Ngā Toi Māori Qualifications June 2013 - Draft (DOC, 337KB)







JULY 2013

Hei Tīmatanga – Introduction

He toi whakairo, He mana tangata

Where there is artistic excellence, there is human dignity

This whakataukī is exemplified in the art forms of the many thousands of people, young and old, for whom Ngā Toi is an essential part of their lives.

The qualities of skill, technique, and creativity grounded in Mātauranga Māori such as those exposed through Ngā Toi exemplify artistic excellence, and can be recognised through qualifications. This is the pathway that many Māori learners are currently pursuing in order to achieve better educational outcomes, and it is helping to create bright futures. Based on tikanga and kaupapa Ngā Toi qualifications can recognise and validate intimate cultural expression and emotion thus enabling whānau, hapū, and iwi to leave positive legacies for future generations.

Ngā Toi qualifications are an important mechanism for building the capacity and capability of ākonga, whānau, hapū, and iwi leading to the nurturing of those quintessential qualities of ihi, wehi and wana.

The review of the Ngā Toi Māori qualifications is being undertaken as part of the initial round of mandatory reviews of levels 1-6 qualifications which focus on ensuring that qualifications meet the overall needs of a particular sector and are aligned with the new rules for listing qualifications on the

New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF).

NZQA’s Māori Qualifications Services (MQS) and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi will co-lead the review, and will work collaboratively stakeholders with to support the development of qualifications that:

Meet the current and future needs of ākonga, whānau, hapū, Iwi, hāpori Māori

Are easy to understand for end users and other stakeholders

Enable and support high quality education, employment and/or community pathways

Represent value, and are recognised as useful and relevant by users and others with an interest in Nga Toi.

Are achievable in different delivery contexts

Contribute to the strengthening of Māori as a people and the advancement of mātauranga


1 Ngā Toi Māori includes the Māori Performing Arts and Māori Creative Arts, including Whakairo, Ngā Mahi a Te

Whare Pora and Ngā Toi Ataata.


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Working collaboratively, all parties will work in the spirit of manaakitanga, kotahitanga, and whanaungatanga to ensure the successful implementation of this review.

Tāhuhu Kōrero – Background

In 2008, NZQA embarked on a Targeted Review of Qualifications (TRoQ). The Targeted Review focuses on qualifications at levels 1-6 on New Zealand’s ten-level qualifications framework. The review was initiated in response to concerns raised by employers, employees and unions about the clarity and relevance of qualifications, particularly vocational qualifications.

The 2008-09 review found that the qualifications system was difficult for learners, employers and industry to understand because it:

Was not relevant to some employers and industry

Was not user-friendly, and the status of qualifications was unclear

Contained a large number of similar qualifications which made distinguishing between qualifications and identifying education/career pathways difficult.

To address these findings, NZQA recommended a package of seven changes. These were to:

1 Establish a unified New Zealand Qualifications Framework (NZQF)

2 Require the use of existing quality assured qualifications to allow for more inclusion of local components

3 Require mandatory periodic reviews of qualifications to determine whether they are still fit for purpose

4 Strengthen and standardise qualification outcome statement requirements

5 Introduce mandatory pre-development assessment stage for qualification developers

6 Strengthen industry involvement in qualification

7 Provide clear information about whether a qualification is active, inactive or closed.

All recommendations, apart from change 3, were implemented in 2010. The mandatory periodic review of qualifications was to be phased in over the following three years.


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Te Whānuitanga – Scope of the Review

The following Māori Performing Arts qualifications have been identified as in scope for the review:

Qualification Level Credits Qualification Developer

National Certificate in Māori Performing Arts


Certificate in Māori Performing Arts

Certificate in Māori Performing Arts (Skill


Certificate in Māori Pacific Performance





2 60





Māori Qualifications Services

Te Pokairua Ngā Mahi Tū Taua

Manukorihi/Certificate in Māori Mahi a Rehia

Diploma of Māori Performing Arts

National Diploma in Māori Performing Arts










North Tec

Te Whare Wānanga o


Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Māori Qualifications Services

Diploma of Māori Performing Arts 6 240 Te Wānanga Whare Tāpere o


The following Māori Creative Arts qualifications have been identified as in scope for the review:

Qualification Level Credits Qualification Developer

Te Huakanga o te Toi Whakarei 1 60

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Te Wānanga Whare Tāpere o


Whitireia Community Polytechnic

Te Whare Wānanga o


Māori Qualifications Services National Certificate in Ngā Mahi a Te Whare

Pora (Pae Tuatahi)

Kāwai Raupapa: Certificate in Introduction to

Visual Arts

Certificate in Art (Māori) / Kawai Raupapa

National Certificate in Whakairo (Te Ara


Certificate in Te Reo me ōna Tikanga /


Certificate in Te Reo me ōna Tikanga / Raranga











Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Māori Qualifications Services




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Certificate in Whakairo

Certificate in Raranga

National Certificate in Ngā Mahi a Te Whare


National Certificate in Whakairo (Tuturu)

Certificate in Jade and Hard Stone Carving

Kawai Raupapa Raranga, Rauangi, Whakairo

Certificate in Tā Moko Appreciation

Certificate in Traditional and Contemporary

Māori Weaving

Certificate in Ngā Mahi Whakairo (Level 4)

Pokairua Whakairo

National Diploma in Ngā Mahi a Te Whare

Pora (Pae Tuatoru)

National Diploma in Whakairo

Diploma in Māori Visual Arts (Tipu te

Whaihanga) Level 5

Toi Paematua Raranga, Rauangi, Whakairo

Diploma in Māori Art and Design

Aka Rakai Toi – Diploma in Art (Level 6)

Te Pokairua Ngapuhi-Nui-Tonu Te Raranga

Toi Paematua Raranga, Rauangi, Whakairo

Diploma in Jade and Hard Stone Carving

Diploma in Māori Art

Diploma in Māori Art and Design Level 6










































6 242



Māori Qualifications Services

Māori Qualification Services

Tai Poutini Polytech

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Unitec NZ

Waiariki Institute of Technology

North Tec

Māori Qualifications Services

Māori Qualifications Services

Eastern Institute of Technology

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

The Open Polytechnic of New


Bay of Plenty Polytechnic

North Tec

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa

Tai Poutini Polytech

Te Wānanga Whare Tāpere o


The Open Polytechnic of New


Māori Qualifications Services National Diploma in Ngā Mahi a Te Whare

Pora (Pae Tuatoru) EXPIRING

National Diploma in Ngā Mahi a Te Whare 6 120 Māori Qualifications Services


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Pora (Pae Tuawha)

National Diploma in Whakairo 6 120 Māori Qualifications Services

Diploma in Whakairo (Advanced) – Toiere


6 368 Whitireia Community Polytechnic

Ngā Hua me ngā Whakaputanga – Expected Outputs and Outcomes

On completion of the review, a report will be submitted to NZQA with recommendations for a new qualification or suite of qualifications for ‘approval to develop’. The report will include:

A summary of:

Issues arising in the review leading to variations from the planned approach and a brief description of how they were managed.

Lessons learned from the review that may be useful to other reviews.

Any recommendations for other pathways, groupings or changes to types and levels of qualifications outside of the review, which have been identified through the review.

Any risks associated with transitioning to the suite of qualifications.

A table of:

Each qualification included in the review along with a recommendation of any change to these qualifications. This includes the proposed date for the qualification status to be changed – from current to expiring or discontinued.

Details of the new qualification or suite of qualifications and the proposed date by which development will be completed.

Evidence attached to the report will include:

A final workforce map and new qualifications map.

Completed Qualification Review Outcome: Changing the status of current qualifications for each qualification included in the review.

Completed Approval to Develop a Qualification application for each new qualification, including evidence of the need and stakeholder confirmation.

Te Huarahi – Outline of the Review Process (The Approach)

Step One: Collation of research and stakeholder information

Existing research and data will be gathered to inform an initial needs analysis. This information will include:

Māori Workforce Development Research.

Labour market and census information.

Qualification usage data from NZQA, TEC, and MoE.

Other research from relevant providers, Industry and government agencies, including:


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- Information on graduate outcomes (employment, pathways to higher education, performance information).

- Database of `industry’ stakeholders and networks for consultation.

- Information about possible qualification structures.

- Feedback and kōrero from whānau, hapū, iwi who currently involved in Ngā Toi.

As evidence of qualification development will be included, the needs analysis will be considered a

“living document” until the review is completed.

Step Two: Establishment of Ngā Toi Māori Governance Group

The Governance Group has been established to ensure informed decision-making and that the qualification development work will be undertaken.

The Governance Group may also provide detailed and technical input into the development of qualifications in line with the objectives and principles outlined in the ‘Ngā Toi Māori Qualifications

Review Plan’, with the following broad objectives and principles:

Operate in accordance with tikanga as detailed in the MMEQA Kaupapa Māori principles that safeguard the integrity of both the New Zealand Qualifications Framework and Mātauranga


Focus on aligning to the current and future needs of the ākonga, whānau, hapū, iwi, hāpori, stakeholders and relevant sectors.

Ensure flexibility is built into the suite of qualifications.

Develop an overview of current qualifications and future needs.

Develop a draft map of qualifications (draft outcome statements, graduate profile, education, community and employment pathways, qualification requirements and consistency arrangements) based on the needs analysis.

Prepare draft qualifications (and/or standards) for endorsement from whānau, hapū, iwi and hapori.

Consult with, representing and gaining feedback from industry peers, industry networks, whānau, hapū, iwi, and hapori.

Attend relevant meetings and workshops as required.

Prepare the final suite of qualifications to be submitted to NZQA for Approval to Develop under MMEQA.

Step Three: Development/review

A draft map of the new suite of qualifications, including draft outcome statements and graduate profile based on the needs analysis will be developed. Once completed, a draft needs analysis, workforce map and new suite of qualifications map will be developed by Governance Group and then released for full consultation.


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Step Four: Sign-off, approval and submission to NZQA

Following the consultation process, MQS and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi will prepare a draft report with recommendations for the new qualification or suite of qualifications for approval by

Governance Group and revision where appropriate before submitting the final report to NZQA for approval.

Te Whakapātanga – Consultation and on-going communication

Throughout the review process MQS and Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi will develop and maintain a database of stakeholders. Organisations and individuals will have the opportunity to be added to the database at any time throughout the review.

To ensure all stakeholders are aware of the review progress and have an opportunity for input, there will be on-going electronic communications distributed, including:

A Ngā Toi Maori qualification review page on the NZQA website to host all communications including meeting outcomes, and draft documents for consultation.

E‐mail communications throughout the review, directing stakeholders to the review page on the

NZQA website.

It is acknowledged that this form of consultation (electronic) will not meet the needs of all stakeholders. As a result, face to face consultation processes will be put in place, where appropriate, to engage those stakeholders to ensure their input is captured.

A comprehensive Communications Plan will be developed and monitored to ensure whānau, hapū, iwi, and other stakeholders have multiple opportunities to feed in, and receive feedback from, the review.


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Ngā Whakaritenga – Planning and Preparation for the Review

In preparation for the review, MQS and Te Whare Wananga o Awanuiarangi has undertaken the following actions/activities: a Agreed to co-lead the review and notified current qualification developers. b Drafted Terms of Reference documents for Ngā Toi Māori, which are attached to this Plan as

Appendix 1 . (The membership has been confirmed). c Prepared an initial needs analysis including: an environmental scan of the Māori/iwi economy, a description of the broad features of the Nga Toi; and a review of current Māori Performing Arts and Māori Creative Arts qualifications which will be included in the review. d Establishing an initial stakeholder profile. e Developing a communications plan.

Approval to develop the qualification/s subsequent to this review will be sought under the

Mātauranga Māori Evaluative Quality Assurance (MMEQA) approach. It is proposed then, that the review be conducted under the MM EQA principles; namely:


The care of ākonga, whānau, hapū, iwi and mātauranga Māori itself will be a fundamental outcome of the review.






Te reo Māori

Tikanga Māori

The presence and expressions of mana-enhancing behaviours and practices will be evident between all review participants.

Those directly involved in the review will have the skills and knowledge needed to ensure that the values, beliefs, needs and aspirations of the people are met.

All review participants will ensure that the authenticity, integrity and use of mātauranga Māori is protected, maintained and transmitted appropriately.

The review will reflect a unique and distinctively Māori approach to ensure the needs of ākonga, the wider community and other key stakeholders are met.

The review process will ensure all stakeholders are engaged, able to contribute and their contributions acknowledged.

As the primary vehicle for expressing and transmitting Māori knowledge, values and culture, te reo Māori is practiced, promoted and celebrated.

Important in preserving, protecting and transmitting ngā taonga tuku iho, tikanga Māori is practised promoted and celebrated.


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Ngā Mahi me ngā Haepapa – Roles and Responsibilities

Ngā Toi Māori

A designated decision making (governance) group that includes people who are representative, credible, and have the authority to sign-off decisions on behalf of their stakeholders. The function of this rōpū group is to look strategically across the sector/industry included in the review and consider the current and future workforce development needs and associated qualifications.

They also represent key stakeholders with experience in qualification development and delivery, and will undertake the qualification development work including the development of strategic purpose statement/s and qualification outcome statement/s (including graduate profile/s).

Members of Ngā Toi Governance Group are:

Name Hapū, Iwi Representation Organisation

Tama Huata

Te Ngaruru Wineera

Ngāti Kahungunu




Te Wānanga Whare Tāpere o


Western Institute of

Technology in Taranaki

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Wilson Poha

Paora Sharples


Ngāti Kahungunu, Ngai

Te Whatuiāpiti, Te Kīkiri o Te Rangi,

Ngāti Porou

Ngāti Porou


Mau Rākau Te Whare Tū Taua o Aotearoa

Selwyn Parata

National Māori

Performing Arts

Te Matatini

Tame Te Rangi

Wanairangi Nopera

Ngāti Whātua

Ngapuhi whānui


Nga mahi a Te

Wahre Pora

Toi Maori

Whakaruruhau Whakairo

Whakaruruhau Nga mahi a Te

Whare Pora

Toi Maori Aotearoa Mark Kopua Ngāti Porou

Tracy Huxford

Christina Wirihana

Te Atiawa, Ngāti Toa,

Ngāti Tama, Ngāti


Ngāti Maniapoto,

Raukawa, Tainui, Ngāti

Pikiao, Te Arawa

National weaver



Toi Maori

Te Kokiri Development

Consultancy Inc.

Toi Maori Aotearoa

Eastern Institute of Technology

Toi Maori Aotearoa

Jacob Scott

Ngāti Kahungunu, Te

Arawa, Ngāti Raukawa

Sector Ngā Aho

The Terms of Reference for Ngā Toi Māori Governance Group is attached to this Plan as Appendix 1 .


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Ngā Toi Māori

Qualifications Review

Deliverables and Milestones


18 Oct


Stakeholder Scoping Hui 1:

Confirm Governance arrangements

Confirm Working Group Kaupapa

Begin data collection for needs analysis

- Survey to assess need

- Literature review

- Finalise Te Rōpū Tātaki and Working Groups.


Data collection

Work on Needs Analysis


Data collection

Work on Needs Analysis


25 Jan

Stakeholder Scoping Hui 2:

Confirm review structure and Governance arrangements

Draft Terms of Reference

Discuss Needs Analysis and Survey results

Discuss landscape for proposed qualifications based on the evidence gathered to date.


28 Feb

Data collection and analysis

Continue work on Needs Analysis

Stakeholder Profile updated

Review Plan developed (draft)

Website set up and operational

Stakeholder Scoping Hui 3: Whakairo and Ngā Mahi a Te Whare Pora

Discuss outcomes of the 25 Jan Hui in Rotorua

Discuss governance structure for review of Māori Creative Arts qualifications

Discuss Needs Analysis and Survey results to date

Discuss landscape for proposed qualifications based on the evidence gathered to date.


13-16 March

Survey stakeholders at ASB Polyfest

Finalise analysis and recommendations. To be used in the needs analysis.

Hui minutes and Governance structure proposal published on the website

Survey re-published on the NZQA website

Needs analysis mahi continues


NZQA & Stakeholders

MQS & Stakeholders

MQS & Stakeholders

MQS & Stakeholders

MQS & Stakeholders


MQS & Stakeholders



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8 – 19 April

Week of

22-26 Apr

Consultation(1) of Proposed Governance structure for review of Ngā Toi Māori qualifications

- Complete consultation analysis

- Draft recommendations

- Confirm GG and WG membership

- Needs Analysis Contractor confirmed

- Needs analysis work continues for Ngā Toi Māori Review

MQS & Stakeholders


MQS & Contractor


Confirm GG membership

Hui documents distributed to GG in preparation for Hui


19 - 20 June

24 June

28 June

Ngā Toi Māori Governance Group Review Hui– 2 Day Hui (VENUE TBC)

Discuss Terms of Reverence

Finalise review plan

Discuss needs analysis, communications plan, stakeholder profile list

Map roles & skills to qualifications

Scope number of qualifications, Level and skills (qualifications & Skills maps)

Develop landscape to proposed qualifications

Finalise and submit Review Plan to Service Delivery.

- Finalise Terms of Reference

- Update Communications Plan and stakeholder profile list

- Fine-tune landscape for GG endorsement and prepare for consultation

- Upload hui notes and outcomes to website


& Ngā Toi Māori GG



& Ngā Toi Māori GG


22 July – 2


Consultation of Draft Qualifications Landscape & Skills Map (allow 2 weeks) MQS & Stakeholders


Week of

5-9 August

20 - 21


22 - 30



- Complete consultation analysis

- Draft recommendations

- Circulate to Governance & Review Working Groups for consideration.

Ngā Toi Māori Working Groups Hui – 2 Day Hui (VENUE TBC)

Map skills to qualifications

Develop drafts of qualifications:

 draft strategic purpose

 Graduate Profile outcome statements

 educational and employment pathways

Prepare qualifications for consultation for approval by Ngā Toi Māori Governance Group



& Ngā Toi Māori WG


By 6 Sept Ngā Toi Māori GG Hui – 1 Day Hui (VENUE TBC) Ngā Toi Māori GG


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Ngā Toi Māori GG to approve qualifications for consultation

16 – 27 Sept Consultation (3) on proposed suite of qualification (allow 3 weeks)


By 11 Oct

- Complete consultation analysis

- Revise strategic purpose and outcome statements

- Draft recommendations and circulate to governance and working groups

Prepare final draft qualifications and circulate for Ngā Toi Māori approval

21 Oct – 1


Final consultation (4) and stakeholder attestations (allow 2 weeks)


By 15 Nov

- Finalise review report and recommendations

- Prepare approval to develop application/s, and

- circulate for Governance Group approval

By 29 Nov Submit application/s for Approval to develop

MQS & Stakeholders



MQS & Stakeholders



Ngā Rawa – Resources and Costs

NZQA will assume the following costs for the approval to develop phase of the review only:

Hui costs.

Travel and associated costs for those not attached to large organisations.

The following support will also be provided:

Preparing and disseminating: agenda and related papers, schedule of meetings and meeting records; documents required for approval to develop, consultation documents and collated feedback from consultation.

Maintaining web pages for information and consultation.

Completing administrative tasks associated with the review including arranging:

- Meeting venue and catering.

- Travel, accommodation and meals, travel reimbursement, or taxi vouchers for those members not associated with a large organisation.

Monitoring expenditure and advising of any constraints related to the budget for the review.

Further roles and responsibilities will be confirmed once the qualification developer has been confirmed.

Kia Mataara! – Risk Management

The potential risks that may impact on this project are listed below:


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Mandatory Review of the Toi Māori Qualifications

Risk Register

Reference number







That one sector or organisation is seen to dominate.

Reluctance to Participate

Stakeholders are reluctant to

participate in the review process, or the inability to achieve consensus.

Participant Availability

The review period coincides with high workloads and various periods of high activity, creating a risk for

participant availability, both

Governance and Review Working

Group members.






 Consultation and communication with all providers so that all of the needs of the sector and learners are met, where appropriate.

 Wide consultative networks.

 Clear and open communication.

 Transparent, robust, systems and processes.

Medium 

Communicate tight timeframes upfront with a “no surprises” approach.

 Ensure the relevant information reaches the appropriate people/groups within suitable timeframes.

Information is relevant to the role/designation of the individual/group.

Status Comments

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External Communication

Insufficient or unbalanced input from stakeholders.

Non-participation in the Review by



There is limited funding for the



There may be institutional or industry bias from some group members.




 Use clear messages to maximise engagement.

Communication plan implemented and monitored.

Ensure a comprehensive stakeholder

list is used to reach widely, and

 ensure it is representative.

Governance Group to champion the

process and talk with stakeholders to alleviate any perceived and actual concerns.

 All feedback to go to Governance

Group to be considered.

 Careful consideration of costs in planning.

Careful planning of hui to minimise costs.

Consider alternative means of contact when/where appropriate.

Selection process to provide a balance of perspectives (educational and industry).

Identification of key areas of concern in selection process.

Setting the Tikanga at the initial meetings, and establishing the

common purpose.

Create Terms of References upfront, which address the focus of the groups and what they are here to achieve.

Communication plan implemented to promote a wider consultation on key outcomes.

 Governance Group act in a monitoring role for consultation documents and feedback collation.

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Ngā Toi Māori

Qualifications Review 2013

Ngā Toi Māori Governance Group


Terms of Reference


Te Toi Whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka wehiwehi,

Ka aweawe te ao katoa

Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in wonder

Ngā Toi Maori Governance Group will provide guidance and support in the development of a suite of qualifications for Ngā Toi Maori that meet the aspirations of whānau, hapū, iwi, me te hapori; and validate the innate strengths of our Māori heritage, culture, and identity.


The Governance Group provides strategic direction, guidance and project oversight to the mandatory review process. It is a forum for discussion and decision making.

The Governance Group is also to provide detailed and technical input into the development of qualifications in line with the objectives and principles outlined in the ‘Ngā Toi Maori

Qualifications Review Plan’, in line with the following broad objectives and principles:

 Operate in accordance with the tikanga as detailed in the MMEQA kaupapa Maori principles that safeguard the integrity of both the New Zealand Qualifications

Framework and Mātauranga Māori.

 Focus on aligning to the current and future needs of the ākonga, iwi, hapū, hapori, stakeholders and relevant sectors.

Ensure flexibility is built into the suite of qualifications.

Develop an overview of current qualifications and future needs.

Develop a draft map of qualifications (draft outcome statements, graduate profile, education, community and employment pathways, qualification requirements and consistency arrangements) based on the needs analysis.

Prepare draft qualifications (and/or standards) for endorsement from whānau, hapū, iwi and hāpori.

Consult with, representing and gaining feedback from industry peers, industry networks, whānau, hapū, iwi, and hāpori.

Attend relevant meetings and workshops as required.

Prepare the final suite of qualifications to be submitted to NZQA for Approval to

Develop under MM EQA.

2 Ngā Toi Māori is the name given to the Māori Performing Arts and Creative Arts qualification review Governance and Development group.

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Support the qualification developer(s) to implement recommendations, or address requests for information from NZQA.

Key roles and responsibilities

The key responsibility of the Governance Group is to oversee the Nga Toi review plan and ensure review timeframes are met and identified risks managed. Additional actions/activities include:

Setting the directions and approach for the review.

Ensuring the suite of qualifications is based on current and future identified needs of iwi, hapū, hapori, stakeholders and sectors.

Critically analyse review outputs and endorse submissions.

Making decisions about the new suite of qualifications (including graduate profile, employment pathways, strategic purpose statement, needs analysis, stakeholder profile) for submission to NZQA.

 Approving the qualifications developer(s), including defining how the requirements for the future management of qualifications will be run.

 Approving the final suite of qualifications to be submitted to NZQA for Approval to

Develop under MM EQA.

 Supporting the qualification developer(s) to implement recommendations.

Selection Criteria

The membership of the Governance Group is made up of representation from the following organisations:

Te Wānanga o Aotearoa Te Wānanga Whare Tāpere o Takitimu

Eastern Institute of Technology (Toi Haukura) Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiarangi

Western Institute of Technology in Taranaki


Te Matatini

Te Whare Tū Taua o Aotearoa

Toi Maori Aotearoa

Each member will have:

 Credibility with stakeholder groups.

 Depth of sector knowledge and breadth of experience.

 Willingness to be an effective voice and to achieve consensus

 Rights to delegate

Responsibilities of members

Members of the Governance Group are required to have:

 Current expertise and experience in Māori Performing Arts. Whakairo, Ngā Mahi a Te

Whare Pora, Toi Ataata.

 Recent working knowledge of Māori Performing Arts, Whakairo, Ngā Mahi a Te Whare

Pora, Toi Ataata.

 Strong networks to engage or develop a mechanism for communicating with and gaining feedback from stakeholders.

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An understanding of qualification and programme development.

 Availability and time to participate in email discussion, consultation and meetings.

 An understanding of the needs and aspirations of whānau, hapū, iwi, and hapori Māori.


 Commit to the pan-sector purpose of the review.

 Contribute constructively and openly to the work of the group.

 Maintain regular attendance.

 Confirm minutes.

Respond to communications.

Ngā Toi procedures


Membership term

Frequency of meetings


To be appointed at the first Governance Group meeting.

For the duration of the mandatory review process.

As required

Types of meetings

Work methodology Decision making – Majority, however consensus is preferred.

Members are entitled to a fair voice within the group, and are expected to actively contribute to the process.

Where appropriate, feedback and comments can be made by: telephone, email and letters.

Meeting protocols

Any type of meeting as long as everyone can hear everyone else, which may include video or phone conference.

Hui will be conducted in accordance with, and respectful observation of, the following tikanga:







Te reo Māori/a-iwi

Tikanga Māori/a-iwi


Majority, however consensus is preferred.

All members have the authority to make decisions in line with the objectives of this process.

Where consensus cannot be reached, Ngā Toi may be required to vote. In this case a minimum of four members in favour is required for a motion to be carried.


Members have the authority to delegate representation to ensure full attendance at hui is maintained.

If a member wishes, they can participate in the meeting through electronic means.

Decisions will be reported as required to:

 Current qualification owners.

 Key stakeholders and other contributors to the review.

 Others expressing an interest in the proceedings.


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NZQA will assume the following costs for the approval to develop phase of the review only:

Hui costs for hui.

 Travel and associated costs for those not attached to large organisations.

The following support will also be provided:

Preparing and disseminating: agenda and related papers, schedule of meetings and meeting records; documents required for approval to develop, consultation documents and collated feedback from consultation.

Maintaining web pages for information and consultation.

Completing administrative tasks associated with the review including arranging:

- Meeting venue and catering.

- Travel, accommodation and meals, travel reimbursement, or taxi vouchers for those members not associated with a large organisation.

Monitoring expenditure and advising of any constraints related to the budget for the review.

Ngā kaupapa Māori principles (replicated from MMEQA kaupapa Māori principles)

Whanaungatanga The care of ākonga, whānau, hapū, iwi and mātauranga Māori/a-iwi itself will be a fundamental outcome of the review.

Manaakitanga The presence and expressions of mana-enhancing behaviours and practices will be evident between all review participants.

Pūkengatanga Those directly involved in the review will have the skills and knowledge needed to ensure that the values, beliefs, needs and aspirations of the people are met.

Kaitiakitanga All review participants will ensure that the authenticity, integrity and use of mātauranga Māori/a-iwi is protected, maintained and transmitted appropriately.

Rangatiratanga The review will reflect a unique and distinctively Māori/a-iwi approach to ensure the needs of ākonga, the wider community and other key stakeholders are met.

Tūrangawaewae The review process will ensure all stakeholders are engaged, able to contribute and their contributions acknowledged.

Te reo Māori As the primary vehicle for expressing and transmitting Māori /a-iwi knowledge, values and culture, te reo Māori is practiced, promoted and celebrated.

Tikanga Māori Important in preserving, protecting and transmitting ngā taonga tuku iho, tikanga Māori/a-iwi is practiced, promoted and celebrated.

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