Qualification details New Zealand Diploma in Supply Chain Management (Level 6)

Qualification details
New Zealand Diploma in Supply Chain Management (Level 6)
Qualification type
Management and Commerce > Other Management and
Commerce > Purchasing, Warehousing and Distribution
Qualification developer
NZ Motor Industry Training Organisation
Next review
December 2019
Approval date
February 2015
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is for people working in or planning to work in
strategic leadership roles in supply chain management.
Graduates will be key decision makers.
The purpose of this qualification is to provide global and local
organisations with people who provide strategic leadership and
have specific knowledge and capabilities in aspects such as:
demand management, manufacturing planning and control,
inventory management, procurement and distribution.
Graduates will benefit by having a diploma which recognises
strategic leadership capabilities in supply chain management.
Organisations will benefit in efficiency by having people with
strategic skills and knowledge to optimise the supply chain of
products to markets.
Outcome Statement
Graduate profile
Graduates of this qualification will be able to:
use strategic management tools to design and optimize
supply chain variables
strategically manage suppliers
apply financial analysis for supply chain operations
negotiate, lead and communicate strategically with supply
chain teams and a wide range of stakeholders
develop effective supply chain teams.
Education pathway
This diploma may lead to further graduate and post-graduate
qualifications including international qualifications or
Employment pathway
Holders of this qualification may be employed in strategic
leadership areas such as supply chain, logistics, operations, or
Qualification Reference 2812
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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manufacturing management.
Qualification specifications
Qualification award
This qualification may be awarded by an education
organisation accredited under section 250 of the Education
Act 1989 to deliver an approved programme leading to this
The formal document certifying the award of this qualification
will display the NZQF logo and may also include the name
and/or logo of the awarding education organisation.
Evidence requirements for assuring
Minimum standard of achievement
and standards for grade
Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) will supply
evidence that demonstrates how the graduate outcomes are
being met. Evidence should include:
surveys of graduates and employers which determine
how well graduates are meeting the graduate outcomes
in the workplace
reports from consultation with major industry
associations to ensure graduates are meeting their
members’ needs
demonstration of effective processes to identify changes
in industry practice and training requirements. For
example, meeting minutes from industry advisory groups
any other evidence, including workplace evidence, that
shows how the graduate outcomes are being met.
The minimum standard of achievement required for the
award of the qualification will be successful completion of an
NZQA approved programme leading to achievement of all
core outcomes in the graduate profile.
Recognition of Current Competence (RCC) may be an
Other requirements for the
qualification (including prerequisites
to meet regulatory body or legislative
The New Zealand Certificate in Supply Chain Management
(Level 5) [Ref: 2708] is a suggested entry qualification.
General conditions for the programme leading to the qualification
General conditions for
Due to probable technology and supply chain environmental changes,
programmes may also include additional aspects not specified as
conditions but relevant to the supply chain management environment.
EBITDA – Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation
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EQ – Emotional intelligence quotient
KPI – Key performance indicator
NPV – Net present value
P&L – Profit and Loss
ROI – Return on investment
Supply chain – process of handling of materials from raw form to
consumer, including information flow.
Conditions relating to the Graduate profile
Qualification outcomes
Programme and assessment will include coverage of:
Use strategic management tools to
design and optimize supply chain
Credits 25
strategic alignment to organisational strategy
customer management
complex data analysis methodologies, tools
 organisational alignment and linkages
Programmes may also include additional aspects not
specified here; relevant to the supply chain management
environment but within the allocated outcome credit value.
Strategically manage suppliers
Programme and assessment will include coverage of:
Credits 35
risk management
market supply and demand economics and dynamics
demand management and manufacturing planning and
supplier options
supplier selection
supplier management
Programmes may also include additional aspects not
specified here that are relevant to the supply chain
management environment but within the allocated outcome
credit value.
Apply financial analysis for supply
chain operations
Programme and assessment will include coverage of:
financial analysis for supply chain – such as P&L,
balance sheet, NPV, ROI, EBITDA
advanced spreadsheet and numeracy skills
Credits 25
Programmes may also include additional aspects not
specified here that are relevant to the supply chain
management environment but within the allocated outcome
credit value.
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Negotiate, lead and communicate
strategically with supply chain
teams and a wide range of
Credits 15
Programme and assessment will include coverage of:
relationship management
strategic communication
strategic negotiation
Programmes may also include additional aspects not
specified here that are relevant to the supply chain
management environment but within the allocated outcome
credit value.
Develop effective supply chain
Programme and assessment will include coverage of:
alignment of KPIs and incentives
Credits 20
relationship development
people development and EQ
organisational structure and culture
Programmes may also include additional aspects not
specified here that are relevant to the supply chain
management environment but within the allocated outcome
credit value.
Transition information
Replacement information
This qualification and the New Zealand Certificate in Supply Chain
Management (Level 5) [Ref: 2708] replaced the MIT Diploma in Supply
Chain Management (Level 5) [Ref: MN4461] and the NZIM Diploma in
Supply Chain Management (Level 6) [Ref: 108269].
Existing candidates may either complete the replaced qualifications or transfer to the New Zealand
Certificate in Supply Chain Management (Level 5) [Ref: 2708] or the New Zealand Diploma in Supply
Chain Management (Level 6) [Ref: 2709].
Qualification Reference 2812
© New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2015
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