07-12-06 Minutes

Peralta Communit y College District
ADOPTED MINUTES – July 12, 2006
Meeting of the Board’s Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee
Meeting Date:
Wednesday, July 12, 2006, 5:00 pm to 6:45 pm
District Administrative Center
Department of General Service
Physical Plant Conference Room
333 E. 8th Street
Oakland, CA 94606
Dr. Sadiq B. Ikharo, Vice Chancellor of General Services
Trustee Dr. William Riley
Trustee Bill Withrow
Trustee Dr. Nicky González Yuen
Joseph Bielanski, Academic Senate
Robert Beckwith, Facilities Operations Manager
Item #1 - Consider Minutes of the last Board Facilities & Land Use Planning
Committee: February 24, 2006 meeting minutes were approved.
Item #2 - 2006 Capital Outlay Bond:
Dr. Ikharo provided an update as follows:
The $390 million dollar budget was put together by the committee for Measure A.
The District will fund the Measure A Bond annually, $75-$100 million dollars a year
over a 4-year period.
Measure A bond is not restricted to capital buildings and construction only.
Measure A will be applied to utilities infrastructures and building upgrades. Other
areas of expenditures include technology upgrades.
Most of the buildings that the District currently owns need to be gutted and upgraded
to California Building Codes, especially if the cost for renovation is over 50% of
replacement value.
The bond will allow the District to take ownership of maintenance programs.
Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting
Minutes of July 12, 2006 Meeting
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There are no restrictions with regards to new capital projects, except those imposed
by the present load cap capacity and over-built.
Due to the build-out restriction, new structures cannot just be added, except to replace
existing ones.
The Chancellor held a meeting with all the college Presidents and has instructed them
to create a list of their equipment and furniture needs, in order of importance.
Equipment & furniture listing must be tied to the bond language in order to be in
A strategic planning committee that will be comprised of the Chancellor; Vice
Chancellors and College Presidents will make recommend how the funds should be
initiate for equipment and furniture purchases. Recommendations will be presented
to the Board for approval.
The college Presidents must have an educational master plan for the 10-year period.
This is work in progress and is not set in stone.
There is concern that the college Presidents’ assessment of what is needed will not
reflect the actual needs of the instructors and might not be current. An assessment
was done one two years ago and may not accurately reflect the current needs of the
Facility and College.
Trustee Riley asked with all the Measure A restrictions how hard will it make attempts at
gaining staff to maintain the project? Dr. Ikharo explained that funds from the bond will be
used to pay for this. Funds from Measure A, not Measure E, will be used for these
Trustee González Yuen asked when will we have a dollar-for- dollar plan that actually shows
how the bond money will be spent and when. Per Dr. Ikharo responded dollar- for-dollar
plan will be distributed by June/2007.
Dr. Ikharo also reported that he has made a proposition to the Administration that would
bring in a project manager position (Director of Capital Projects) to be able to assist the
District to manage new capital outlay projects, saving the District money in doing so. The
salaries will come out of Measure A. There are two other positions that we are considering,
one being an in-house Moving Coordinator that would take the place of using a consultant.
This would help the District to effectively save money, in the long run. Currently, the
colleges spend upwards of $5 million dollars annually on construction management alone. It
was suggested that any positions that are totally funded with bond money should have that
reflected in the job description postings.
Item #4 - Update and Review of Existing District and Campus Projects:
Dr. Ikharo reported the following updates.
Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting
Minutes of July 12, 2006 Meeting
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College of Alameda - Building A: CMA (Project Managers) has been released from its
scope of work due to contractual issues. The District has contracted Olivia Rocha, Olive
Construction to provide project management services for the COA projects and supervise
other projects located at Laney and Merritt.
Other projects in progress are:
Merritt and Laney: Transformer replacement projects, lighting retrofits and new
boiler replacements.
College of Alameda: Building A renovations.
Berkeley City College: Furniture move will take place on August 21, 2006. Move
will take approximately five (5) days to complete. The District has hired Vanguard
Lagota (Board Approved) to coordinate this move. The Fire Marshall requires the
District to affirm that the building is built to code (i.e. elevator, sprinklers) before the
District is able to open for operation.
Berkeley City College Openings: The building is scheduled to open for class
registration on July 21, 2006. All systems will be functional and fully tested before
the August 16, 2006.
Laney Library Project: The Laney library carpet project should be completed by
Laney Art Annex: Laney Art Annex ribbon cutting ceremony is scheduled for
Item #3 – Update of District-wide Sustainability & Energy Efficiency Program:
Beckwith reported that the District is currently working with the local Investor Owned Utility
(IOU) PG&E and intends to work with Alameda Power & Telecom because they have
similar programs. The current program is to secure some rebate funds from PG&E but also
for some capital funds from the State, Partnership Program. The District is on the shortlist for
5 or 6 projects that will save considerable energy- two of the six projects will have a
payback of one year-and-a half to two- and- a- half years. This is in part due to the rebates as
well as the continued energy savings.
Dr. Ikharo explained that it is important to utilize the energy savings plan as it will help the
District to use the least power to operate the District’s equipment. The Laney College
swimming pool should be looked at with regards to utilizing cogeneration. The District is
also looking into the use of solar panels for the Merritt and COA parking lots.
LEED Certification: Green certification vs. an uncertified building will cost only a couple
of percentages more. Beckwith will get more involved in the LEED aspect and will work
towards becoming certification which should be completed in October/2006.
Board Facilities & Land Use Planning Committee Meeting
Minutes of July 12, 2006 Meeting
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Miscellaneous: Dr. Ikharo set a tentative timeline to acquire staff needed for August/2006
or September/2006. Human Resources staff is currently reviewing options for obtaining an
internal moving coordinator. Given the amount of money the District is asking the State to
contribute, they are requiring the District to provide them with Facilities and Educational
Plans so that the District has everything mapped out with the correct dollar amounts of each
plan and what will be different from what the District currently as it relates to District
buildings. The District also needs an Energy Master Plan. The State also would like the
District to show an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the campus projects. The District
asked the State for a waiver. The District is allowed to seek waivers for the environmental
testing as well as for equipment without it affecting the bond money as these items have not
yet been determined. Ongoing project plans with specific dollar amounts will be in place a
year from now. It was noted that Microsoft Project Software will not be used in any
upcoming projects. The District is looking into other alternative software.
Trustee González Yuen asked when will we have a dollar for dollar plan that actually shows
how the bond money will be spent and when. Dr. Ikharo responded by saying
Item #5 – Discussion of new calendar schedule for 2006-2007:
Upcoming meetings will take place on the Friday following the first Board of Trustees
meeting for the month.
Meeting Adjourned.
Correction made and redistributed on: Oct. 24, 2006