
-----------------------------------------------------------The translator accepts the following options
for the
for the
errormsgsfile for the error
for the
input file
output file
declarative code
The default for each of these is stderr.
In addition, -options lists the current options available.
Currently, the user can have
1) export declarations
2) declarative code
3) make_tuple function
in the C++ module. The functionality of each of these
is discussed below.
Export declaration lets the user call C++ code form the
declarative code.
An export declaration when translated generates a solver
function for the relation and a dummy function to load
this relation.
The export declaration can be used anywhere in the input
module, except in the middle of a function. It also has
to appear on a new line.
An export declaration is similar to an extern declaration,
with extern replaced by export.
A typical export declaration might look like
export int myfunc(int *, ....);
Here, the first "int" refers to the type returned by the
function "myfunc" for which the solver is being generated.
The list of arguments which the function takes follow the
function name.
Consider the following scenario :
The user is writing declarative code, and feels the need
to do some complex computation. In a C++ Module, the user
would just write the function (lets say "myfunc") and call
it. However, in order to use "myfunc" in a declarative
module, it has to be entered as a relation. With the help
of an export declaration, the user would write the function
"myfunc", make an export declaration, and run the translator
on the module.
The following example illustrates this point.
// input program
#include <stdio.h>
export double myfunc(double);
double myfunc(double x) {
return x;
The output produced is
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strings.h>
#include "coral-includes.h"
long temp__11;
extern void temp__12();
extern double
static Tuple * myfuncsolver(Tuple *query)
if (query == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Null argument passed to myfuncsolver \n");
return NULL;
int arity = query->arity();
ArgList *alist = ArgList::New(arity);
(*alist)[0] = (query->args())[0];
double arg0 ;
arg0 = (double)make_double((query->args())[0]);
double retvalue ;
retvalue = myfunc(arg0);
(*alist)[1] = make_arg(retvalue);
Tuple *return_tuple = new Tuple(alist);
return return_tuple;
double myfunc(double x) {
return x;
void temp__12()
BuiltinUserTupleRelation *temp__13;
temp__13 = new BuiltinUserTupleRelation(2, EnterSymbol("myfunc"),
The user can load the compiled version using load(filename.o).
Then the following query can be executed :
?myfunc(3.0, Ans).
2) The export decalaration lets a user call C++ code from declarative
module. Sometimes need arises to call declarative code from a C++ module.
At times, it is just more convenient to call declarative code from the
C++ routine. If, for example, the user has to initailise a base
relation with 1000 entries, one can simply put the following stmt
in the C++ module.
for (int i = 0; i< 1000; i++) {
Of course, there is an overhead for this convenience - namely writing
to a file everytime through the loop. Maybe, for such a small example,
this should never be done. This example just demonstrates the
functionality available to the user.
The \[ and \] demarcate the declarative code. Any variable within
these is treated as a coral variable unless it is preceded by a $ sign.
The $ signifies a C++ variable, whose runtime value is used. Currently,
these variables can be any of the following types : char, char *, float,
double, int.
Lets say there is a relation "emp" in the database.
Salaries have to be updated depending upon
the number of people working for each person.
The user can simply write the coral module
inside the routine declaring the relation "numofemps",
as shown below.
void Update_Sals(Relation *emp) {
module Employee.
export numofemps(bf).
:worksfor(E,E1), emp(E1,M,S).
numofemps(M, count(set(<E>))) :- worksfor(E,M).
Relation *numofemps = new Relation;
Tuple *query = make_tuple("X,Y");
call_coral("numofemps", query, numofemps);
// more code follows
This example also illustrates the use of make_tuple.