19. Mitosis.doc






1. Introduction to Cell Division: cellular reproduction – cell division, a process that precisely duplicates & distributes genetic information (genome) of a ‘parent’ cell to twodaughter’ cells, such that offspring are genetically identical to parent (fig. 12 – 2)

• reproduction of unicellular organisms; in prokaryotes, cell division occurs by simple fission (fig. 12 – 12 & ppt. 1)

• proliferation of cells, e.g., growth from zygote to multicellular organism,

regeneration of tissue in healing

• cell renewal systems, e.g. bone marrow, epidermis

2. Organization of Genetic Material:

• chromatin: nucleic acid (usually DNA) combined with protein

(nucleoprotein); dispersed as fine network of fibers in nucleus of eukaryotic cells; chromatin represents the genetic material (genome) of the cell

- supercoiling of nucleoprotein – special histone proteins form spool-like shapes for winding of DNA: nucleosomes, looped domains (fig. 16 – 22 & ppt. 2)

• chromosomes (figs. 12 – 4, 12 – 5 & ppt. 3): supercoiled chromatin organized into threadlike bodies; appear during cell division

- characteristic species # (usually paired); pairs represent two

homologous sets (maternal & paternal = diploid # = 2n)

Bio 102 lec. 19 - p. 2

• chromosome duplication: chromosome # is duplicated prior to cell division producing double-stranded chromosomes; centromere connects sister chromatids

& facilitates spindle attachment (kinetochore) (fig. 12 – 5 & ppt. 3)

• two types of nuclear division: mitosis & meiosis – each involving exquisite maneuvers of chromosomes & each followed by cytoplasmic division (cytokinesis)

3. Cell Cycle (fig. 12 – 6 & ppt. 4): variable length (10 - 30 hr.) in different organisms; interphase followed by mitosis followed by cytokinesis

• interphase: non-dividing stage

- three subdivisions: G


, S, & G


, characterized by metabolism & growth

- gap periods (G


& G


) involve mainly respiration & protein synthesis

- period of DNA synthesis (S) involves duplication of genetic material

- cell cycle is controlled by chemical signals (internal or external) that act at

specific checkpoints (figs. 12 – 15, 12 – 16 & ppt. 5)

- internal control is coordinated by enzymes, Cdks (cyclin dependent

kinases); one type of Cdk is activated by Mcyclin & forms MPF (maturation promoting

factor), which initiates mitosis (fig. 12 – 17 & ppt. 6)

- non-mitotic cells stop in G

1 cells (G



( fig. 12 – 16), e.g. nerve cells, skeletal muscle

- external control is coordinated by growth factors, e.g., platelet derived

growth factor (PDGF) (fig. 12 – 18 & ppt. 7)

- controls are absent or fail in cancer cells - divide uncontrollably (figs. 12 –

19, 12 – 20, ppts. 8 & 9)

Bio 102 lec. 19 - p. 3

4. Mitosis: (figs. 12 – 7, 12 – 11, p. 245, ppts. 10, 11, 14 & 15)

• prophase: duplicated centrosomes separate & chromatin condenses

(supercoiling) into visible chromosomes (inactive in gene expression)

- radiating microtubules emanate from migrating centrosomes

• prometaphase: nuclear envelope & nucleoli disperse; polar (non-kinetochore)

& chromosomal (kinetochore) microtubules establish spindle apparatus (figs. 12 – 8,

12 – 9, ppts. 12 & 13)

• metaphase: chromosomes assemble in equatorial ring, each doublestranded & attached by kinetochores to a spindle fiber from each pole

anaphase: centromeres divide (separation of sister chromatids); spindle fibers pull chromosomes (now single-stranded) to opposite poles

telophase: reversal of prophase; chromatin disperses; interphase nuclear morphology restored; cytokinesis begins

• cytokinesis (fig. 12 – 10 & ppt. 16): animal cells develop equatorial cleavage

furrow (directed by microfilaments); plant cells develop equatorial cell plate (new cell wall)
