*Request Date April 3, 2012 Instructions: Instructions: *Event Title (Text; 255 character maximum) University of Washington Math Day 2013 Give a brief working title for this request, such as the name of the specific fundraising campaign or project targeted by this request *Event type (Single-Select List) Fundraising dinner, auction, breakfast, luncheon, gala Civic event, celebration, festival Conference or symposium Performance or concert Exhibition Sports Social Volunteer project Other (identify in Event description) Instructions: Instructions: *Request Amount (Currency; 20 character maximum) $4,000 If you are planning to pay in a currency other than US dollars, enter the approximate amount in US dollars even if the invoice is in another currency. This allows Boeing to track organizational budgets in US dollars. Instructions: *Date needed January 1, 2013 *Event Facility, Address, City, State (Paragraph; 255 character maximum) Meany Hall Box 351150 University of Washington Seattle, WA 98195 *Event date Enter the latest date funding could be provided and still meet critical project deadlines. Instructions: Enter the name of the host facility (e.g., hotel or conference center), address, city, and state, territory, or province Instructions: March 25, 2013 *Event Purpose Instructions: (Single-Select List) business Describe the primary purpose of the event; for cultural educational entertainment fundraising informational interchange networking professional social technical trade other example, business, professional, technical interchange, social, informational, educational, cultural, trade, entertainment, networking, or fundraising, or other. If "other," explain in "Event Description" below. *Event description (Paragraph; 2000 character maximum) Math Day is a unique opportunity for more than 1200 high school students. During the day-long event participants choose from multiple sessions covering a variety of math topics (such as The Sixth Dimension). Students may choose to take field trips to various campus labs and facilities (such as the Plasma Lab) where mathematics is put to use every day. Students can also attend panel discussions on mathematics careers and the undergraduate math experience. A registration fee is charged for each student, teacher, and school. It would cost about $500 for a school to send 30 students and two teachers. Schools with underrepresented populations cannot afford this fee. A Boeing sponsorship of this program will allow us to reduce the fees for all schools and some of the funds will be used to pay for the entire registration of underrepresented schools. Boeing’s past support of Math Day has enabled many students who are typically underrepresented in math and the sciences to attend. For the 2012 Math Day, Boeing’s sponsorship supported approximately 200 students and teachers from ten schools. As with previous Math Days, we expect the program will engage students and spark their interest in math and science. We measure success for this project based on the number of applications we receive and the number of requests for support. We also determine our success in engaging students through student questionnaires and informal feedback from teachers. With more than 1300students attending, Math Day 2012 has the largest attendance in the Instructions: Describe the event, the type of participants or audience expected and the business purpose of the event (e.g., Business Development, Professional Development, Business Relationships, Technical Interchange, Cultural, etc). program’s history. Math Day 2012 was sold out more than a month before the event, setting a record for the earliest sell-out ever. We allowed an extra 100 students to attend, but had to turn down many more. We would like to fund at least 12 schools (up from eight schools funded in 2012) in 2013. Instructions: Describe any benefits to be provided to Boeing as a sponsor or co-sponsor of this event, such as complimentary tickets, tables, signage, seats, (Paragraph; 2000 character maximum) exclusive rights, or promotional considerations such As a sponsor of 2013 Math Day, Boeing will be as advertising and publicity. If none, enter acknowledged in the event brochure, website, and "NONE." If various premiums are offered for other printed materials. Boeing will also be verbally different sponsorship levels, please list or upload a recognized in the welcome address by UW Math description in the addendum field. If a table is being Day’s director. purchased, enter the number of Boeing guests allowed. If ad space or other recognition is provided in an event program, please describe. *Sponsorship benefits and promotional considerations *Partnering organizations (Paragraph; 2000 character maximum) The University of Washington Department of Math is not partnering with any non-UW organizations. However, the Math Department will, as in past years, partner with Physics, Oceanography, Health Sciences, and other departments on campus to introduce students to how math is used in science, health, and other fields. Instructions: If the organization is co-hosting the event with others, give the name of the event partners and their roles. *Will any portion of Boeing sponsorship funds be used to purchase alcohol for dinner Instructions: guests or host a cocktail reception? (Single-Select List) Yes No Unknown *Is any portion of this sponsorship considered a donation? (Single-Select List) Yes No Unknown If yes, Enter the dollar amount or percentage of the sponsorship that is Instructions: Instructions: considered a donation. (Text; 50 character maximum) 100 percent If yes, Enter the name of the organization(s) benefiting from the donation. Instructions: (Text; 50 character maximum) University of Washington (via the University of Washington Foundation) If yes, Enter the total fundraising proceeds expected from this event, in U.S. dollars. Instructions: (Text; 50 character maximum) $5,000 *Will any Portion of the Boeing Payment be used for lobbying Instructions: (Yes/No) If Yes, Please enter the amount or the percentage to be used for lobbying? Instructions: (Text; 255 character maximum) N/A Cost of an individual ticket for admittance, in U.S. dollars, if known. Instructions: (Text; 255 character maximum) N/A *Current and pending sponsors (Paragraph; 2000 character maximum) Pending: Wells Fargo, $2000 Instructions: Name others sponsoring this event and the amount committed in U.S. dollars. Instructions: Additional Information (Paragraph; 2000 character maximum) *Addendum: Invitation, invoice, agenda, sponsorship application, model contract, agreement, signature forms, etc (File Upload; 10,485,760 byte limit) Share any additional information helpful in evaluating this opportunity. Instructions: