Manu Taiko – Toro Parirau (Kaupae 4) (DOC, 72KB)


Manu Taiko – Toro Parirau (Kaupae 4)

Qualification Details

Manu Taiko – Toro Parirau (Kaupae 4)








Strategic purpose statement



This qualification is intended for those who may have some previous experience in Te Ao Māori and/or governance and are seeking a formal

Māori governance qualification at an introductory level.

The purpose of the qualification is to develop, from a kaupapa Māori base, transferable skills and knowledge required to protect and enhance taonga and resources for current and future generations.

Graduates of this qualification will develop skills and knowledge to contribute and advance the cultural educational and economic aspirations of their whanau, hapu, iwi, hapori to ensure robust decisionmaking in Māori governance contexts.

Outcome Statement

Graduate profile

Graduates will be able to apply the following essential skills and processes relevant to Māori governance roles and responsibilities:

Kotahitanga: (10 credits)

 Articulate and demonstrate a holistic view of Māori governance roles, responsibilities and processes.

Understand the appropriateness and relevance of tikanga Māori based governance for specific entities.

Explain and apply reflective learning practices to maintain kotahitanga.

Whanaungatanga: (5 credits)

Understand and apply effective communication skills and strategies to foster whanaungatanga and manage relationships.

Kaitiakitanga: (15 credits)

Govern assets in a manner that maintains kaitiakitanga, and aligns with the principles and values of an entity.

Understand and explain financial statements to maintain and enhance kaitiakitanga.

Identify potential risks and opportunities to protect and enhance taonga and other resources.

Te Pono me te Tika: (15 credits)

Understand te pono me te tika and explain relevant constituting documents and legislative frameworks.

Act professionally, ethically, and in a socially and culturally responsible manner that maintains and advances the values of te pono me te tika.

Identify and implement appropriate governance systems,

Education pathway

Employment pathway

Community / cultural pathway processes and procedures.

Identify potential conflicts of interest and apply the principles of te pono me te tika

Rangatiratanga: (15 credits)

Work collectively and apply the concepts of kaitiakitanga and rangatiratanga to develop strategic direction.

Identify the responsibilities of those in various governance roles including trustees and directors, and explain how they contribute to the protection and enhancement of taonga and other resources.

 Understand principles and approaches to Māori leadership to advance the social, cultural, economic and environmental aspirations of the people that the entity represents.

This qualification provides a pathway for those seeking to improve or further develop their skills and knowledge in Māori governance.

Graduates may progress to the following qualifications:

NZ Diploma in Tourism Maori (Level 5)

 NZ Certificate in Māori Business and Management

(Level 5)

Manu Taiko – Hoka Rangi (kaupae 6)

 NZ Diploma in Business (with strands in Māori

Management) (Level 6)

Rumakihia te Taiao (kaupae 6)

Te reo me ona tikanga qualifications at levels 5 and 6

Graduates of this certificate will have the skills and knowledge to act effectivel y in a range of governance roles, both Māori and nonMāori including:


Committee member






Trust chair

Graduate of this qualification will advance and support governance development based on kaupapa Maori principles to meet the aspirations of a wide range of community and cultural organisations including but not limited to Ahu Whenua Trusts,

Church groups, Community associations, District Māori Councils,

Hapū cluster groups, Iwi Authorities, Kai Tiaki Trusts, Kohanga

Reo, Kura Kaupapa Māori, Local Government sector, Māori asset holders, Māori Incorporations, Māori/Iwi advisory groups,

Māori NGO’s, Māori Reservations, NZ Māori Council, Pūtea

Trusts, Rūnanga, School Board Of Trustees, Sports groups,

Wānanga, Whānau Trusts, Whenua Tōpū Trusts.

Qualification Award

Please provide details about the award of the qualification

This qualification will be awarded to people who have met the requirements of the graduate outcomes.

Credit gained for an outcome may be used only once to meet the requirements of this qualification.

Awarding bodies for this qualification will be any education organisation accredited under section 38 of the Education

Amendment Act 2011 to deliver a programme leading to the qualification.

The certificate will display the NZQF logo and the name and logo of the Tertiary Education Organisation offering the training leading to the award of the qualification, the full qualification title, NZQA reference number, and the date of award of the qualification.

If the TEO has been awarded the Mātauranga Māori Evaluative

Quality Assurance (MMEQA) Qual Mark for a programme of study leading to this qualification, the certificate will also display the

MMEQA Qual Mark.

Review Period

Please specify the period of review for the qualification

3-5 years

Qualification Specification

Please provide details on the following:

Arrangements for managing consistency

The process for ensuring consistency of Manu Taiko graduate profiles will be evidence-based, outcomes-focussed, and grounded in the MM

EQA kaupapa Maori principles: Te Reo Māori, Tikanga,

Whanaungatanga, Manaakitanga, Pukengatanga, Kaitiakitanga,

Rangatiratanga, Tūrangawaewae.

All Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) (either arranging training or delivering programmes that lead to the award of the Manu Taiko qualification) are required to participate in a biennial consistency hui with the qualification developer. The purpose of this hui will be to confirm consiste ncy of qualification outcome achievement by the TEO’s graduates.

The system will be funded on a contributory basis.

The qualification developer will facilitate an initial regional hui to introduce and present the qualification.

The qualification developer may appoint an external reviewer(s)

Credit transfer and recognition of prior learning arrangements

Minimum standard of to manage the consistency process, review consistency hui outcomes, and prepare a report which will be distributed to the

TEOs and other relevant stakeholders.

The biennial consistency hui will involve:

 peer review o f evidence associated with graduates’ achievement of outcomes

 establishing a periodic cycle for the review kaupapa focus for the external consistency review.

 agreeing acceptable standards and/or benchmarks for qualification outcome achievement, and areas for improvement

 identifying issues and/or improvement opportunities associated with outcome achievement.

The qualification developer considers that programme owners should be responsible for determining how to evidence the consistency of their graduates against the requirements of the graduate profile outcomes.

However standard evidence for all programme providers will include:

portfolios of student work relating to the qualification and the annual kaupapa focus requirements of the consistency hui

And one of the following:

graduate and/or stakeholder/end-user feedback on outcome achievement

TEO moderation outcomes which may include moderation/benchmarking across common programmes

Relevant MM EQA external evaluation and review data.

Māori Qualifications Services recognises the importance and value of prior learning achieved within both formal and informal settings.

Processes may include:

 recognition for people who have worked in Governance positions for a period of time, or who have mātauranga

Māori knowledge and skills, and have not had any formal recognition of their skills

 assisting people to upgrade previously gained qualifications

 credit for learning achieved in previously gained qualifications that aligns with outcomes in this qualification.

Accredited providers delivering programmes that lead to award of this qualification must have policies and procedures in place for managing credit transfer, and assessing recognition of prior learning and recognition of current competency. These policies and procedures, and associated fees must be available to candidates prior to enrolment.

Assessment standards already achieved by the candidate, which are specified in this qualification, may be credited to the qualification.


achievement and standards for grade endorsements

(where applicable)

Pre-requisites to meet regulatory body or legislative requirements (where applicable)

There are no mandatory prerequisites to meet regulatory body, or legislative requirements for this qualification.

Mandatory conditions for qualification

Programmes leading to the award of this qualification will be evaluated using the Mātauranga Maori evaluative quality assurance (MM EQA) tools, processes, and methodologies.

Optional conditions for qualification

Conditions relating to specific outcomes

Graduate Profile Outcome

(including indicative credit values)

Kotahitanga: (10 Credits)

Articulate and demonstrate a holistic view of Māori governance roles, responsibilities and processes.

Understand the appropriateness and relevance of tikanga

Māori based governance for specific entities.

Explain and apply reflective learning practices to maintain kotahitanga.

Whanaungatanga: (5


Understand and apply effective communication skills and strategies to foster whanaungatanga and manage relationships.

Kaitiakitanga: (15 Credits)

Govern assets in a manner that maintains kaitiakitanga, and aligns with the principles and values of an entity.

Understand and explain


Te Reo me ona Tikanga are inherent and embedded within the principles and values of this qualification.

It is recommended the following topics be included in programme development leading to this qualification;

Relationship management and communications

Strategic planning

Leadership – Governance and management

Asset Management

Financial Skills

Legal and ethical responsibilities

Mandatory or





financial statements to maintain and enhance kaitiakitanga.

Identify potential risks and opportunities to protect and enhance taonga and other resources.

Te Pono me te Tika: (15


Understand te pono me te tika and explain relevant constituting documents and legislative frameworks.

Act professionally, ethically, and in a socially and culturally responsible manner that maintains and advances the values of te pono me te tika.

Identify and implement appropriate governance systems, processes and procedures.

Identify potential conflicts of interest and apply the principles of te pono me te tika.

Rangatiratanga: (15


Work collectively and apply the concepts of kaitiakitanga and rangatiratanga to develop strategic direction.

Identify the responsibilities of those in various governance roles including trustees and directors, and explain how they contribute to the protection and enhancement of taonga and other resources.



Understand principles and approaches to Māori leadership to advance the social, cultural, economic and environmental aspirations of the people that the entity represents.
