Memo to DTC regarding Multi-year Expenditure Planning 2-1-12

Tony Tortorice, Chief Administrative Officer – IT
Chair, District Technology Committee
Fabian Banga, Co-Chair, District Technology Committee
Members of the District Technology Committee
From: Planning and Budgeting Council
Date: February 1, 2011
Multi-year IT Expenditure Planning and the Budget Allocation Model
During the 2010-2011 academic year, the Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC) developed a
district Budget Allocation Model. The Chancellor endorsed the model in August 2011 and the
model was addressed at the August 26, 2011 PBIM Summit.
The Budget Allocation Model is a living document and review and update of the model is a monthly
agenda item for the PBC.
In that context, an issue which has emerged regarding budget allocation is the need for a provision
in the Budget Allocation Model for “Multi-year IT Expenditure Planning.” While many IT requests
have been funded through Measure A funds, we know that such funds are time limited and there is a
need to address IT expenditure planning especially when Measure A funds are no longer available.
At its January 27, 2012 meeting, the Planning and Budgeting Council began a discussion of how to
add this need to the Budget Allocation Model. The Planning and Budgeting Council is referring
this need to the District Technology Committee for input, advice, and a recommendation.
The proposed language the Planning and Budgeting Council reviewed and discussed is as follows:
“Due to the current economic environment, the District has very little ongoing discretionary funding
to support the evolving needs of IT planning. It is the intent and desire to provide flexibility and
support to those colleges and central office services that have multi-year planning mechanisms in
place and who have set aside funding within their Unrestricted General Fund discretionary
allocations to support these plans.”
“To support this effort the Chancellor will on an annual basis, no later than November 1st, announce
a restricted allocation of one-time funds within the Unrestricted General Fund that will be used as a
dollar for dollar match to fund IT projects identified and partially funded. Colleges will identify
and prioritize projects and forward the list to the District Technology Committee (DTC) for its
review and consideration. To the extent that there are one-time funds available, the DTC will
review all requests submitted for consideration of these matching funds and forward to the PBC its
recommendations no later than January 1. The PBC will review and provide its recommendations
to the Chancellor no later than February 1.”
Beyond this draft language, there also would need to be some criteria for evaluating a college’s IT
requests when they come to the District Technology Committee.
The Planning and Budgeting Council is requesting that the District Technology Committee forward
to the PBC your input, advice, and recommendations regarding “Multi-year IT Expenditure
Planning” so that the PBC can incorporate this into the Budget Allocation Model and set a process
for District Technology Committee review. If possible, this should be forwarded before the
February 24, 2012 PBC meeting.
The PBC thanks you for your attention in this matter and look forward to your recommendations.