New Zealand Diploma in Tiaki Kuia Koroua (Level 5) 120 credits (DOCX, 22KB)

New Zealand Diploma in Tiaki Kuia Koroua
Qualification type
DAS classification
Qualification developer
NZQA, Māori Qualifications Services
Next review
Approval date
Dd Mmmm YYYY
Strategic purpose statement
This qualification is intended for Māori and people working with
kuia and koroua in residential, hapu or home settings.
Graduates will work under limited supervision, meet all legal
requirements to work in aged care services and ensure the
mana, mauri and wairua of kuia and koroua is strengthened.
Whānau, hapu, and hapori Māori will benefit from graduates who
work in accordance with tikanga, kawa and tino rangatiratanga.
Graduate profile
Graduates will be able to apply the following essential skills and
processes to tiaki kuia and koroua:
Whanaungatanga (25 credits)
Demonstrate an understanding of whakamōmori,
pouritanga, āwangawanga, wairua as the physical and
mental process of ageing.
Apply effective communication skills and strategies to
foster whanaungatanga.
Use te reo Māori appropriately in a range of settings
when engaging with whānau, hapū, and iwi.
Outcome Statement
Kotahitanga (25 credits)
Demonstrate an understanding of the high care needs
of residential and home-based kuia and koroua and
assist with activities of daily living.
Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements of
short term care for kuia and koroua in residential
facilities as they recover from fractures, acute illness or
Demonstrate an understanding of the requirements of
long-life care needs of birth defects, childhood injuries
and diseases caused by disabilities and mental
Te Pono me Te Tika (25 credits)
Demonstrate understanding of the impact of statutory
Acts and Regulations, and institutional policy
requirements on practice in the care of kuia and koroua.
Pūkengatanga (15 credits)
Write comprehensive assessments and case notes to
demonstrate case management.
Provide on-going personal care to ensure the safety,
welfare and wellbeing of kuia and koroua.
Tino Rangatiratanga (15 credits)
Understanding the different roles, responsibilities and
functions with the elderly care industry. Use reflective
practices to inform develop and implement whānau ora
care plans.
Whānau ora (15 credits)
Education pathway
Compare and contrast ethical frameworks and
professional standards, with tikanga and kawa within a
Whānau Ora framework.
Examine government and local health systems to
determine coordinated approaches to the provision of
whānau-centred services.
Analyse Māori models of practice to inform how they
contribute to te oranga o te whānau.
This qualification provides a pathway for those seeking to
improve or further develop their skills and knowledge in tiaki kuia,
Graduates may progress to the following qualifications:
 New Zealand Diploma in Māori Public Health (Level 6)
 New Zealand Diploma in Disability Practice (Level 6)
 New Zealand Diploma in the Management of Residential
care facilities including: aged, children, disability, forensic,
hospice, Māori, mental health and addiction, youth, services
(Level 6)
 New Zealand Diploma in Business (with strands in Māori
Management) (Level 6)
 Manu Taiko – Hoka Rangi (Kaupae 6).
Employment pathway
Graduates of this certificate will have the skills and knowledge to
act effectively in a range of kaitiaki roles, both Māori and nonMāori including:
Residential facilities, Kaumatua trusts, NGO’s, Hauora Services,
Marae based services, Whānau support services, Iwi health and
social services, Māori GP services, Hospice, Respite Care,
Cultural Advisor, Hospital Support Services, Home Care and
Support Services.
Whānau, hapū,
iwi/community pathway
Graduate of this qualification will advance and tiaki kuia, koroua
based on kaupapa Māori principles to meet the aspirations of a
wide range of community and cultural organisations including but
not limited to - Māori Women’s Welfare League, Hapū residential
facilities, Māori church residential facilities (Presbyterian,
Anglican, Catholic), Māori Provider and Iwi Hauora Services,
Cultural Advisor, Hospital Support Services.