UNITED NATIONS LANGUAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS PROGRAMME LEARNING SERVICE, OHRM PRESENTATION SKILLS WORKSHOP Course Code: E7S2/1 Duration: This two-hour workshop is held once a week for six weeks. (Please check posted schedules for dates and time.) Description: Participants learn and practise techniques to speak more effectively before groups (opening a talk, presenting a theme, persuading others to the speaker’s point of view, using memorable language, coping with interruptions, answering competently, etc.). In addition, each participant makes a videotaped presentation and receives feedback. Objectives: This course will provide participants with the opportunity to: Analyse the audience and the purpose of a presentation Organise a presentation which is targeted to the needs of the audience and purpose Develop and use effective visual aids Use appropriate communication style and respond effectively to asked questions a Learn criteria for evaluating presentations. Eligibility: English Programme Level 6+