PR Task Force Meeting Notes April 12, 2016

PCCD Program Review Task Force
April 12, 2016
Meeting Minutes
Present: Rochelle Olive (COA), Cheli Fossum (Laney), Louis Quindlen (Laney), Joseph
Beilanski (BCC), Mario Rivas (Merritt), Linda Sanford (consultant)
Entire meeting devoted to the development of the new Annual Program Update Template.
Agreed to include the following:
Question about the date of last Program Review and whether it was validated.
Include an equity question. See Foothill’s question #2.
Data questions. See Bakersfield’s question #3.
Keep the data set small but include disaggregated demographics, productivity, student
success metrics (retention and completion) and comparisons of DE versus face-to-face
In the directions, emphasize that the APU is a planning document focusing upon reporting
and reflecting upon progress in attaining goals set in the last Program Review and
demonstration of continuous quality improvement.
Include a question that queries discipline/departmental/program strategies alignment with
the colleges’ goals and SSSP, Equity, and Basic Skills plans. See Foothill’s question #2.
Linda will compile the recommendations from the last two meetings into a draft document which
can be discussed and refined at the next meeting in two weeks, on April 26, 2016 from 10 a.m. –