Timothy Lubanga


Development Results on the Ground:

What works in Mutual Accountability in Uganda and Why?

Presented at the ECOSOC 2012 Development

Cooperation Forum 1 st High-level Symposium

Bamako, Mali 5-6 May 2011 by

Timothy Lubanga,

Assistant Commissioner for Monitoring and Evaluation,

Office of the Prime Minister

Outline of the presentation


Key Elements of The Mutual Accountability


Implications of Monitoring Framework

Key messages and lessons


Introduction of the JBSF

History of Aid coordination mechanisms with varying degrees of success

Government Performance Management Framework

Joint Budget Support Framework (JBSF) - long-term, transparent and predictable framework for providing budget support that

Use of the National Performance Assessment System and Joint

Assessment Framework

Harmonize Performance assessments

Align budget support decisions to the national budget processes

Improve the impact of Government spending and reduce transaction costs in the delivery of aid.

New Partnership Policy sets out guiding principles and priorities to manage the relationship with its Development Partners, within the context of the National Development Plan (NDP)


The key elements of Mutual Accountability


Partnership Policy

Highlights 4 broad objectives to improve the effectiveness of development cooperation through greater government ownership and leadership, strengthen economic management, accountability and policy coherence

Articulates the principles and the country’s policies on development cooperation

Highlights the roles of the various actors in the process of aid management and coordination

Contains a Monitoring Framework with a set of indicators for both development partners(donors) and government to be agreed upon by the parties and monitored on a regular basis


The key elements of Mutual Accountability


Enhanced coordination by Government, with leadership provided at a high policy level

Joint performance assessment based on a National

Performance Assessment built on extensive sectoral reviews

Focus on results and Value for Money

Time table that is linked to the national budget cycle

Memorandum of Understanding to be signed with donors based on the Framework

The use of key sectors to lead the process


The key elements of Mutual Accountability


Policy preconditions for effective and efficient implementation of Government policies

Cross-cutting policy reforms to tackle systemic performance impediments

Specific actions in service delivery sectors (Health,

Education,Water and Roads)

Mutual Accountability (Indicators being defined). There will be indicators for each development partner within the framework

Building on participation and leadership by Parliament,

CSOs Government at highest level (AAA)


Implications of MA Mechanism

The commitments under this framework are not just for the sectors mentioned, but for the entire Economy, inclusiveness

Effective peer pressure effect

National ownership of the exercise as emphasized in AAA

Monitoring Framework contains manageable number of indicators (52) for the Country and Development

Partners (donors). Each sector has just 3 indicators

Improvement in development results in the key service delivery sectors


Messages and Lessons

Strengthening of the Government Coordination and performance management structures

Increased participation of the civil society and local governments in the discussions as well as Cabinet

Provides an opportunity to review progress and address challenges to improve performance

Platform for enhancing accountability to Parliament and by


Improved learning within and across sectors


Key Messages and Lessons

Improved dialogue between Government and

Development Partners

More predictable Budget Support, hence better planning, budgeting e.t.c

Strengthening Government systems – capacity development

Improved performance by sectors concerned

Reduced transaction costs




Thank you
