Memo seeking District Service Centers Planning Documents 11-1-11

Dr. Wise Allen, Chancellor
Dr. Debbie Budd, Vice Chancellor/Educational Services
Ron Gerhard, Vice Chancellor/Finance and Administration
Dr. Jacob Ng, Vice Chancellor/ Student Services
Dr. Sadiq B. Ikharo, Vice Chancellor/General Services
Trudy Largent, Vice Chancellor/Human Resources
Thuy T. Nguyen, General Counsel
Jeff Heyman, Executive Director/ Marketing, Public Relations, and Communications
From: Planning and Budgeting Council
Date: November 1, 2011
Request Planning Information from District Office Service Centers/ Service Areas
This memo is a reminder of the request that was sent to each of you on September 23, 2011. The
Planning and Budgeting Council is requesting a written service area review document to be
discussed at the November 18, 2011 PBC meeting. The goal is to review these at the same time as
reviewing the colleges’ summaries of Annual Program Updates.
The original memo read as follows:
On September 23, 2011, the Planning and Budgeting Council passed a motion requesting that each
service center/service area of District Office provide the PBC information and an explanation of the
planning process used in each service center/service area. The Planning and Budgeting Council is
requesting to see a service area review (comparable to program review and annual program
updates), methods for establishing priorities, and how those priorities are moved forward with
justification for resource allocation.
In formulating the motion, the Planning and Budgeting Council asked questions such as the
following: What is the process? How is planning conducted? Why aren’t service center planning
priorities sent to the Planning and Budgeting Council for review in a manner similar to how the
Colleges bring forth their priorities for review and action? How is it determined as to what will be
funded and what cannot be funded?
The Planning and Budgeting Council is requesting this information by the November 18, 2011
Planning and Budgeting Council meeting. It would be helpful in this process to see service area
review and planning documents.
The Council looks forward to hearing from each of you.
Thank you.