ANNUAL DEGREE PROGRAM ASSESSMENT, PLANNING AND BUDGET REPORT 2013-2014 Program Description – Sustainable Science Management (SSM) 1. Briefly respond in 100 words or less for each cautionary and/or unhealthy Quantitative Indicator (II): a. Demand Indicator: b. Effectiveness Indicator: c. Efficiency Indicator: 2. Industry Validation (check all that apply)(IV-A): Advisory Committee Meeting(s) __x, How many? _7_ Did Advisory Committee discuss CASLO/PLO? Yesx__ No__ Coop Ed Placements __ Fund raising activities/events x__ Service Learning x__ Provide program services that support campus and/or community __ Outreach to public schools __ Partner with other colleges, states and/or countries x__ Partner with businesses and organizations x__ Other__ Describe_______________________________________________________________________ 3. List PLOs (attach Program Map)(IV): Program Student Learning Outcomes 1 Examine ways in which the features and functions of multiple systems are interconnected, and explain how one system can be optimized without degrading other systems or depleting natural resources. 2 Investigate, discover and summarize federal, state, local and industry codes, standards, laws, regulations, and guidelines. 3 Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing techniques. 4 Describe the unique sustainability challenges faced by island communities 5 Identify, outline and illustrate the fundamentals of existing and emerging technologies in energy production, distribution and management; water supply; wastewater treatment; and waste management; their applications, processes and requirements. 6 Appraise, evaluate, summarize, and explain the economic, social, cultural, political, and scientific features that make a system, process, practice, or business sustainable and consolidate that information into a sustainability profile. 7 Propose and justify creative solutions to sustainability challenges that are scientifically sound. 8 Demonstrate skills related to managing sustainability projects including defining scope, selecting achievable goals, evaluating ethical implications, working with diverse teams, making presentations, and preparing reports. 9 Apply academic learning to real-world demands and activities. SSM S-PLO Levels by Course PLO 1 PLO 2 PLO 3 PLO 4 PLO 5 PLO 6 PLO 7 PLO 8 PLO 9 SSM 101 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 SSM 201 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 SSM 202 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 2 SSM301 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 SSM302 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 SSM 375 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 SSM 393V 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 SSM 401 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 SSM 402 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 2 3 SSM 403 2 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 SSM 422 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 2 SSM 495/6 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 4. Instrument used for assessment (check all that apply) (IV-B): Work Sample__ Portfolio__ Project __ Exam __ Writing Sample _X_ Other_x_ Please explain_____Capstone course assessed on progress of work and final presentations Course Assessed Program Learning Outcome (PLO) Assessed PLO # 3 - Assess the feasibility of investing in sustainability measures using simple payback, return on investment, and life cycle costing SSM 496 techniques. PLO # 9 - apply academic learning to real-world demands and activities. Assessment Tool Exceeds Meets Inadequate Class Participation n/a Testing n/a Presentations XX Overall PLO Score XX Overall PLO % 100% Class participation n/a Testing n/a Presentations XX Overall PLO Score XX Overall PLO % 100% Unacceptable 5. Which course or courses did you use to assess PLOs and CASLO (IV-C)? SSM 496 6. List strengths and weaknesses found from PLO assessment analysis (IV-E): Strengths: Excellent high level analysis and creativity, good opportunity for real world application. Weaknesses: Somewhat unorthodox format, referencing sometimes unclear. 7. List CASLO assessment findings highlights (attach CASLO report) (IV-E): Strengths: Excellent high level analysis and creativity, good opportunity for real world application. Weaknesses: Somewhat unorthodox format, referencing sometimes unclear. 8. Action Plan (III) and Next Steps (IV-G): a. PLO- PLOs should over time be reduced in number and made broader to show a variety of learning. b. CASLO- Broaden committee participation, underscore workplace participation. c. Program improvement- refine capstone reporting protocols, include non-traditional research in taught classes. 9. Chart of resource needs (IV) Budget request Amount Fill faculty vacancy $75,000 Establish intern fund $10,000 Create SSM dedicated resources fund $2500 Justification for how this will improves learning Allows students to meet graduation goals, enhances diversification and reliability of coursework and course offerings. Internships are critical to SSM ‘applied’ program. When program can offer matching funds the quality of internship opportunities improves. Program has no ability to subscribe to scholarly journals or associate with other similar programs. Sustainability is a dynamic field and contemporary review is critical to student learning and proficiency. * Roman numerals indicate related category for system input