Counseling FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Click one of the links below to navigate to a specific category within this document (press ctrl & click): SYSTEM ACCESS (page 1) OUT OF DISTRICT TRANSCRIPTS (page 2) PREREQUISITES & MILESTONES (page 2) PCCD TRANSCRIPTS (page 3) PCCD DEGREE AUDIT (page 4) Question ROSTERS & CLASS INFORMATION (page 4) CATEGORICAL PROGRAMS (page 7) STUDENT EDUCATIONAL PLAN (page 5) SERVICE INDICATORS (page 8) MIS/MATRICULATION (page 5) MISCELLANEOUS (page 8) STUDENT & PCCD E-MAIL (page 5) ENROLLMENT (page 6) Answer PASSPORT Navigation SYSTEM ACCESS (back to the top) Access the PROMT website - From campus, type PROMT into your web browser. - From home, use Enter your username and password - Username= first part of your Peralta email (John Smith = jsmith) - Password = the password you use for your Peralta email Under Enterprise Menu, choose the PeopleSoft link. 1. How do I log onto Passport? Under the PeopleSoft menu, choose the Student Administration 8.9 link. The PASSPORT window will open to the main menu home page. Start Navigation from this page. 2. How should I logoff of Passport? 1 Counseling Training FAQs Make sure to click the Sign Out links on both the PASSPORT page and the PROMT menu page. Click “sign out” in upper right hand corner of the screen. Edited: JBW 12/09 OUT OF DISTRICT TRANSCRIPTS 3. What is the process for external transcripts to be evaluated up front/early when the student This is currently not available. begins coursework at Peralta? 4. Can external transcripts be scanned and attached to a student’s record? This is currently under discussion with the implementation of Academic AdvisingPeopleSoft Component. No implementation date has been set. 5. How will degree applicable courses that aren't equivalent to a specific PCCD course, but are counted toward an equivalent subject area, be recorded as transfer credit? This is currently not available in PeopleSoft. There is no change in current business practice of evaluating on a case by case basis. PREREQUISITES & MILESTONES 6. How are automatic drops in a future term due to failed grade in a prerequisite course taken in the current term communicated to the student? Will a student be notified when they are automatically un-enrolled from a class? At the end of each semester, approximately 2 weeks after grades are posted; students that failed a prerequisite course will be automatically dropped and sent a hard copy letter as well as an email to their personal and campus email addresses. 7. Milestone pages should display the UserID of the person who added the milestone. Does a report or query exist that provides this audit information? If so, which report? This is a system modification. Currently, there is not a delivered audit of the milestone page entry. 8. Are recommended courses listed in Passport based on student assessment scores? 2 Counseling Training FAQs No, refer to your copy of the cut-off scores for assessment testing. This is also available on the PCCD website. (back to the top) NAVIGATION to view Transfer Credit: Records & Enrollment>Transfer Credit Evaluation>Transfer Credit Summary (back to the top) 1. On the PCCD homepage scroll down and link to ‘District Info’ at the bottom of page. 2. Select link to ‘Institutional Research’ (middle column) 3. Select link to Matriculation Either in Quick Launch box on the left ‘Research/Matriculaton’ or In the right column under Research ‘Matriculation’ 4. Scroll down in middle column to Assessment and select ‘Assessment Test Cut-off Scores ’ Edited: JBW 12/09 9. Need detailed explanation of how to identify which milestone to apply to a student’s record. The most current/updated milestone list should be accessible online. Counselors will be notified when it is updated & when all pre/co-requisites listed in PCCD catalogs be added. PCCD TRANSCRIPTS 10. How do I print an unofficial PCCD transcript? Use the transcript request function in PASSPORT. See Passport navigation for menu path. *Make sure you have noted the student’s entire ID number before starting the request 11. Can students request an official transcript No. They still have to request official from the Student Center? transcripts through A&R. PDF version – shows this information. 12. Transcript report does not show labels for HTML version – does not show this the Attempted and Completed columns information and it would be a major modification to the system. No, there is no change in current business 13. On the transcript, will information such as practice. Currently the IGETC UC/CSU transferable, area information or information is being displayed on the completion of CSUGE IGETC for each transcripts upon completion of student’s course be displayed? certification request. FERPA restrictions do not apply to the Student transcript. If a student signs a 14. Do FERPA restrictions apply to transcripts? release to send an official transcript to a third party, then they are giving their i.e. address, DOB will not display on transcript if FERPA restriction is designated written consent. Peralta staff that has access to unofficial transcripts meets the by student. FERPA policy of having a “need to know” the information in order to do their official functions on campus. 3 Counseling Training FAQs Click here for more information about milestones. (back to the top) Records and Enrollment> Transcripts> Transcript Request . Edited: JBW 12/09 PCCD DEGREE AUDIT 15. Where will the detail from the /THD screen display? Queries will be available in Fall 2008 to provide this information. They are: transcript data by subject, degree applicable units by campus, and transcript data by GPA type. 16. Will there be any easier way to view queries as opposed to typing in lengthy report names? For example, select the query name from a list of existing queries? You can enter the first few characters of the query name and then click the Lookup button. A list of queries matching the criteria specified display and then you can select from the results list. 17. Will the Major worksheets found on the W drive be put in PASSPORT? No, you will still have access to these worksheets in the W drive for degree evaluation. This is planned for phase II with the degree audit feature in Academic Advising. (back to the top) Reporting Tools> Query> Query Viewer Reporting Tools> Query> Query Viewer Queries can also be added to the “Favorite Query” section of the Query Viewer page for quicker access. ROSTERS & CLASS INFORMATION (back to the top) 18. /IAS screen – where do counselors see this information in PASSPORT Faculty Center will display an instructor’s schedule. Counselors have access to this page. 19. Will historical course detail be listed in the online course catalog? The Passport course catalog contains all course data for courses offered with enrollment from fall 1988. Counselors have view access to Course Catalog 20. Can the student’s access be restricted to online viewing of the schedule of classes only? The catalog search function will not be active in production for anyone. 21. Will counselors have access to class information previously available on the /SCI legacy screen? Reporting Tools> Query> Query Viewer> Can view SCI, as they exist in Passport, as PCC_SA_SCI queries Self Service> Faculty Center / Curriculum Management> Course Catalog> Course Catalog 22. Will counselors have access to class information previously available on the /SFI Can view SFI, as they exist in Passport, as queries. legacy screen? Reporting Tools> Query> Query Viewer> PCC_SA_SFI 23. Will counselors have access to class rosters for which they are not the instructor? Curriculum Management> Class Roster Search by Instructor ID or Last Name, First Name 4 Counseling Training FAQs Counselors currently have view access only. Edited: JBW 12/09 Currently the system does not show this information as a separate search and it would be a major modification to the system. You CAN see the online courses, sorted by campus or by discipline, by skipping to the last field in the Additional Search Criteria (Mode of Instruction) and selecting the second entry in the dropdown menu: Distance Ed/DI/Internet based). 24. Can we look at only online courses (sorted by online) included in the PASSPORT catalog/schedule of classes? STUDENT EDUCATION PLAN (SEP) 25. Is there an SEP in PASSPORT? Not at this time. MIS/MATRICULATION 26. Can counselors record exemptions or refusals on the MIS Matriculation pages? No, there is no change in current practice. Counselors should complete the bottom portion of the pink matriculation checklist for any exemptions/waivers or matriculation refusal form and forward the checklist/form to the Assessment Center or other designated personnel for data entry. 27. Will a student be able to view his or her Assessment Score from the student center? Not at this time. 28. Can special pops MIS records be rolled forward to the next term such that new data rows do not have to be added each term for continuing students? Yes, this has been implemented for EOPS, at their request and is done at the beginning of each semester. STUDENT & PCCD E-MAIL 29. How does a student access their Peralta email account? 5 Counseling Training FAQs Student email accounts are now available. (back to the top) Please click here for the electronic online SEP (Word Document). (back to the top) (back to the top) Please click here for more information. Edited: JBW 12/09 30. Can a student forward their Peralta email to another preferred personal account? If yes, how is this done? Yes, students currently have the ability to forward their Peralta emails to another preferred personal account 31. What is the process for an instructor to request a student be allowed to enroll in a class when the capacity limit is reached? There is no change in business practice. Students will need the instructor’s signature on an ADD Slip and submit at the A&R Office. There is no change in business process. Students cannot enroll through selfservice; they must enroll in person. Students select the number of units when enrolling in the class. They can change the # of units in their Student Center through the last day to add. After this date students must go to A&R. Instructors cannot change this number on their grade roster. ENROLLMENT 32. How is enrollment for locked classes being processed? 33. How does a student enroll in a variable unit class, (must select a choice of units)? 6 Counseling Training FAQs Note: Currently, this can only be done via either an IE 7 or IE 8 browser: 1. Click on the Options link, in your account, 2. Click on Organize E-mail. 3. Under Inbox Rules, click on the New button. 4. Under the "When the message arrives, and:" drop-down, select "[Apply to all messages]". 5. Under the "Do the following:" drop-down, you can select either "Redirect the message to..." (if you want the original sender's SMTP address to stay on the From line) or "Forward the message to..." (if you want the message that arrives in the external account to say it came from your Outlook Live account. Note: In the "Address Book" screen that comes up, in the "To" box(under "Message recipients", type in the e-mail address that you want the messages to get forwarded, or redirected, to, and then click on the OK button. 6. Click on the Save button. (back to the top) Please click here for step by step instructions. Edited: JBW 12/09 34. Will counselors have access to enrollment information previously available on the /ENR legacy screen? Can view ENR, as they exist in Passport, as queries. . 35. What is the process for students to repeat a course, enroll in course they have taken previously? In order to repeat a course (to enroll more than once for any reason) students will go to Admissions & Records office to enroll. A&R staff will evaluate and if permitted, they will override the block and then enroll the student in the course. (Passport cannot evaluate if the repeat is allowable.) 36. Is the .5 minimum enrollment limit enforced for drops prior to the Drop deadline? There is no minimum; students can drop to zero units. 37. Will students be able to go back and take a lower level course (that they have not taken before) after they have taken the next higher-level course? For example, a student receives assessment placement recommendation of ESL21A. The student then enrolls and completes ESL21A. They now want to take ESL201B; will the new system prevent them from doing this in the future? There is no change in business practiced. The system will prevent enrollment in ESL201B unless ESL201A is completed or the milestone is cleared for ESL201B. CATEGORICAL PROGRAMS 38. 39. 40. Reporting Tools> Query> Query Viewer> PCC_SA_ENR (back to the top) Can a field for the number of counselor contacts be added to the CAL Works pages? Counselor contacts are input into SARS. Counselors need to know the number of students in EOPS programs. Is there a report that lists the student names in the special populations? This report has been completed and security assigned to approved users. Peralta SA Custom>Student Administration Reports>Print EOPS list. Access limited to approved users only. What is the process for a counselor to request the state-required EOPS/CARE reports that were generated from the mainframe? These reports include how This report has been completed and security assigned to approved users. Peralta SA Custom>Student Administration Reports>Print EOPS list. Access limited to approved users only. 7 Counseling Training FAQs Edited: JBW 12/09 many students in the program by term. SERVICE INDICATORS Counselors can clear service indicators 41. What service indicators can counselors clear? associated with holds for new matriculation students, progress probation and/or academic probation. No change in business practice, continued clearance for A&R and/or counselors. This procedure mirrors the /RAP screen clearance (scheduling an enrollment appt). A&R should clear new matric service indicator hold (or schedule an appt in /RAP screen) when the student brings the completed pink matric checklist 42. What is a new matric hold? When/who should clear the service indicator for new steps completed. While this can be performed in A&R, counselor ability to matric hold? clear should also continue. For example, when the student brings the pink matric checklist & counselor contact is last step to be completed or when counselor is approving an exemption waiver for matric step(s) and filling out the bottom portion of the matric checklist that is to be sent to the Assessment Center for data input. 43. Is there a history of service indicators Yes, it is called a Service Indicator Audit. available to counselors? MISCELLANEOUS 44. Where do counselors add notes and comments? 45. Where does faculty see FSA data online? 8 Counseling Training FAQs (back to the top) Campus Community> Student Services Ctr (student)> Enter student information to search/access student record> General Info tab> Edit Service Indicators Campus Community>Service Indicators (Student)>Service (back to the top) Comments/notes should be added to the “notepad” or comment line in SARS. There is not a place in the student system to record this. FSA’s are in HR. Edited: JBW 12/09