Peralta Community College District
Resolution 09/10-13
A Resolution to Amend Peralta’s Governing Board Policy 6.39
Regarding Travel Disclosure and Ratification
Whereas, the Board of Trustees authorizes members of the faculty, classified staff, administration and Board of Trustees to participate in off-campus conferences, meetings and similar activities which will be beneficial to the enhancement of the Peralta Colleges; and
Whereas, travel may be requested to perform District business which cannot be accomplished by telephone or correspondence or to attend professional conferences and programs and;
Whereas, the Board of Trustees finds that it is good practice to secure Board of
Trustees ’ Ratification of such travel; and
Whereas, reimbursement for “actual and necessary travel expenses” may be open to interpretation and;
Whereas, best practices call for a “Per Diem” system for approved travel expenses as opposed to “reimbursement procedures” currently in place; and
Whereas, the Board of Trustees finds that it is important to be transparent in all endeavors especially with District financial resources; therefore be it
Resolved, that Board Policy 6.39 be amended so that all travel for District employees and administrators shall be approved by the Chancellor or his designee and that the Chancellor will list all such approved travel on the consent calendar for ratification as an informational item on board agendas; further be it
Resolved, that Board Policy 6.39 be amended to reflect a “Per Diem System” for travel instead of “actual and necessary travel expenses” reimbursement to lighten administrative burden on the District system and to limit circumstances where there will be actual reimbursement for travel; and further be it
Resolved, that it is the policy of the Board that District funds may not be used for gratuities in accordance with local customs as it may be construed as a “gift of taxpayer funds”.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 13 th day of October, 2009, by a unanimous vote of the
Board, unless the minutes reflect otherwise.
Elihu Harris, Chancellor and Board Secretary