Peralta Community College District Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes

Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
James Blake, Timothy Brice, Sharon Clegg, Pieter de Haan, Jon Drinnon, Matthew Goldstein, Rick Greenspan, Bob
Grill, Jennifer Lenahan, Mike Orkin, Tae-Soon Park, Mary Beth Benvenutti, Eric Gravenberg, May Chen.
Chair/Co-Chair: Ronald Gerhard and Karolyn van Putten
Kinetta Barnett, Adela Esquivel-Swinson, Norma Ambriz-Galaviz, Calvin Madlock, Sadiq Ikharo, Don Petrilli,
William Love, Tina Vasconcellos
Facilitator/Recorder: Linda Sanford and Joseph Bielanski
Jenny Lowood, Thuy Nguyen, Elnora Webb
Agenda Item
Meeting Called to Order
I. Agenda Review
9:05 AM
II. Review of Minutes:
March 22, 2013
Minutes: APPROVED as amended
III. Policies and
AP 4225 Course Repetition and Repeatable Courses (revised)
AP 4220 Standards of Scholarship (revised)
AP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates
AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities (revised)
Joseph Bielanski
AP 4225, AP 4220, and AP 4100 are academic in scope and these
revised APs were approved by the District Academic Senate
(DAS). The request is for PBC to endorse the DAS action.
AP 4225 Course Repetition and Repeatable Courses
All these specific items come directly from revised Title 5
regulations for the California Community Colleges. There will be
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or Unresolved?)
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
a few additional changes after the May and July 2013 Board of
Governors’ meetings. The State Chancellor’s Office discovered
some changes that need to be made, such as Districts creating
variable units for PE, Visual, and Performing Arts classes, when
those classes need to be set as fixed units.
It was suggested to combine AP 4225, 4227, 4228, and 4229 into
one AP rather than using the multiple APs that is used by
Community College League of California (CCLC) and which
Peralta previously used. AP 4227, 4228, and 4229 will be
removed when the Chancellor has signed off on the revised AP
AP 4220 Standards of Scholarship (revised)
The last section refers back to AP 4225.
AP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and
The revision is to allow the use of upper-division units, as
appropriate, to fulfill our major or general education requirements.
The State Chancellor’s Office in 2008, through a letter that came
from Stephanie Lowe, determined that a district may use upperdivision courses to fulfill requirements for an Associate degree or
certificate. This procedure also will accommodate the few students
with a BA degree who are coming back to complete an Associate
degree, such as an Associate Degree in Nursing, or other CTE
Degrees. They will not have to complete our general education
requirements since they have already completed general education
as a part of their Bachelor’s degree.
Motion to endorse the first three: AP 4225, AP 4220, and AP
4100. (APPROVED). Unanimous.
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Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
AP 5055 Enrollment Priorities
There will be a change in enrollment priorities, which go into
effect for fall enrollment in 2014. The District Office of
Admissions and Records will start sending notification to students
who could potentially lose enrollment priority because they are on
academic or progress probation or have 75 units and therefore are
nearing the 100 units that provides a lower priority.
By Ed Code, the first priority group includes students who are in
the Armed forces, Veterans, foster youth, or former foster youth to
the age of 24.
Per Title 5, the second priority group of students includes EOPS
and DSPS students.
The third priority group is composed of continuing and first time
students who have completed orientation, assessment, and have a
student education plan.
It was recommended that at the end of this AP, in the
“Outstanding Fee” section, that reference be made to the Payment
Plan Option.
Concerned was expressed with assigning a higher priority to
privately funded grants, such as ASTI and Gateway students.
IV. Program Review
Resources Requests:
AVC of IT, Calvin
Motion to approve AP 5055. APPROVED. Unanimous
Resource requests from the District Technology Committee
The DTC was tasked to come up with a methodology or process to
collect technology data from all campuses seeking one-time
matching funds based on BAM language approved earlier this
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Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
academic year. The matching of funds, if available at the end of
the fiscal year, will be allocated according to the prioritization list.
The DTC vetted and put together several documents to satisfy this
request. A budget request form was created to allow a line item
showing the total budget with a narrative explaining why the item
is needed. Then a subcommittee was put together with
representatives from the District and all of the colleges. A scoring
rubric and criteria were used to score all of the colleges’
technology needs/requests. The results from the subcommittee
were presented to the PBC. AVC Madlock was excluded from the
scoring process. Two colleges, COA and Merritt, did not provide a
list of requests to be reviewed in this process and this was
documented in the DTC minutes.
While it was stated that Merritt is still working on their list, it was
noted by the DTC facilitator that it was too late to add those to this
year’s list which has already gone through a prioritization review.
It also was stated that COA saw it as unfair not to have any COA
priorities on the list.
VC Gerhard reminded the PBC of the BAM language regarding
this process and the funding and read the language to the PBC:
“Multi-Year IT Expenditure Planning:
Due to the current economic environment, the District has very
little ongoing discretionary funding to support the evolving needs
of IT planning. It is the intent and desire to provide flexibility and
support to those colleges and central office IT services that have
multi-year planning mechanisms in place and who have set aside
funding within their Unrestricted General Fund discretionary
allocations to support these plans.
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Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
To support this effort the Chancellor will on an annual basis, no
later than November 1st, announce a restricted allocation of onetime funds within the Unrestricted General Fund that will be used
as a dollar-for-dollar match to fund IT projects identified at the
colleges and central office IT service areas and partially funded at
the colleges or central office IT service areas.
Colleges and central office IT service areas will identify and
prioritize projects and forward their requests to the District
Technology Committee (DTC) for its review and prioritization.
To the extent that there are one-time funds available, the DTC will
review all requests submitted for consideration of these matching
funds and forward to the PBC its recommendations no later than
January 1. The PBC will review and provide its recommendations
to the Chancellor no later than February 1.”
In view of the BAM language, it was noted that the DTC
committee was aware that it was behind on its work (given dates
in the BAM language). The reason for the delay was that the DTC
had to do some preparatory work in creating the documents for the
prioritization process. DTC members knew when the deadline
Vice Chancellor of
General Services, Dr.
Sadiq Ikharo
Don Sherratt
It is VC Gerhard’s understanding that these lists are a
recommendation from the DTC and the decision for the PBC is to
accept the recommendation or not. If the PBC rejects the
recommendation, the PBC will need to provide a rationale.
Motion to reject this recommendation at this time. Rejecting
with the encouragement that the deadline be extended to allow
Alameda and Merritt to submit their priorities and the DTC
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Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
to be so notified.
Favor: 9
Oppose: 5
Presentation from the District Facilities Committee
District-wide infrastructure is worth approximately $4 billion in
asset. Measure A funding was used to address some infrastructure
needs, but cannot be used for repairs and maintenance. Peralta
needs to have other resources to address District-wide repairs. The
problem is not unique to Peralta. It is a state-wide issue. As of
2008, the State discontinued funding for infrastructure repairs at
all community colleges. Since then, there has been no steady flow
of funding to make these types of repairs. The District doesn’t
have a line item for infrastructure repairs.
Facilities Committee’s Proposal:
1. The DFC proposes that there be a permanent line item in
the operations budget of PCCD for funding of facilities
infrastructure repairs and maintenance.
2. The funding be solely used for the project cost if and when
contracted to outside contractors; or costs of project related
materials and equipment, but not for salaries, when the
project is completed by a District employee.
3. An initial funding of $2.5 million per year for the first
three years of operations be provided.
4. There should an annual budgeted amount provided based
on the survey from each subsequent year.
5. There should be flexibility of General Fund and funding
from Proposition 30.
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Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
Per Dr. Ikharo, there are currently 3 litigations dealing with ADA
based on the lack of ongoing facilities repairs.
The Facilities Committee is looking for a long-term solution with
continual funding.
Per VC Gerhard, we don’t have enough information to make a
recommendation at this time. Ultimately, a district-wide shared
governance committee has gone through a rigorous process and
had much debate regarding facility needs. Based upon the
presentation provided by the DFC, there is a basis for that request
and it warrants attention and discussion. The question is how
much funding is available? How many projects can we fund?
Right now, under the Unrestricted General Fund, there is no
general fund dollars set aside to fund these projects. Within our
2013/14 budget assumptions, there is no line item to fund them.
We have more needs than we have funding. This discussion will
come back to the PBC this fall after the District closes the books
in September, at which time the District would know how much
one time money is available based upon prioritization of IT and
Facilities needs district-wide.
It was noted that there may be a scenario wherein the State may
again start funding scheduled maintenance. In 2009/10, that was
one of the categorical programs that received a 100% funding
reduction. Over the last four years our buildings have been
neglected. It will take more money than the State is willing to give
for us to catch up.
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V. Hiring Prioritization
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
Academic Year Summary (Fall, Spring, and Summer) by
Ron Gerhard
Faculty Positions
It had been announced at the March PBC meeting that the district
would be hiring an additional 20 faculty positions. Based on the
discussion at the March meeting and per a request from Merritt
College, it was requested that additional data information be
provided to determine if the allocation of the 20 faculty positions
to the four colleges was done in a fair and equitable manner.
In response to the request, VC Gerhard provided data for
“Academic Year Summary (Fall, Spring, Summer) by Campus”
for 2008-09 through 202-13. Data was also provided on FTES &
FTES % change, Productivity & Productivity % change, and Total
FTEF & Total FTEF % Change. In so doing, VC Gerhard showed
how the distribution of 8 positions for Laney, 6 positions for BCC,
4 positions for COA, and 2 positions for Merritt was determined.
Mr. Drinnon expressed thanks that VC Gerhard for providing
additional data and review of the data. VC Gerhard had gone over
the data with him and the Merritt Academic Senate President prior
to this meeting.
Motion to move the recommendation forward to the
Chancellor. APPROVED.
Classified Hiring Prioritization
15 Classified Positions:
The will be funding for 15 classified staff positions. Within the 15
positions, one will be for a district Financial Aid Analyst in IT for
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
the Student Financial Aid module.
General Services will receive 4 positions for Grounds and
The remaining 10 positions are to be distributed as follows: 4
positions for Laney, 2 for COA, 2 for BCC, and 2 for Merritt.
As a matter of practice and principle, the District has budgeted for
the highest salary for Classified, based on level C. Subsequent
discussion will be needed if there is additional funding becomes
The recommendation to hire the Financial Aid Analyst and the
four Grounds and Maintenance positions came from the
Chancellor’s Cabinet. Ed Services and IT recommended the
Financial Aid Analyst position in light of bringing the new
financial aid module online. This position supports all the
colleges. The Grounds and Maintenance positions will be at the
Motion to move the recommendation of the Classified priority
lists submitted by the Colleges forward to the Chancellor.
APPROVED. Unanimous.
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Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
VI. Updated 2013-14
Budget Assumptions
VC Ron Gerhard &
Susan Rinne
Looking at the State tax receipts, we are at 18% more than what
the State budgeted for. There may be a positive May Revise with
more money allocated to Proposition 98. Based upon the
Governor’s January proposal, COLA is projected to get $3.9
million for the next fiscal year. The May Revise will come the
week after our May PBC meeting.
2013-14 Budget Assumptions
The major change is on item #20 - Decrease OPEB required
contribution by 4.5% to 9.5%, which is based on our actuarial
study. We had originally planned on an increase.
Changes were also made to items #22 (20 Full-Time Faculty
Positions) and #23 (15 Classified Positions).
Mr. Greenspan again requested that dollar amounts be provided.
The amount can be based on this year’s figure.
Per VC Gerhard, the OPEB reduction is based on a reduction in
our actuarial study. The result is projected at $2 million. It is not
as easy as it may look because of the variables involved. There is
concern that the projected numbers may be used in conversations
outside of the PBC to be true numbers when that is not the case.
Dollar amounts were provided in a separate document at previous
PBC meetings.
VII. Based Discretionary
Budgets by
Budgets were submitted by the Colleges and District Service
Centers. The Office of Finance (Ms. Rinne) will take the
spreadsheet and put it into a template and upload into PeopleSoft.
The Office of Finance will run a budget report that will form the
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VC Gerhard
will send
out regarding
the May
Ron Gerhard
VIII. Audit Finding
2012-5: Students
Actively Enrolled
VC Ron Gerhard
Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
basis of the budget that the PBC will see at the May meeting.
This will provide the Colleges an opportunity to reevaluate their
projected budgets.
Audit Finding 2012-5 Students Actively Enrolled
One of our ongoing audit findings is that class rosters are not all
being turned in or turned in on time. This audit finding is
classified as a Significant Deficiency. The District has been
claiming apportionment for all students dropped on Census date.
Census date is a snap shot in time under our funding formula that
derives our funding as of that date. Previously, personnel in
Admissions & Records (A&R) did not have the ability to identify
the instructors who had not turned in their rosters on or before the
Census date. Without this information, there has been potential
funding consequences. However, District IT has written a report
method so that now District A&R, on a daily basis, can check to
see how many rosters have not been submitted and by which
instructors. District A&R can now daily ask the colleges to work
to get the rosters submitted. This continues to be addressed so
that the district can resolve this audit finding. As the PBC knows,
“audit findings” were part of the reason the four colleges are
currently on an ACCJC sanction of Warning.
Unless these rosters are turned in and turned in timely, it will
affect our FTES (tied to our funding). In previous years, we
deducted the difference on our 320 apportionment report because
we were significantly over our funded cap. Right now, we are not
projected to meet our FTES target. We are in a very different
position than we were in previous years. If we have around 300500 outstanding rosters, it will equate to millions of dollars.
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Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
A&R has been providing weekly updates. It has been a manual
process. Ed Services is trying to get a process in place to address
the audit finding. AVC Esquivel-Swinson is working on providing
better communication and training. The current count of
outstanding class rosters not turned in are: 115 from COA, 48
from BCC, 214 from Laney, and 38 from Merritt as of April 25 at
4 pm. AVC Esquivel-Swinson has been calling instructors since
last week. She is having difficulty reaching instructors because the
directory in Outlook and the one online are outdated. In the
future, AVC Esquivel-Swinson plans to notify instructors 2 weeks
ahead, send faculty email, and create flyers and posters for the
faculty mailroom area at the colleges.
Mr. Greenspan suggested AVC Esquivel-Swinson contact the
Department Chairs. The Department Chair should be notified
three (3) days before and then 24 hours before the Census Date.
The Department Chair has all the current phone numbers for their
instructors. Involvement of the Department Chairs should be
based on a volunteer basis. The Department Chair information
should be automatic in the computer system.
Mr. Grill, noted the following problems:
1. The process within PeopleSoft needs reviewed and issues
resolved since a faculty member have assumed that all
steps were taken to submit a roster and yet all steps were
not taken..
2. The institution is not updating its data list (directory) and
this needs to happen.
Motion to extend the meeting by 10 minutes. APPROVED.
Mr. Goldstein suggested having sometime on the front end (of the
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Peralta Community College District
Planning and Budgeting Council Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2013
hiring process) wherein full-time and part-time faculty hires are
told during the intake process that they need to do this and are
shown how to do it.
Per VC Orkin, we will start initiating earlier communication.
District Staff Development Officer Tamika Brown will be holding
a workshop on this issue. There has been an email sent out to all
faculty members at the beginning of each semester.
The next meeting has not been scheduled.
Guidelines Report
From the Ad Hoc
PBIM SelfWe will be sending out a self-assessment survey. Please be
Assessment Survey reminded of the email sent requesting and changes or
modifications to last year’s survey.
Next meeting:
Minutes taken: Sui Song
May 10, 2013 at 10:45am
Attachments: All handouts for this meeting can be found at
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