
PCCD District-wide Facilities Committee (DFC)
From: PCCD Planning and Budgeting Council (PBC)
Date: October 8, 2013
Request for a Line Item in the Budget to Fund Facilities Maintenance Items
Thank you for the PowerPoint presentation at the May 10, 2013 meeting of the Planning and
Budgeting Council in which the DFC requested money to fund the resolution of outstanding
facilities maintenance items and a line item for facilities maintenance in the 2013-14 budget. Given
that the request was made at the final PBC meeting of the 2012-13 academic year the discussion
about your request was deferred to the first meeting of the PBC in the 2013-14 academic year.
At the first PBC meeting of 2013-14, on September 27, 2013, the facilities maintenance request was
discussed in relation to updating the Budget Allocation Model. The discussion occurred under this
topic because in order to add a line item to the annual general operating fund budget, there must
first be a mechanism by which to allocate the funds. A line item cannot be added without a method
by which allocation amounts can be determined.
The PBC agrees that there is a need to allocate general fund monies for facilities maintenance.
However, the allocation of any funds is dependent upon including language in the Budget
Allocation Model that would equitably disperse funds based upon FTES and agreed upon criteria
for prioritization of projects.
Therefore, the topic of facilities maintenance will again be addressed at the next PBC meeting, on
October 25, 2013 in which specific language for the Budget Allocation Model for this item will be
discussed. The PBC will forward the language to the DFC for feedback once it is finalized.