Partnerships for Smart Diplomacy “Multilateralism and Multipolarity” Adapting foreign policy to new geostrategic realities. Annual Reunion of the Romanian Diplomacy Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bucharest 1 September 2010 Amir Dossal Executive Director The UN Office for Partnerships 1 Partnerships in the United Nations System UN system has been partnering with the private sector and civil society for over 60 years. The last decade has seen increased interest from non-state actors to support UN causes, leading to: – Increase in number – Increase in significance – Increase in scope – Strategic Partnerships – New creative partners and resources “Addressing global challenges requires a collective and concerted effort, involving all actors. Through partnerships and alliances, and by pooling comparative advantages, we increase our chances of success.” UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon 2 Global Partnerships Partnerships are becoming increasingly important Entrepreneurial approach Various actors involved (Government, NGOs, private sector, foundations, etc.) Capacity of partnerships goes beyond traditional development aid Multi-lateral strategic partnerships 3 Leveraging the Partnership Platform Partnerships as a foreign policy tool: – For public diplomacy – For specific policy objectives – For development goals Partnerships for practical problem solving Creating a “partnership-friendly” environment 4 US Engagement globally US ODA in 2009: US $ 28.67 billion* US FDI outflow in 2008: US$ 311.7 billion* US Charitable giving in 2008: est. $307.65 billion* *Sources: OECD for ODA, UNCTAD for FDI, Giving USA Foundation for charitable giving 5 Types of Partnerships Global Campaigns Advocacy/ Outreach Operational Partnerships Policies/ Norms Management 6 Millennium Development Goals In September 2000, heads of 189 member states ratified the Millennium Declaration. The Declaration established 8 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which become an agreed blueprint for accelerating improvements in the lives of the world’s poor by 2015. These 8 MDGs directly address social, economic and environmental dimensions of worldwide development, and help to prioritize some of our greatest challenges in the 21st century. 7 The Eight MDGs 8 Changing Landscape of Partnerships UNOP serves as a Catalyst and Facilitator for innovative multi-stakeholders partnerships, working with Governments, Private Sector, Civil Society and International organizations. Private Sector Brand Equity MDGs Management Skills CSR Resources Grass-roots Network and Outreach Smart Philanthropy Technologies Operating Discipline Field-level Distribution Deepening Interdependencies Understanding Corporate Cultures 9 How to get engaged? 1. Leverage know-how, capacity and resources 2. Capitalize enterprise solutions to poverty that are commercially viable 3. Sustain access to needed goods, services, and employment opportunities 4. Engage in public policy dialogue and serve as an advocate for causes and campaigns 5. Media and communication (Articles, Speeches and Op-eds) 6. Creative use of social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) 7. Share best practice and lessons learned 8. Help design innovative programmes and projects 9. Fund new and/or existing projects 10. Bring on board new partners 10 Guiding Principles for United Nations-Business Cooperation Advance UN Goals: The objective needs to be articulated clearly and must advance UN goals. Clear Delineation of Responsibilities and Roles: the partnership arrangement must be based on a clear understanding of respective roles and expectations, with accountability and clear division of responsibility. Maintain Integrity and Independence: partnership arrangements should not diminish the UN’s integrity, independence and impartiality. No Unfair Advantage: Every member of the business community should have the opportunity to propose cooperative arrangements, subject to the applicable guidelines and criteria of the specific UN agency, fund or programme concerned. Cooperation should not imply endorsement or preference of a particular business entity or its products or services. Transparency: Cooperation with the business sector must be transparent. Information on the nature and scope of cooperative arrangements should be available within the Organization or to the public at large. 11 The UN Office for Partnerships Organizational Structure UNDEF Advisory Board Secretary-General Partnerships Advisory Board Deputy Secretary-General United Nations Office for Partnerships United Nations Fund for International Partnerships Partnership Advisory and Outreach Service United Nations Democracy Fund 12 The UN Office for Partnerships Serves as a gateway for collaboration between the private sector and foundations, and the United Nations family. Promotes new partnerships and alliances Promotes the Millennium Development Goals Provides support to new initiatives of the SecretaryGeneral. UNOP is comprised of 3 sections: – United Nations Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) – United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) – Partnership Advisory and Outreach service 13 The UN Fund for International Partnerships (UNFIP) Established by the SecretaryGeneral in March 1998 to serve as the interface between the UN system and the UN Foundation – the public charity responsible for administering Ted Turner’s $1 billion contribution in support of UN causes. To date over US$1 billion has been programmed for over 400 projects implemented by 39 UN entities in 123 countries Thematic Contributions by the UN Foundation through UNFIP Environment, 162 938 932 Children's Health, 619 404 908 Other, 63 384 023 Women and Population, 135 993 119 Peace, Security and Human Rights, 49 485 198 14 United Nations Democracy Fund (UNDEF) The World Summit Outcome declared that Democracy is a universal value; there is no single model of democracy; it does not belong to any country or region. The Heads of State and Government welcomed the establishment of a Democracy Fund at the United Nations. As of today the Fund has allocated more then US$ 78 million for 211 projects in more than 100 countries and territories. It supports Civil Society Organisations who present actionoriented projects with tangible improvements in democracy and human rights; projects that focus on gender equality and the participation of vulnerable groups. Democracy Fund supported projects foster democratic dialogue and support for constitutional processes; civil society empowerment; civic education, voter registration and political parties strengthening; citizens access to information; accountability, transparency and integrity. 15 Partnership Advisory Services and Outreach (PASO) a) Provides advice on appropriate strategies for developing and managing partnerships in support of United Nations goals and objectives and related operational activities; b) Provides technical advice to United Nations offices, departments and entities concerning partnership building, advocacy and resource mobilization strategies with the private sector, foundation and civil society partners; c) Provides advice to external entities on United Nations procedures and best practices; d) Provides advice on strategies for effective outreach; e) Identifies opportunities for public-private partnerships for advocacy support and for supporting operational activities of the United Nations, including resource mobilization in support of United Nations causes; f) Facilitates the engagement of private sector, civil society and philanthropic leadership in the work of the United Nations system, including by convening meetings to promote dialogue and outreach with relevant United Nations entities on partnership opportunities, strategies and policy issues; g) Facilitates and brokers engagement and dialogue between companies signatories to the Global Compact and relevant United Nations system partners, including senior management, technical experts and the network of private sector focal points, with a view of converting principles into practice; h) Assists in the design of programmes and projects; i) Helps establish and, in some cases, manage global and regional networks, and partnerships. *Source: ST/SGB/2009/14, dated 18 December 2009. In 2009, the Office handled nearly 1,400 enquires 16 Accomplishments of UNOP UNFIP: By the end of 2008, 455 projects have been implemented by 39 United Nations entities in 123 countries. Total funding reached $1.06 billion in 11 years, 42% of which came from UN Foundation’s allocation, while the rest was generated via other private and civil society partners. UNDEF: By 2008, 204 initiatives out of a total of 1,873 applications from 137 countries were approved with a funding of $58.7 million. In 2007, applications increased by 45%. UNDEF also enlarged the donor base to 35 Member States to boost funding to $91 million. PASO: In 2009, 1,400 plus external requests came through UNOP for partnership advisory assistance, a 40% increase over 2008. Out of the total activities conducted by UNOP, 60% was for advisory services. (numbers from 2009 Roland Rich) *Source: Annual Report of the Secretary-General A/64/91, dated 12 August 2009 Measurable Reportable Verifiable 17 Challenges in a multilateral environment Need for cohesion Avoiding overlap Smart reporting Smart accountability Replicability Delivering as One Organizational and cultural differences 18 Partnerships as a Foreign Policy Tool Aid creates dependency, Investment makes you independent Encouraging entrepreneurship at the local level Incubation of facilities Using advertising dollars for strategic initiatives Achieving intl. objectives beyond current capabilities Creative and innovative partnerships 19 Some Examples of Social Partnerships Ericsson: Provided in-kind contributions of mobile communication equipment and expertise for humanitarian relief operations. Google: The UN Environment Program uses Google’s 3D Google Earth browser to track environmental changes across the globe. Coca-Cola: Coca-Cola’s distribution network was a key resource in the post tsunami relief efforts. Moving the World is a multi-million dollar project in which TNT is helping the World Food Program with logistics, communications and fund raising for humanitarian emergencies. Nestlé: The UN Office for Partnerships is discussing with Nestlé a potential collaboration on the water needs in Africa. About half of Nestlé’s factories are in rural areas in the developing world, and are a natural platform for addressing problems of water, food availability, and socio-economic development. (new partnerships, will kennedy ask for input for new social and advocacy partnerships)20 Some Examples of Social Partnerships (cont’d) Dow Chemical: The Dow Chemical Company started a round-the-world run (Blue Planet Run) together with Motorola, Skype and PayPal, to raise attention for over 1 billion people without access to safe drinking water. Dow is also providing $30 million to support the financing of up to 2,000 community water systems, serving 11 million people without access to safe drinking water in rural India. Microsoft: The Microsoft Unlimited Potential initiative helps individuals and communities around the globe achieve their goals and dreams through relevant, accessible and affordable technologies. Programme areas include education, innovation and employment creation. It aims to bring the benefits of relevant, accessible and affordable software to 5 billion more people, with an initial milestone of reaching the next 1 billion by 2015. 21 Some Examples of Social Partnerships (cont’d) • Haiti Hope Project: With the support of the Haitian Government, The Coca-Cola Company, the Inter-American Development Bank, and TechnoServe are partnering on this five-year project, estimated at $7.5 million. It aims to double the incomes of 25,000 fruit farmers in Haiti and to raise their standard of living while contributing to the long-term development and revitalization of Haiti. 22 Some Examples of Advocacy Partnerships Nothing But Nets: A creative initiative started through an article in Sports Illustrated. Led by the NBA and the UN Foundation - donate $10 to “send a net, save a life” - pays for an insecticide treated bed net to a family in need in Africa, and provides education on its proper use to prevent Malaria. More than 1.8 million nets have been provided so far. UN-Marvel Partnership: DPI and the UN Office for Partnerships are working with Marvel Entertainment, Inc. to create a comic book about the United Nations collaborating with world renowned Marvel super heroes to highlight global problems. The comic book will initially be distributed free to one million U.S. schoolchildren via Marvel’s in-school network Cover Concepts. 23 Some Examples of Investment Partnerships Business Advisory Council (BAC) for the Greater Tumen Region: The Office for Partnerships has been supporting the Greater Tumen Initiative and developed a BAC to attract new investment to the region. It consists of senior business leaders from the countries of the Greater Tumen Region (the People’s Republic of China, Mongolia, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea and Russian Federation) and foreign investors operating in these countries. (Please also visit the BAC Homepage for more information) Regional Centre for Partnerships in the Middle East and North Africa in Qatar (proposed): The Centre will provide a leadership role in facilitating strategic partnerships at the regional, national, and international levels across all sectors in support of the MDGs. It will also be a centre of excellence for training on partnerships to enable various stakeholders to be partnership-ready. The Centre will contribute to local capacity building and provide employment opportunities for youth in the region. Global Business Council: Together with the Commonwealth Business Council, the UN Office for Partnerships is setting-up a Global Business Council in support of the MDGs. It will provide leadership in increasing international trade and investment flows, create new business opportunities, promote good governance and CSR, reduce the digital divide, and integrate developing countries into the global market. 24 Some Recent Partnerships/Advisory Services 25 “Today, the United Nations Foundation is a key Partner and ally for the United Nations, serving as an architect of new and innovative alliances to advance UN goals. We have focused on creating partnerships that magnify the power that people, Governments and organizations, public or private, have - working together - to effect change and promote a world of good.“ -Ted Turner, Chairman and Founder, UN Foundation Dr. Asha-Rose Migiro and Mr. Ted Turner at an event held 14 May 2007 to launch Microsoft Investment Strategy in Africa. 26 Acknowledgements • H.E. Mr. Teodor Baconschi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Romania • Mr. Bogdan Aurescu, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania • Mr. Doru Costea, Secretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania • Mr. Stefan Tinca, Political Director, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Romania • H.E. Ambassador Simona Miculescu, Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations • Mr. Traian Filip, Deputy Permanent Representative of Romania to the United Nations • Ms. Yesim Oruc, UNDP Resident Representative a.i. 27 Thank You Thank you for your kind attention For further information, please contact the UN Office for Partnerships Lucie Brigham Chief of Office E-mail: Phone: +1-212-963-3441 Fax: +1-212-963-1486 For more information please refer to: 28