Qualification details Title New Zealand Diploma in Addiction Studies (Applied) (Level 6) Version 1 Qualification type Diploma Level 6 Credits 120 NZSCED 090599 Society and Culture > Human Welfare Studies and Services > Human Welfare Studies and Services not elsewhere classified DAS classification 2210 Community and Social Services > Health, Disability, and Aged Support > Mental Health and Addiction Support Qualification developer Careerforce Next review December 2020 Approval date April 2015 Strategic purpose statement The purpose of this qualification is to provide the addiction sector with qualified workers who have specialist knowledge and skills required to contribute to, and where appropriate carry out assessment, planning and intervention for people with addictionrelated conditions. The qualification is intended for learners who want to work in the addiction sector and those who want to build on their own relevant experience and gain, or be recognised for, the specialist knowledge and skills. The community will benefit through the provision of accessible and quality services by skilled and qualified addiction intervention workers who work with, complement and are supported by, a range of registered professionals who make up the addiction sector workforce. Graduates will work within the continuum of care provided across the addiction sector as qualified addiction workers, supported by multi-disciplinary teams that include registered addiction, health and social service professionals. Outcome Statement Graduate profile Qualification Reference 2733 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Graduates of this qualification will be able to: - Respond to ethno/cultural diversity in own practice, with particular emphasis on Māori and Pasifika. - Assist in the assessment of support and intervention needs of people with addiction-related conditions. - Know and offer a range of interventions and appropriate community support options based on assessment. - Work with clients, their families and whānau in partnership to negotiate the implementation of intervention. Page 1 of 6 Education pathway - Work in partnership and collaboration with others in the workplace. - Reflect on own practice to support own performance and professional development in the addiction sector. - Use appropriate written and oral communication with clients and key stakeholders in the addiction sector. The qualification provides a pathway for people wanting to progress from related level 4 and level 5 qualifications in the health, disability and social service sector. Graduates may progress into higher level qualifications within addiction studies, or the health, disability and social service sector. Employment pathway Graduates of this qualification will be able to work in a range of settings such as non-governmental organisations, justice/corrections, social services, residential and community. Roles may include addiction support workers; caseworkers; alcohol and other drug, or problem gambling counsellors; care coordinators/navigators; programme facilitators; and night supervisors. Qualification specifications Qualification award This qualification can be awarded by education organisations that have an approved programme leading to the qualification, Industry Training Organisations that arrange training leading to the qualification or education organisations accredited to provide a programme leading to the qualification. The certificate will display the title of the qualification and the logos of the New Zealand Qualifications Framework, and the name and/or logo of the awarding education organisation. Evidence requirements for assuring consistency All education organisations offering programmes leading to the qualification must engage with the consistency reviews scheduled by NZQA, including covering actual and reasonable related costs. Each education organisation is responsible for deciding what evidence it will provide at consistency reviews to demonstrate how well its graduates meet the graduate profile outcomes. Evidence is expected to be based on self-assessment activities, for example: - Qualification Reference 2733 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 graduate destination data Page 2 of 6 - graduate surveys or evaluations of the programme - stakeholder or ‘next-user’ surveys and feedback - evidence of any bench-marking activities with other education organisations (e.g. benchmarks relating to graduate employment outcomes, assessment practice, other benchmarks) - graduates’ assessment evidence (e.g. completed assessment activities, naturally occurring evidence) - national external moderation results - capstone events. Minimum standard of achievement and standards for grade endorsements Achievement of all outcomes. There are no grade endorsements for this qualification. Entry requirements (including prerequisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements) At least one year’s practical work or voluntary experience in addiction support or related fields, including but not limited to, counselling, social work or nursing. Qualification conditions Overarching conditions relating to the qualification Conditions for programme structure Programmes must be structured in a way that ensures learners complete a minimum of 200 hours of applied learning in a workplace as part of their programme. Other conditions Programmes should accord with the principles of contemporary overarching Acts, codes and strategies, including the following (or updated versions of these): - Te Tiriti ō Waitangi - Addiction Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa New Zealand (DAPAANZ) Addiction Intervention Competency Framework (2011) - Ministry of Health Real Skills for people working in mental health and addiction (2008) - DAPAANZ Code of Ethics (2005) - The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers' Rights (1996) Programmes leading to this qualification may meet the requirements for membership with the Addiction Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa New Zealand. Education organisations who wish to include DAPAANZ registration requirements as part of their programme must approach the Addiction Practitioners’ Association Aotearoa-New Zealand to Qualification Reference 2733 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 3 of 6 confirm their programme meets the minimum requirements for registration. Specific conditions relating to the Graduate profile Qualification outcomes Conditions 1 Programmes must include: Respond to ethno/cultural diversity in own practice, with particular emphasis on Māori and Pasifika. Credit 10 2 Assist in the assessment of support and intervention needs of people with addiction-related conditions. Credit 25 3 Know and offer a range of interventions and appropriate community support options based on assessment. Credit 25 the implications of culture and ethnicity on vulnerabilities to, and expressions of, various conditions including well-being, identity, communication and health literacy. knowledge of pōwhiri, karakia, whakawhanaunga knowledge of Maori health frameworks and engagement knowledge of Pacific health frameworks and engagement Programmes must include relevant and appropriate tools/ theories/models. These may include, but are not limited to: human development theory brain development (including attachment theory) addiction models of recovery counselling social justice Te Ariari o te Oranga (coexisting problems) Addiction and mental health screening principles of pharmacology that relate to the therapeutic use and misuse of substances Programmes must include addiction-related intervention models and approaches. These may include but are not limited to: client-centred practice relapse prevention motivational approaches Meihana, Te Whare Tapa Whā cognitive behavioural approaches and other relevant talking therapies group facilitation fono fale and/or other Pasifika models case management Qualification Reference 2733 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 4 of 6 pink therapy family inclusive practice 4 Work with clients, their families and whānau in partnership to negotiate the implementation of intervention. Credit 25 5 Work in partnership and collaboration with others in the workplace. Credit 15 6 Reflect on own practice to support own performance and professional development in the addiction sector. Credit 10 7 Programmes may include, but are not limited to: whānau centric practice managed withdrawal residential including therapeutic community peer support day programmes self-help brief intervention referral to other health and social services Programmes may include, but are not limited to : recovery-oriented systems of care agencies and service delivery types effective models of partnership and collaboration Programmes may include, but are not limited to: models of self-reflection critical evaluation skills role of professional supervision personal development and self-care Use appropriate written and oral communication with clients and key stakeholders in the addiction sector. Programmes may include, but are not limited to: Credit 10 non-stigmatising language engaging with clients and family and whānau, and in therapeutic conversations supporting communities through education report writing skills Audiences may include but are not limited to: Qualification Reference 2733 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 clients and family/whanau (including Children of Parents with Mental Illness/Addiction - COPMIA) colleagues courts/corrections addiction, health and social service professionals Page 5 of 6 Transition information Replacement information This qualification replaces the following qualifications: - Te Taketake – Diploma in Applied Addiction Counselling (Level 6) [Ref:111095] - WelTec Diploma in Alcohol and Drug Studies (Level 6) [Ref: HV4213] Qualification Reference 2733 © New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015 Page 6 of 6