PCCD Planning and Budgeting Council November 20, 2015 Attendance: AAbuyen, NAmbriz-Galaviz, JLBlake, FBourgoin, TBrice, DBudd, LCook, SEspinosa, RGreenspan, Shading, BHoward, SIkharo, EJaramillo, JLenahan, RLittle, CMadlock, AO’Neal, ROlive, MOrkin, MRivas, LSanford, CSmith, EWebb Guests: MBBenvenutti, ADambrosio, BDesRochers, AFox, DLawson, NPellegrin, ORocha, IThadani, MWhalen Agenda Item Committee Strategic Discussion FollowDecisions Goal Planning up (Shared Goal and/or Action Agreement/ Institutional Resolved or Objective Unresolved} LSanford- Meeting began at 9:06. Agenda I. Agenda Reviewadopted. Agenda adopted. Facilitator Minutes LSanford- Corrections to minutes. Linda will revise. II. Review of October will be Meeting Minutesupdated. Facilitator Informational. Every meeting will have a revised timeline. Revise in III. PBC This is so you can know what will be on the agenda in January. Timeline advance. of Topics IV. Report on Emergency Repairs, Deferred Maintenance and Scheduled MaintenanceVC Ikharo/ORocha 7. Review monthly progress reports on resolution of the eight District accreditation recommendations and review periodic progress reports from the colleges in resolution of the colleges’ accreditation recommendations. E. Develop and Manage Resources to Advance Our Mission E.3 Fiscal Oversight SIkharo- There are two areas that I want to focus on that you requested at the last meeting. Schedule maintenance for 201415 that we are currently implementing. Letter from state chancellor’s office, be able to implement 2014-15. If there are any remaining projects they must be completed by June 2017. Some of the projects have been completed on the timeline. Scheduled maintenance projects summary have been distributed. Detailed list emailed to committee previously by Linda Sanford. Comment- What does submitted mean? SIkharo-Submit list to state and acts as a placeholder. We go back to resubmit, called recertification. Identify the amounts and colleges. ORocha- Priority is how they are numbered. Complete roof replacement at Laney #11, under design for the Laney pool, #8. This dollar amount is insufficient is $150,000. SIkharoLED lights at BCC. PG&E gives us credit some money from there to augment this project. Motion: “DGS work with the District Facilities Committee (DFC) to develop a detailed list of completed 2014-2015 deferred and scheduled maintenance projects, to be reviewed and validated by each college ORocha- Item 12 that is out to bid, $100,000 only a portion of what the total cost will be. Item 13, at the bidding state, $100,000 is only a portion of what the total cost will be. Comment- They are out to bid currently. We are assuming that it will be more. Where is the money coming from and how do we track? SIkharo- That is to build hood in the kitchen. We usually look at other budgets measure A or other sources of funding. ORocha- We are in the process of verifying these complete project in terms of breakdown and what budget they get. We need design drawings to move it forward. In order to move forward to ask finance to roll forward. We need to rectify the budget. SIkharo- 1.9 part of it has been spent. Wait for completed projects, we need that in sooner rather than later. Comment- What’s a chemical fee? SIkharo- Water running through boilers. Bacteria is eating pipes, need bacteria. BCC, $100,000 and Laney $1,000. We shouldn’t be comparing the dollar amounts. BCC is different from Merritt. Comment- I’m feeling this would be approving 1.9 like last year. Last years have not been completed. We have big need for technology. Distributed to colleges in line with the BAM. Not okay with all going to one college. RLittle- VC Ikharo go through 2015-16 then entertain a recommendation. Comment- I agree with DB I’m not quite sure that these repairs have been done. Further examination. Feel uncomfortable, would like more oversight. Not comfortable giving another 1.9. Way too fuzzy, need more concrete evidence that this has been done. Our students are not enjoying the benefits in an educational environment. Accountability for resources. Library HVAC that does not work. There was a fire and we had to evacuate. We couldn’t hold a meeting because it is too hot. SIkharo- You don’t know what we are doing. The air-conditioning in their building President, including all sources of funding needed for each project. The PBC requests that this information come back to the PBC (from the DFC) in January”. Passed. Motion: “The PBC requests that a full accounting of the 2014-15 scheduled and deferred maintenance projects be completed and reviewed by the PBC prior to discussion of the 2015-16 allocation of scheduled and deferred maintenance money.” would cost several thousands. What you see here is only a drop. This one is just beginning to process. Passed. Comment- What I keep hearing is we are patching stuff up. I don’t know if it is the contractors we are using, when you tell me 700,000 I want to know what I’m getting. It is not clear. RLittle- This would be a good conversation at the facilities meeting. I assumed we were tweaking, I didn’t read it as design for another project that will cost another 700,000. Maybe we take one college per meeting. Are we really planning on replacing the HVAC for 700,000? And if so where is the money coming from? Motion: “The PBC requests that the Chancellor conduct a dialogue with the Cabinet about the 2015-2016 allocations for deferred and scheduled maintenance, including the total amount of funding necessary to complete the projects, specifying all sources of funding. The PBC also requests that the Chancellor and the Cabinet assess the process leading to the unresolved issues in completion of deferred and scheduled Comment- I need more clarity, accurate information. Trustee Bonilla about IT. We keep coming back, when we finally fix it. SIkharo- The issues that need to be done are huge. We set up the big meeting bond implementation. Had all presidents, VC of Finance and the Chancellor. We sat down and looked at details. I have a detailed report with COA. The big picture needs to have a different forum. RLittle- The contrast is being made with big picture and details. As we need 2 make sure the 1.9 is being done to the benefit of the colleges of the students? RLittle- a through vetting. Comment- I was surprised at the list, pricing of stuff. Before you send out more accurate information. Before we have this discussion we need better information send out to us. Comment- We just spent 20 minutes discussing inaccurate information. In addition to say that the staff put it together I’m in disagreement with that. Comment- The co-chair asked for a motion. We have a recommendation that we are addressing as a district. We know what we want to do. This is a good example of a isconnect. Ron is asking for transparency. We don’t need to get mired in the details. We’ve gotten mired because of the gaps. As a unit DGS should work with the facilities planning committee. I need to know that the things at our colleges are being addressed, what is the timeline and what is the plan?.. RLittle- Elevator repairs at each college. Comment- We refer this to the facilities committee as it is proposed. Last time we did make a motion for the funding to support this. Comment- There should be a criteria that should be followed. LSanford- What is the timeline, when do we want these reports? At the next meeting. IS- take this to facilities committee and come back in Jan. with the report. Motion on the floor. Seconded. Do we want to entertain the allocation that is on the table today 1.9. Comment- Before we talk about the 2015-16 we need clarity on the 2014-15. I can’t support when I don’t know what happened to the 2014-15. We have an accounting 2014-15 before any decision is made on the current allocation 201516. Comment- Perhaps we could distribute the 1.9 to the colleges and then they could prioritize what is being proposed. SIkharo- There is a need at every college right now. The front door is broken at BCC. That project alone is $75,000. We have Laney college elevator, student center. I get angry phone calls when this happen. This is are opportunity to meet ADA requirements. Merritt college has the same issue with the lift. At COA we just opened a veteran’s center, the elevator doesn’t meet ADA requirements. Comment- Is this not again for the facilities committee?. I hear the arguments, what is the process of decision making. RLittle- There are some emergency repairs that if we don’t do may cost us more in the long run. Comment- I am encouraging us to talk straight. We have smart people in GS and we don’t understand why there is a gap from getting things done efficiently. We hear that but we maintenance projects.” Passed. don’t get a sense of why it hasn’t been spent. Have the money go to the colleges and get things moving. The students are demanding better facilities. The campus has filth. We want to know that things are moving. What are the barriers? How is it if the next 1.9 would be spent differently? Comment- We do have district issues. What are the funding sources for the district? Right now most people would be in support of dividing it by the BAM model. So they could prioritize themselves. Big issues is progress of each of the progress. Everybody is dissatisfied. Not adequate staffing. The gravity of the projects. The original charge is how do we divide the 1.9.? I think we could make that decision today. Take it to facilities to take the details into consideration. Comment- We can’t figure out how to fix a door, plumbing, and air-conditioning. The campuses need more self governance around this issue. We can get it done vs putting in the quet. I would like to get some of the $ now. LSanford- I’m going to bring us back to the motion. Comment- We need accounting of the 2014-15 and a portion of the money be given to the campuses for the repairs. Comment- I do understand the issue. 17% and 32% for Laney. 170,000 for each of the colleges. RLittle- I am concerned about emergency repairs that need to be spent with no funding. Provide disabled students by law safety. How we identify funding for these repairs? Comment- Lets drill down. We had money for how many years and it hasn’t been done. If this is an ongoing issue until we know it’s going to get down. Don’t put another dime in that direction until we know it is going to happen. Motion: accounting of last year’s money. DBudd- we spend 50% 975,000 that is allocated to each of the 5 entities 17% and 32% for Laney. Ensure that is used for scheduled maintenance, emergency repairs or equipment. Seconded. ORocha- The two campuses were fully expended. Emergency allocations, have chancellor, board and county superintendent to approve. There are a lot of things that need to be addressed unless campuses don’t have to meet the same purchasing restrictions that everyone else does. Comment- On the 20 day projects. We used 4 days, we asked dr. Ikharo we spread it over the year. So we can make sure everything stays maintained. You agreed to it. It’s not that we couldn’t do it we thought it was wiser to spread it out. Comment- There are some real structural barriers at this district. Rather than try to rush to something. We are ourselves create by keeping the same processes that don’t work for us. Other things are making things having. I’d like to ask ourselves how do we move forward? Is there a simple, easy answers, we have a broken system. Series of processes that don’t work for us. Comment- It’s completely up to the colleges. Instructional equipment and differed maintenance. Comment- It seems like if you have a district to throw it all out because we are frustrated. If the money went to the colleges we would do it on easy stuff. I worry about giving it will end up going to the wrong place and it still will not get done. SIkharo- The best approach we are here to help the students. We do not set up for failure. You need to be mindful of resolutions that have been passed in this body. RLittle- The structure works up and down. This should be discussed at cabinet. Consider how to get feedback. Comment- By law our elevators have to be done. We don’t know how much is left in 2014-15. Because we don’t know what is left over. Comment- The strongest we can do is go to the chancellor. This body cannot set policy. This has to go to the chancellor. Motion: 7 in favor, 9 opposed. Motion did not pass. . Motion- The chancellor have cabinet 2015-16 discussion. Identifying how all the funding will be used. Motion: the allocation 2015-16 dollars be referred to the chancellor with dialogue with cabinet on how to spend the $. And will report back to PBC. And looking at all funding sources. CSmith- What is the issue making it so difficult for us to have clarity? A sense of comfort from the college president. Clarity from the cabinet. Assessment of our processes. Friendly amendment seconded. Report back should come back in Jan. along with the accounting. IV. Reports From PBC Task Forces: BAM Purchasing - VC Little 1. Evaluate the Budget Allocation Model (BAM), consider recommendations with respect to improvements, and create a threeyear plan for full implementation. 2. Update Purchasing Guidelines E. Develop and Manage Resources to Advance Our Mission E.3 Fiscal Oversight Cleavon gave report. Comment- All we hear is that we haven’t implemented the model. We need to agree that is what you want to do. Accept the premise a college will be impacted. Recommendations come to this body with pros and cons. LSanford- You will need to quantify it. Comment- Have an implementation that is fair. Each college have to look at how will work with those goals with a timeline. Comment- From the purchasing task force. Meet on the 9th. Started to look at purchasing processes and protocols. How we can delineate public contact code. Updating the procedures, streamline those procedures to ensure not dong double work. Review all administrative procedures. Look Purchasin g Task Force. Meet on the 9th. Next meeting BAM 12/2 @ 3:00. FON back on the agenda next month. across industry for best practices. Look at the ICC process. Look at workflow approval process. Make more efficient. Object codes, legal and audit considerations. Recognize some of the process are cluttered. Comment- When is the next meeting? More feedback can be provided. We would love to provide feedback on streamline. New guidelines in place, formal training. Current guidelines, no one knows them. They change frequently. Next meeting 12/2 @ 3:00. Comment- Do you have minutes? 6. Develop and VI. FON Status Reportmonitor Progress Nathan Pellegrin in the Integrated Planning and Budgeting Calendar E. Develop and Manage Resources to Advance Our Mission E.3 Fiscal Oversight RLittle- We review and then post on website. We have not received a memo from state chancellor’s office yet. They have put out document that has target on it. This year that target 334.2 Contract Ed across the district. Query we’ve developed how much of those are overloads, underloads, and how much are replacements. We run that query. Look at list of retirees, 55. All of that, we are at 339. We are over the target right now. Even without the retiree’s backfilled. We subtract that out. PeopleSoft contains most of the data that we need to calculate the FON, back out all of the retirees that retired in spring and see who has been filled in with part-time. Once we do that it will be hired then 339. Between Jan. and August is 55. Retirees August – today. If they are still teaching we can’t count t hem. Comment- What was the number last year? We getting memos from chancellor’s office reminding us that they are budgeting for us to hire 1,100 faculty. This money is ensured to go to faculty hiring. Comment- State chancellor reminds us money must be spend on new hires. NPellegrin-304.2 FON last year. LSanford- Will proceed in Dec. for faculty hiring just so we are ready. Comment- Our goal this year is to just meet FON. Is our mission as a district to just meet FON? Just be straight about that. Or getting more full time faculty in the classrooms we need to talk about what we need to do as a district to do that. Comment- It takes four years to replace a retiree. We have an aging faculty, we are going to have more retirees. There is a difference in terms of someone who has tenure and someone going through the process. Comment- Next month we are to provide to the DEC and PBC our prioritized list. Ideally we would have whatever analysis would come from Ron’s office what kind of framework and latitude. I’m assuming you have more information. In that we can have a more substantive conversation. VII. Annual Planning and Program Review CalendarLinda Sanford 6. Develop and monitor Progress in the Integrated Planning and Budgeting Calendar Comment- I would appreciate getting from the president how many of our counseling faculty are categorically funded. Hired through SSSP. Ask we using general fund to meet FON or categorical fund to meet FON? RLittle- Categorical fund is general fund. Just restricted dollars. State is committed providing SSSP funds. LSanford- Let’s put FON back on the agenda so we can continue this discussion. E. Develop and Handout. Everything on the left side is college based, Manage everything on the right side is what happened at the district Resources to office. Approved Nov. 9 by all the parties. This is intended to Advance Our Mission be an ongoing calendar. Anything in bold type is a hard date. E.3 Fiscal Comment- Classified hiring. I noticed in the minutes there Oversight wasn’t a reflection of this topic. RLittle- Cabinet has begun looking at staffing plans. Anticipate the PIO’s would have human resource request. Those are funnel to the RAV which reviews. Unless there is new funding identified we can’t hire new staff. RAC we are proposing that will be a new body called Linda Sanford will draft a memo stating it to the college president s. Motion: “The PBC requests that each college President provide a list of positions that were filled through use of restricted funds, VIII. Review of District Accreditation Recommendations Planning MatrixLinda Sanford and 7. Review monthly progress reports on resolution of the eight District accreditation recommendations and review D. Strengthen Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration D.2. Institutional Leadership and Governance: resource allocation committee and looks at all these resource requests together. A new process this year. Comment- What about our growth, with new faculty, new programs, new students. The burden comes on the classified. Those are key things that cost us money. We need to look at growth as well as losses. Comment- Find out what rubrics we use it may be helpful. Comment- We need to look at entire infrastructure. Positions through SSSP and equity. Forward thinking in look at build in faculty, staff, administrators. We don’t rely so heavily on these external dollars. If these dollars are removed we position ourselves. We need to build a robust infrastructure. Comment- First: good idea in line with evaluate, access and make changes. Sadly time was wasted on discussion should have done in other meetings. Does this become a permanent body? Comment- For this committee to consider all resources. SSSP and equity. We’ve been reviewing new positions. Restricted positions come to this body. Per Ron this body discussed unrestricted. Motion: Positions funded through the equity funded for 201415 and 2015-16. Seconded. If SSSP and equity. Infrastructure is being built. Passed. LSanford- I will draft a memo stating it to the college presidents. Comment- Last point. The prioritized list, Nov. 15 we should have all have. LSanford- For this year that is moved to December 11 and Dec. 18 meetings. Linda Sanford and Annette Dambrosio LSanford- District recommendation and planning matrix. Living document it could change. Our action plan at the moment. Chancellor hired another consultant. Annette to monitor progress and work with the colleges in completing their reports. including Equity funds, SSSP funds, and grant funds in 2014-2015. Further the PBC requests that the college Presidents provide a list of planned positions for 2015-2016 that will use restricted funds, such as Equity funds, SSSP funds or grant funds”. Passed. Annette Dambrosio periodic progress reports from the colleges in resolution of the colleges’ accreditation recommendations. IX. Review of Educational Services Accreditation Calendar for Recommendations 4, 6, and 8. Linda Sanford 7. Review monthly progress reports on resolution of the eight District accreditation recommendations and review periodic progress reports from the colleges in resolution of the colleges’ D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness: ADambrosio- I have made significant suggestions to this document. I have asked for a person responsible for report writing. To be as collaborative as possible. Please let me E. Develop and know any ideas you have. The clock is ticking. I see the Manage district recommendations being done by June. Resources to LSanford- I did meet with VC Orkin he is responsible for Advance Our recommendations 4, 6, 8. We developed a plan that is in your Mission E.3 Fiscal packet, month by month about the activities that would be Oversight completed. That is also a living document. It is the beginning of flushing out what we are going to do. It is ambitious. Comment- District look at the campuses timeline, we need to keep in mind the campuses have to go through the governance groups. Our goal is to have the final done in May so we can go to board. This may need to be a little more aggressive. District timeline at all the campuses. The reports go to the commissions in August. Comment- For faculty involvement I would appreciate the timeline through May so it allows for full process. ADambrosio - In my amendments I have a timeline for April that are not reflected in this timeline. We do have people assigned. Comment- Reiterate the April deadline some of our colleges had recommendation around governance. Satisfy those recommendations. RLittle- I will be in favor of the April deadline. Draft. Comment- Emphasis the district getting their responses done. D. Strengthen See notes above. Accountability, Innovation and Collaboration D.2. Institutional Leadership and Governance: D. 3 Institutional Effectiveness: accreditation recommendations. X. Announcements Around the TableFacilitator EWebb- Laney college has hired Marilyn Whalen as interim vice president of resources and student success. . RLittle- The new budget director begins Dec. 1. Luther Aberg comes from UC Berkeley. LSanford- Thank the four college presidents for being here, makes for a more robust meeting.