Gifted and Talented Education
The best and the brightest
The definition issue
We say “gifted and talented” in one breath, and usually mean gifted
Some states, though, such as
Oklahoma, have separate definitions and separate programming for students who are talented and those who are gifted
Talented have special abilities in one or two areas
The identification problem
Studies show that classroom teachers fail to identify gifted students 10 to 50 percent of the time
This is in contrast to handicapped students who are usually identified and are sometimes over-identified
Studies show that we readily identify students who present behavior problems
Who am I? (1 of 6)
Her family suggested she find work as a servant or seamstress
An editor told her she could never write any-thing with popular appeal.
Who am I? (GT#2 of 6)
He handled the violin awkwardly and preferred playing his own compositions instead of improving his technique. His teacher called him hopeless as a composer
Who am I? (GT 3 of 6)
His parents encouraged him to be an engineer.
His teachers said he had no voice at all and could not sing.
He was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of good ideas.
Who am I? (GT 5 of 6)
He didn’t speak until age 4
Didn’t read until age
Described as mentally slow, unsociable, adrift in foolish dreams.
Was expelled from school.
Who am I? (6 of 6)
He cared only for dogs, shooting, and rat-catching.
He was rather below the common standard in intellect.
Why so much missidentification?
There may be more stereotypes of giftedness than of any other exceptionality
There are a number of myths about gifted and talented individuals. Here are some of them:
Sickly & frail from doing nothing but reading (No exercise)
Vision problems from wearing out the eyes from too much
Few interests other than for reading great works such as
Plato, Descartes, etc.
Low energy level
Few friends since few people can understand them
Risky choice for a marriage partner
Shorter life expectancy since they are sickly
The Terman Study
A longitudinal study of gifted individuals which has been going on for over 45 years shows that all of the preceding are false.
Cannonball effect--a hindrance to identification
The “cannonball effect” as it applies to gifted says that just as a cannonball cannot be deflected from its course, once fired, so the gifted cannot be deterred from their greatness. False!
Environment works for or against the gifted as well as for other exceptionalities.
Areas considered in classification
Intellectual-measured by group or individual IQ tests
Specific academic fields
Thorndike or Otis-
Lennon tests; individual, Wechsler or Stanford-Binet
Creative--Williams or Torrance
Others--by observation
Wechsler Characteristics
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children is best known. Ages 6-16.11
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence--ages 4 through 6.5
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--ages
16 through 74
All have means of 100, standard deviations of 15, and standard errors of
Properties of tests of creativity
Divergent rather than convergent reasoning
Scoring manuals must leave provision for unconventional, inventive, “odd” answers
Creativity allows the student to get
“outside the box” to find a new solution to a problem.
Artistic Abilities
Instrumental music
Vocal music
Creative writing
Painting, charcoals, drawing, sketching
Computer graphics
Evolving Concepts of
Primitive thinking-”gray matter”
Charles Spearman (1863-1945) was first to break free from the one-factor theory and, using correlation as a statistic, show a general or inherited factor, and a specific (environmental) factor
Edward L. Thorndike (1874-1949)-three kinds of intelligence--abstract, concrete, and social
Evolving Concepts 2
Louis L. Thurstone (1887-1955)--In
1933 proposed a seven factor theory of intelligence.
Joy Paul Guilford--several dates and revisions--in 1967 found 120 factors in intelligence after having begun with 90.
Later found 150, then 200.
Problem--applying 200 factors in a classroom!
Evolving Concepts (3)
Howard Gardner--1989, 1993, 1998--
Multiple intelligences (8).
Linguistic, Logical-mathematical,
Bodily-kinesthetic, Musical,
Intrapersonal, Naturalistic
Popular since 8 types can be dealt with for classroom planning
Suggestions for Instructing Gifted and Talented Students
Provide horizontal or vertical enrichment.
Consult with gifted and talented students regarding individual study projects, perhaps involving a learning contract.
Encourage supplementary reading and writing.
Foster the development of creative hobbies and interests.
Check into the possibility of correspondence courses or tutoring
Perhaps experiment with having gifted students act as tutors.
From Biehler, R. F., & Snowman, J. (1993). Psychology Applied to
T eaching, 7 th ed . Boston: Houghton-Mifflin.
Advantages and Disadvantages for Acceleration for Gifted
Advantages for acceleration
In the case of grade skipping, the challenge of working with older, equally bright students on complex tasks keeps gifted students from becoming bored with school.
Schoolwork that matches the student’s abilities produces more positive attitudes toward learning and subject matter.
By completing their education sooner, gifted and talented individuals can begin contributing to their chosen occupations sooner.
Disadvantages of acceleration
A gifted and talented child may be able to handle the intellectual demands of acceleration but may have trouble with the social and emotional demands.
It is difficult to predict whether acceleration will benefit or create problems for a given student.
Less talented students of the same age lose the positive role model that a gifted student provides.
Acceleration produces an undesirable sense of elitism among gifted students.
From Kulik and Kulik, 1984
Coping Mechanisms Used by the Gifted to Avoid Social
Truth–“I am gifted and can do some things others can’t.”
Placate–“I’m gifted, but it’s no biggy and won’t be a problem.”
Cop-Out–“I’m gifted, and don’t like it, and can’t help it. Don’t hold it against me.”
Cover-up–“You just think I’m gifted. I’m really not, no matter how it looks. We won’t talk about it much.”
Lie–“I’m not really gifted.”
Swiatek, M. A. (1998). Helping gifted adolescents cope with social stigma. Gifted Child Today (1), 42-45.
Placement Options for Gifted
(acceleration) 1 of 2
Early entrance --students enter elementary, middle, high school, or college earlier than their agemates.
Continuous progress . Requires individualization.
Course acceleration (subject skipping)
Grade acceleration .
Placement Options for Gifted (2)
Concurrent or dual enrollment .
Credit by examination (CLEP or other).
Compacted courses.
Grouping options for gifted
Cross-age or multi-age grouping. But usually no more than 2-year span.
Subject grouping
Part-time special class with integration
Full time special class. Can go from self-contained to self-contaminated!
Magnet school.
Special courses for gifted
Honors courses. Advanced courses that focus on issues, problems, and themes not in regular education.
Advanced placement courses.
Special school.
Residential high school.
Enrichment techniques
Extensive use of
Bloom’s taxonomy
Learning contracts
Community mentors
Guest speakers
Internet partners
Web pages and other technology for sharing knowledge
Helping gifted girls in science
Do not overhelp young gifted girls
Encourage girls to trust their own judgement
Insist that girls use equipment
Introduce female role models
Techniques parents can use to foster creativity in gifted children
Fostering creativity (1)
Provide a working place where your child can make and leave a mess.
Try not to interrupt the child when she is deeply involved.
Provide some flexibility around rigid schedules that allow for prolonged work periods.
Fostering creativity (2)
Show you child how subjects integrate or blend together.
Show how history and science overlap and use one another’s facts.
Provide working materials such as throw-away items, left-over paint, etc.
Fostering creativity (3)
Children can plan trips and map the map, plan the food and demonstrate that they are needed family members.
Provide time for you and the child to be alone and have special activities.
Listen and encourage your child’s ideas.
Provide use of the kitchen, garage, or workshop for experiments.
Fostering creativity (4)
Go to the library often and discuss books with your child
On family trips, make time for talking about what the child observed.
“Creativity kits” are common materials in your home.
Be success oriented.
Avoid comparing children
Make the most of current interests, but keep an eye open for new interests.
Fostering creativity (5)
Encourage storytelling and imaginative games.
Listen to their ideas and show that you use those ideas
Pay attention to your child’s needs and act upon at least one each day.
Fostering creativity (6)
Provide your child with a camera, tape recorder, VTR, or other materials to record their ideas.
Introduce the ideas behind research, what is a problem, and how to go about solving it.
A final note on gifted . . .
Gifted people are still people; they need love, affection, reassurance, and attention, just as all others do.