Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work

Working with Partners to Develop Skills for Learning, Skills for Life and Skills for Work
Building the Curriculum 4 states that:
“Curriculum for Excellence can best be delivered through partnership working. All establishments should work with partners and share a
common understanding and language around skills development and application. Together, they should plan and deliver learning and other
experiences which meet the needs of individual children and young people.”
Partnership working can add value to the learning experiences of young people. It offers a host of opportunities linked to skills development
including insights into real life learning contexts, and possible progressions beyond school. Think creatively about what partners you can
engage with to provide the entitlement of Skills for Learning, Life and Work.
Use Table 1 to reflect on the engagement with partners you already work with. Consider how the partner(s) is/are involved in not only the
delivery of the curriculum but also the planning of the learning.
Use Table 2 and identify any gaps and potential future partners.
TABLE 1: Current Partnerships
Partner Organisation
Activity involved
What made the involvement
Next steps in development…..
TABLE 2: Potential Partnerships
Partner Organisations
Community Learning and Development
(Youth Work Service / Adult Learning
Service / Community Capacity Building
Skills Development Scotland
Voluntary Organisations (including
uniformed orgs)
Emergency Services
Local Employer
Health Improvement
Other Schools
College / Further Education
Possible Activity
What would make the involvement
Next steps required in