authority before they can offer programmes of education and training assessed against unit standards. Accredited providers assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those unit standards. [Please refer to relevant Plan ref: 0222] New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2016