Peralta Community College District Planning and Budgeting October 23, 2015 9-12 AAbuyen, NAmbriz-Galaviz, JBielanski, JBlake, JLBlake, FBourgoin, TBrice, DBudd, MChen, DDelRosario, BDesRochers, SEspinosa, SHarding, RHolmes, BHoward, SIkharo, EJaramillo, DLawson, RLittle, CMadlock, MOrkin, AO’Neal, MRivas, LSanford, SSong, EWebb, TWong DECISIONS Agenda Item Discussion Follow-up (Shared Action Agreement /Resolved or Unresolved?) I. Introductions Cleavon Smith has agreed to act as co-chair. Voted and approved. II. Review of Minutes Now have a quorum. Revisited agenda, move VC Little to top of the agenda, he has an appointment. Motion to adopt the minutes as written. Approved. III. Finalize 2015-16 PBC Goals LSanford – The goals were distributed previously twice. Taking Mario’s suggestion into account. Reaching goals column. Any suggestions? Comment- Evaluate the bam model. Give them plenty of time to analysis the responses, we shouldn’t be rushing this. Completed by the end of the academic year. Workshops inform us of all the due diligence. Feb. 28, 2016. Comment- #5 should be an agenda item alone. Put on agenda. Revise. Motion to adopt goals. Approved. Linda Sanford facilitated discussion. IV. PBC Timeline of Topics V. Reports from PBC Task Forces: BAM Purchasing VI. Allocation of Instructional Equipment/Deferred Maintenance $ Ron Little- We had our first meeting last week. It was productive meeting. Calvin do you want to share? Reviewing the existing BAM model hiccups that we can help on. Revenue allocation model for multi college district. We have a college first model. Tried to determine where the hiccups were. We decided to poll the audience, where are the hiccups that can be identified. Survey went out to give us feedback to determine our next steps. Comment- Are there minutes to be posted? Ron took minutes and will provide them. Are there classified on the committee? Purchasing Task Force-1st meeting will be in November. Last meeting we recommended 2.5 allocation. We allocate $150,000 to each campus for instructional equipment needs. Approved by cabinet. Discussion on remaining 1.9 million. How to allocate, have to decide. Look at schedule maintenance needs by college from Dr. Ikharo. Emergency maintenance needs be addressed. We should have a prioritization criteria so when funds come in. the facilities committee already Cleavon Smith will be co-chair. Minutes approved. Put #5 on agenda. Linda will revise and distribute next meeting. Minutes will be provided by Ron Purchasing Task Force meeting will be in November. Goals approved. DECISIONS Agenda Item Discussion has a criteria. District technology has identified a priority list. Dr. Ikharo- A statewide protocol from state chancellor’s office. Peralta criteria, emergency and life saving priorities. Comment- There seems to be confusion about what was on the list and was it accurate. Work with folks to make sure it is reconciled, truly reflective and accurate. RLittle- Vote to see if committee in favor of 1.9 scheduled maintenance/ emergency. Comment- Is it to be distributed by BAM or FTF %. I want to be clear, BCC is newer. When all the colleges got a share, no money was identified for instructional equipment or technology. We have extreme needs for instructional equipment or technology. Comment- Of the bond 29 million went to BCC? From the first two bonds almost zero went to Laney, A and E. Rectified by measure E, some amount did go to Laney. We can always speak to the fact that we have to been equitable. Good intentions to try to rectify. Hard for me to split 1.9 equitability. Insufficient amount for all of the colleges. Cannot support distributed based on FTEFs. Laney College infrastructure issues. The emergency issues already exceed 5 million. This is not an easy decision for us to make. No college will be happy. Helpful to remove the emotions of it. Comment- The needs are great everywhere and our campuses aren’t at the standard that they need to be. It is the best interest of this community that we serve at all 4 campuses. If Laney goes down we all go down. Comment- Line item in our budget. We have to make the tough decisions. Comment- There is a lot of criteria that needs to be defined to make a decision. Comment- Equally per FTEF. This happened 1.9 went to scheduled maintenance last year. The colleges have measure A funds to use. Comment- In our previous history. It is clear there is an accreditation issues. Amount all the standards we have the most challenging with technology and equipment. That does not reflect the faculty needs, it reflects the student’s needs. Comment- You are saying last year was set aside for scheduled maintenance 1.9, where is it? Where is that money? Where did it go? Get accountability for last years 1.9? SIkharo- A lot of new people who doesn’t get history. The scheduled maintenance supposed to be spent in 2 year period. 2014-15 to spend June 30. The projects 1.9 million are ongoing, concluded by June 30 next year. I will bring the report where the funding was allocated to next meeting. Transparency status update. The district has a 15 million dollar need for facility repairs. The 1.9 is a drop in the bucket needs Follow-up Action (Shared Agreement /Resolved or Unresolved?) Dr. Ikharo will bring report in how the funds were spent to 2 DECISIONS Agenda Item Discussion continues to increase. Problem with district sewage, have to use restrooms in other buildings. Measure A money has been allocated by the district, not available for new projects. Student center at Laney, building C at College of Alameda. Get list prior to next meeting so it can be distributed. Emergency projects plus other scheduled maintenance projects. Technology needs should be tied to program review. Comment- We should start discussing the emergency review which is in excess of state requirements. Chancellor Ortiz was talking about taking 2 million out of emergency reserves. Absurd that we have issues because of finance. This group needs to make a recommendation. This will be on the next meeting agenda. VII. Recap of 311A Financial Report; 2014-15 Actuals RLittle- The report that is filed in state chancellor’s office distributed. This was approved by the board at the October 20 meeting. Explained report. Power point presentation. Comment- Suggestions on James motion. SIkharo- I will caution my colleague’s to be aware that the state is going through a period of surplus. Need reserve to stabilize the lean years. RLittle- It is important point that I try to make every opportunity that I get. I’ve observed that we have a lot of money not being spent and not being shared in terms of progress and outcomes. I’m not opposed to spending down reserves. We need to be strategic. Need to look at what is available in measure A, look at remaining emergency needs and prioritize those. Still be prepared for the economic downturn that is going to come. 10% of reserve is a reasonable level. Comment- We are trying to get to baseline, getting everything to where it needs to be. Smart not reactive. Comment- Move to have PBC assess the availability of budget all possible budget resources to address emergency and scheduled maintenance needs as well as considering the feasibility of using some district reserve funds for this purpose. Look at resources available in terms of measure A, and all resources available, scheduled maintenance and deferred maintenance, emergency given that there are needs that can’t be met we tap into the reserve. How do you want to actualize it? Next meeting agenda? RLittle- There is emergency work that is being done. How it is funded has yet to be determined. Comment- DGS should revise their 2014/15 approved Schedule Maintenance Projects by shifting the deferred maintenance projects with current emergency projects. Then resubmit to the State Chancellor's Office for approval. Follow-up Action (Shared Agreement /Resolved or Unresolved?) next meeting. Also bring in list of Measure A allocations. Emergency reserves on agenda next month. Move to have PBC assess the availability of budget all possible budget resources to address emergency and scheduled maintenance needs as well as considering the feasibility of using some district reserve funds for this purpose. Approved. A person be 3 DECISIONS Agenda Item Discussion Comment- We went through the process, we supported the allocation based on a list given by the General Service committee. We have already allocated 100%, I’m confused. SIkharo- A detailed summery is being passed out now detailed by college of what we are recommending to this committee for review. Summary and the details of 2015-16. LSanford- Let’s put some heat on the district to have this as a standing item on the PBC agenda. Comment- There is a formal process to resolve the issues that are directly related to the district. There has to be a group. We need structure to work with this process. We have to have a better relationship to resolve these issues. Comment- The colleges were tasked with identifying leads. If there has been a lead identified. Comment- Having our internal auditor demonstrates that there is work being done at the district level. I agree that we have to have a transparent plan. Item on the agenda to have the lead speak to this body. Comment-Motion- A person be identified to oversee coordinate and move forward with these 8 accreditation items. Identified by next meeting. More specifics regarding what is being done to address these areas. Comment- Friendly amendment for timeline, who, what where why. Follow-up Action Item on the agenda to have the lead speak to this body for next meeting. (Shared Agreement /Resolved or Unresolved?) identified to oversee coordinate and move forward with these 8 accreditation items. Identified by next meeting. More specifics regarding what is being done to address these areas. Friendly amendment for timeline, who, what where why. VIII. Audit Findings Resolution Update IX. Integrated Planning and Budgeting Calendar RLittle- Hoping to get this groups endorsement for today. Renewed focus towards program review, program improvement objectives, resource allocation in this model. This timeline will focus on PIOs and AUOs. Come in December to PBC, DEC, DTC, DFC. LSanford- At the chancellors request we will do a total timeline. It is in development at this point. Comment- this impacts are current calendar, u need to modify. Comment- Program improvement objectives. Program reviews are due this month. Priority is due in December, just faculty. Comment- The concern is we did not have a process for classified hire. Multiple positions. The process keeps getting pushed down. Comment- We have worked on a process, created forms during the program review Motion to move forward with this integrated planning calendar. Approved. 4 DECISIONS Agenda Item Discussion Follow-up Action (Shared Agreement /Resolved or Unresolved?) can request staff. We can share the template. LSanford- The new program review does have it. RLittle- Our goal is to use this process this March. Comment- Recommend that there be a working group of this committee to come up with a procedure for prioritizing classified. LSanford- I believe the chancellor would like to involve the FAS as well. Motion to move forward with this integrated planning calendar. Approved. XI. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures RLittle- We updated the board on progress with 28 audit findings that the district review 2013-14. Fiscal compliance, go bond compliance, CalPERS compliance. Since that time we’ve had a lot of activity, good work cross functionally. Tom Wong has been leading the charge. Summary of each finding that we had to address handout. 4 were recurrent. Audit resolution work group. IT/HR/Finance/student services working on these findings. Far along with respect to resolving the issues. Some of these findings are college specific. Being successful and compliant is a group effort. We need the involvement at the college level. Current challenge is our time and effort reporting. We hope to have a clean audit this year. Comment- Our team will only accept whatever the auditors have accessed. What is the auditor’s assessment of our situation? I don’t get that communication. How does that get resolved? TWong- These findings have created a big challenge to us. Auditors are becoming more stringent for everything. We’ve embarked on creating systemic improvements in all these areas. A report will be issued in December, a lot of dialogue in November. They will notify us on our progress will affect their reports. Auditors have not been keeping us apprised on their findings. Several financial aid findings reports have been completed. What the auditors will say in December I cannot say. LSanford- Don’t you get a preliminary report? Comment- Who is the one working with the auditors? In the past it has always been the Vice Chancellor. TWong- We’ve put in the controls the reports are all in. Going forward we still have lots of work to do. Comment- Post employment bonds long term planning should include all costs. What is outstanding? What has yet to be done? TWong- In discussions with bond council. Revolkable trust. The want us to have an irevolkable trust. What is the difference? The bond indenture is what I making it difficult. Irrevocable trust can’t use that money for anything else. Bond indentured agreement some of this money 5 DECISIONS Agenda Item Discussion Follow-up Action (Shared Agreement /Resolved or Unresolved?) can be used to pay for other things. XI. Review of District Accreditation Recommendations OUSD has returned and asking that we change our language. We do not have leverage not to accept their language. It shouldn’t just be about the instructor should be about a lot of other things. Change fact that the student be given the right to go into a formal process. My suggestion we don’t have a lot of time to let this linger. I would like to clean it up, to actually use their wording and move this forward. Motion to approve as per their recommendation. Approved. New topics A training be held for new members on this counsel. Linda will research and schedule. Comment- I would like to thank everyone for attending and participating. Please arrive on time. Accreditation recommendations approved. Linda Sanford will schedule a training. Meeting ended at 11:48 Minutes taken by Laura Leon-Maurice 6