Budget Overview Workshop September 21, 2009 2% Scenario Adopted Budget Adopted Budget Reductions Colleges at 2% Central Support Services at 6% $1,654,000 1,848,000 Furloughs: 8 days (SEIU) 495,000 Furloughs: 8 days (Local 39) 128,000 Furloughs: 8 days (Administrators) 248,000 Furloughs: 8 days (Confidential) PFT 50,000 500,000 Part-time 1,200,000 Workload reduction from State 1,400,000 TOTAL $7,523,000 2% Cuts 2% Reduction Colleges of Alameda 359,000 Laney College 638,000 Merritt College 401,000 Berkeley City College 256,000 TOTAL Vacant Funded Faculty $1,654,000 2,976,000 1351 Allocation 13,308,000 Total Part-time Budget 16,284,000 1351 Expenses (2008-09) 17,467,000 TOTAL -$1,183,000 Workload Measures Workload Measures Base Funding Marginal Funding Base FTES Restored FTES Funded Growth FTES Stability FTES Total Funded FTES Unfunded FTES Actual FTES Credit FTES 4,564.83 4,564.83 18,958.52 0.00 574.00 0.00 19,532.52 305.49 19,838.01 Noncredit FTES 2,744.95 2,744.95 455.46 0.00 -162.91 0.00 292.55 0.00 292.55 19,413.98 0.00 411.09 0.00 19,825.07 305.49 20,130.56 Total FTES SOURCE: California Community Colleges 2008-09 Second Principal Apportionment (Exhibit C) Base Revenues A. Basic Allocation $13,286,180 B. Base Revenue $87,792,548 1. Credit Base Revenue 2. Noncredit Base Revenue 3. Career Development College $86,542,330 $1,250,218 $0 C. Current Year Decline Total Base Revenue Less Decline SOURCE: California Community Colleges 2008-09 Second Principal Apportionment (Exhibit C) $0 $101,078,728 Growth B. Constrain Growth Rate 2.18% D. Actual Growth $3,567,537 E. Funded Credit Growth Revenue $2,620,188 F. Funded Noncredit Growth Revenue $-447,181 G. Funded Noncredit CDCP Revenue $0 Total Growth Revenue SOURCE: California Community Colleges 2008-09 Second Principal Apportionment (Exhibit C) $2,173,007 Total Computational Revenue (Sum of Inflation Adjustment, Basic Allocation & Restoration, Growth, Other Revenues Adjustment, and Stability Adjustment) $103,251,735 Deficit Coefficient 0.9851542446 Adjusted Revenue Entitlement SOURCE: California Community Colleges 2008-09 Second Principal Apportionment (Exhibit C) $-1,532,850 $101,718,885 District Revenue Source A1. Property Taxes A2. Less Property Taxes Excess B. Student Enrollment Fees C. State General Apportionment D. Total Available General Revenue SOURCE: California Community Colleges 2008-09 Second Principal Apportionment (Exhibit C) $27,165,337 $0 $4,636,531 $69,917,017 $101,718,885 Other Allowances and Total Apportionments A. State General Apportionment B. Statewide Average Replacement Cost $69,917,017 $60,289 Number of Faculty Not Hired $0 Full-time Faculty Adjustment $0 C. Net State General Apportionment SOURCE: California Community Colleges 2008-09 Second Principal Apportionment (Exhibit C) $69,917,017 Categorical Programs 2009-10 Preliminary Allocation (This allocations are based on the percentage of the 2008-09 budget indicated in the % column unless otherwise specified) Fund DSP&S 25 Project % 0960 50% EOPS CARE Matriculation 23 23 13 0910 0909 21 District Total $663,105 $740,774 $488,219 $610,563 $2,502,661 $331,553 $370,387 $244,110 $305,282 $1,251,331 $1,244,612 $802,897 $371,115 $3,106,349 $622,306 $401,449 $185,558 $1,553,175 50% $83,173 $294,872 $192,008 $56,884 $626,937 $41,587 $147,436 $96,004 $28,442 $313,469 $368,929 $753,393 $434,916 $317,422 $90,726 $1,965,386 $184,465 $376,697 $217,458 $158,711 $45,363 $982,693 $218,733 $395,557 $101,250 $173,671 $121,031 $223,726 $57,500 $98,404 $60,516 $111,863 $28,750 $49,202 $92,702 $171,831 $43,750 $75,267 50% $46,351 $85,916 $21,875 50% $49,112 $90,107 $24,556 $45,054 $145,520 $419,520 0980 0993 50% 0994 Berkeley $343,863 Childcare 21 Merritt $687,725 General Program TANF Laney 50% 50% CalWORKs Alameda 2008-09 allocation $2,502,661 $1,251,331 $3,106,349 $1,553,175 $626,937 $313,469 $1,965,386 $982,693 $889,211 $889,221 $250,331 $250,331 $37,634 $191,775 $191,775 $23,750 $40,079 $203,048 $11,875 $20,040 $101,524 $101,524 $258,505 $137,534 $48,078 $1,009,157 $1,009,157 $1,009,157 $271,000 $271,000 $271,000 $271,000 $203,048 CTE(VTEA) 16 0951 actual Tech Prep 16 0957 actual Finan Aid 18 0926 100% $240,329 $420,592 $262,132 $174,875 $1,097,928 $1,097,928 $1,097,928 Library 12 0995 Prelim $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $68,000 $68,000 $68,000 Lottery 17 0000 Adv. Only $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 Inst. Equip 14 0997 Prelim To be determined $0 $7,290,383 $11,939,687 Areas of Flexibility Reduction 2008-09 2009-10 Child Care Tax Bail Out 50% $755,417 $377,709 Equal Employment Opportunity 50% $20,000 $10,000 Economic Development 50% $457,135 $228,568 Apprenticeship 50% $66,089 $33,045 Part-time Faculty Office Hours 50% $125,000 $62,500 Part-time Faculty Health Insurance 50% $50,828 $25,414 Part-time Faculty Compensation 50% $789,302 $394,651 Transfer Education and Articulation 50% $16,000 $8,000 Matriculation - Credit 50% $1,965,386 $982,693 Matriculation - Noncredit 50% $0 $0 Physical Plant and Instructional Support 50% $0 $0 $4,245,157 $2,122,579 2009-10 Allocation $2,265,683 This is the $4,245,157 less Matric that is above Less Matriculation that is included above 2008-09 Allocation $982,693 $1,139,886 $1,139,886 $8,430,269 $14,205,370 2009-10 Preliminary Allocation for Matriculation % 50% Alameda Laney Merritt Berkeley District Total 2008-09 Allocation $368,929 $753,393 $434,916 $317,422 $90,726 $1,965,386 $1,965,386 $184,465 $376,697 $217,458 $158,711 $45,363 $982,693 $982,693 2009-10 FTES Targets We are projecting being funded up to only 19,100 FTES for 2009-10. Our 2008-09 FTES was 20,300 resident FTES, we were funded for 19,800. That is a reduction of 1,200 FTES over what we served in 2008-09 2009-10 FTES Targets 2009-10 ESTIMATES PER CAMPUS Per DB/WA as of July 15, 2009 Source: PeopleSoft ENR Data (July 5, 2009) Summer 08 Fall 08 Spring 09 Subtotal Alameda 442 1,644 1,611 3,697 Laney 890 3,597 3,902 8,389 Merritt 494 2,001 1,874 4,369 Berkeley 468 1,661 1,712 3,841 PA 320 Report as of July 15, 2009 TOTAL 2,294 8,903 9,099 20,296 20,300 Includes Alameda's intersession that must be counted in 08-09 (97 FTES) If FTES of 19,200 Updated Aug 6 2009 Summer 09 Fall 09 Spring 10 Subtotal Alameda 528 1,701 1,375 3,604 Laney 1,000 3,600 3,525 8,125 Merritt 470 1,801 1,535 3,806 Berkeley 500 1,701 1,535 3,736 TOTAL 2,498 8,803 7,970 19,271 2008-2009 Fall Comparisons Sept 9 2009 Sections Students Class Enrollment Res FTES F08 F09 #(+/-) %(+/-) F08 F09 #(+/-) %(+/-) F08 F09 #(+/-) %(+/-) F08 F09 #(+/-) %(+/-) Alameda 438 419 -19 -4% 6,297 7,633 1,336 21% 12,662 16,120 3,458 27% 1,576 1,829 253 16% Laney 960 970 10 1% 13,501 14,835 1,334 10% 32,509 37,215 4,706 14% 3,448 3,990 542 16% Merritt 502 434 -68 -14% 7,237 7,796 559 8% 15,042 16,599 1,557 10% 1,926 1,886 -40 -2% BCC 461 458 -3 -1% 6,373 7,422 1,049 16% 14,048 16,633 2,585 18% 1,582 1,812 230 15% 2,361 2,281 -80 -3% 27,965 30,337 2,372 8% 74,261 86,567 12,306 17% 8,532 9,517 985 12% District FTES College Productivity Targets have been set at: Alameda Laney Merritt Berkeley 2009-10 16.5 17.3 16.0 17.5 2008-09 15.0 16.5 14.5 17.4 Productivity – How does it add up? FTES Goal FTES/FTEF # of FTEF Needed # of FTEF Available # of PT Faculty Needed Average Cost per PT FTEF 1351 Budget Needed 20,000 17.5 571.43 400 171.43 $44,000 $7,542,875 20,000 16.5 606 400 206 $44,000 $9,064,000 Additional expense in adjunct cost $1,521,143 21,210 17.5 606 400 206 $44,000 $9,064,000 $5,561,160 Per Campus as of Fall 2007 If: Alameda is 18% of district enrollment Berkeley in 18% Laney is 43% and Merritt is 21% Then for each 1 point decrease of FTEF/FTES the additional cost or savings per college is the percentage of $1,500,000 Alameda $270,000 Berkeley $270,000 Laney $645,000 Merritt $315,000 So when Merritt operates at 14.5 vs. 17.5 it cost $1 million more to produce the same FTES at Berkeley 1351 Totals per District and College As of Augus t 6, 2009 with new target of 19,200 FTES Extra Service Temporary Subtotal Contract TOTAL Alameda Summer 09 Fall $ Spring $ 293,832 291,099 $ $ 973,882 979,486 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation $ $ $ 515,758 1,267,714 1,270,585 $ $ 1,998,120 2,025,080 $ $ $ 515,758 3,265,834 3,295,665 $ $ $ 3,054,057 (643,060) 2,410,997 $ 4,023,200 $ 7,077,257 09-10 Total $ 6,434,197 $ $ $ 1,047,885 2,968,217 3,309,560 $ $ 3,517,200 3,323,760 $ $ $ 1,047,885 6,485,417 6,633,320 $ $ $ 7,325,662 (958,540) 6,367,122 $ 6,840,960 $ 14,166,622 $ 13,208,082 $ $ $ 586,150 1,585,029 1,568,872 $ $ $ 3,740,051 (1,245,860) 2,494,191 $ $ $ 529,025 1,477,238 1,562,872 $ $ $ 3,569,135 (194,920) 3,374,215 $ $ $ 2,678,817 7,298,200 7,702,892 $ $ $ 17,679,909 $ Laney Summer 09 Fall $ Spring $ 438,233 520,304 $ $ 2,529,984 2,789,256 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation Merritt Summer 09 Fall $ Spring $ 368,517 307,553 $ $ 1,216,512 1,261,319 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation $ $ 2,290,280 2,253,720 $ $ $ 586,150 3,875,309 3,822,592 $ 4,544,000 $ 8,284,051 $ 7,038,191 Berkeley Summer 09 Fall $ Spring $ 84,110 98,128 $ $ 1,393,128 1,464,744 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation District Totals Summer Fall Spring 08-09 Actuals $ $ 1,184,693 1,217,086 $ $ 6,113,507 6,485,806 $17,467,286 $ 2,401,779 $ 12,599,313 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation $ $ (3,042,380) 14,637,529 $ $ 1,157,360 1,061,600 $ $ $ 529,025 2,634,598 2,624,472 $ 2,218,960 $ 5,788,095 $ 5,593,175 8,962,960 8,664,160 $ $ $ 2,678,817 16,261,160 16,367,052 17,627,120 $ 35,307,029 $ 32,264,649 ZZ Totals per District and College As of August 6, 2009 with new target of 19,200 FTES Extra Service Temporary Subtotal Contract TOTAL Alameda ZZ Fall ZZ Spring $ $ 34,174 79,516 $ $ 148,816 166,023 $ $ $ 182,990 245,539 428,529 $ $ $ Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation$ 428,529 $ $ $ 337,470 245,539 583,009 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation$ 583,009 1,152,000 1,152,000 2,304,000 $ $ $ 1,334,990 1,397,539 2,732,529 09-10 Total $ 2,732,529 $ $ $ $ $ $ 2,025,470 1,397,539 3,423,009 $ 3,423,009 $ $ $ 1,553,082 1,729,980 3,283,062 $ 3,283,062 $ $ $ 1,032,494 1,102,937 2,135,431 $ 2,135,431 Laney ZZ Fall ZZ Spring $ $ 60,924 79,516 $ $ 276,546 166,023 1,688,000 1,152,000 2,840,000 Merritt ZZ Fall ZZ Spring $ $ 57,994 99,297 $ $ 203,088 290,683 $ $ $ 261,082 389,980 651,062 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation$ 651,062 $ $ $ 1,292,000 1,340,000 2,632,000 Berkeley ZZ Fall ZZ Spring $ $ 52,034 74,329 $ $ 148,460 256,608 $ $ $ 200,494 330,937 531,431 Less 1351 for 09-10 2009-10 allocation$ 531,431 $ $ $ 832,000 772,000 1,604,000 District Totals ZZ Fall ZZ Spring $ $ 205,128 414,505 $ $ 776,912 1,056,825 $ $ 982,040 1,471,330 $ $ 4,960,000 4,908,000 $ $ 5,942,040 6,379,330 $ 619,633 $ 1,833,737 $ 2,453,370 $ 9,868,000 $ 12,321,370 2009-10 allocation$ 2,453,370 $ 12,321,370 Questions?