Hourly Employee Purchased Leave Time (HEPLT) Salary Reduction Request Form Instructions: Use this form if you elect to participate in the University of St. Thomas (UST) Hourly Employee Purchased Leave Time (HEPLT) program and wish to request approval to reduce your salary and direct this salary to become HEPLT. Employee Information Employee Name: Phone Number: Department: UST ID: FTE: Total HEPLT Hours Requested for Purchase I am requesting the approval to purchase HEPLT hours at my hourly rate of pay in effect on January 1 or upon my date of hire with before-tax dollars to be spread out over my scheduled calendar year pay periods. The number of hours purchased are based on your FTE. For example: 1.0 FTE = minimum of 8 hours up to a maximum of 40 hours purchased .625 FTE = minimum of 5 hours up to a maximum of 25 hours purchased .5 FTE = minimum of 4 hours up to a maximum of 20 hours purchased HEPLT Purchase Agreement I hereby apply to participate in the Hourly Employee Purchased Leave Time Program as described in the online Summary Plan Description for the HEPLT Program. I understand that my participation is voluntary and will begin at the earliest possible pay period following approval. I further understand that once I enroll in the Program, I must continue my participation through the end of the calendar year for which this agreement applies. By making this request and signing this form, I agree to be bound by the provisions of the Program. I further consent to the University of St. Thomas recovering any overpayments I owe the Program through payroll deduction or adjustments to my purchased leave time balance. Employee Signature:_________________________________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Management Approval Approved Not approved (reason) : _________________________________________________________________________ Immediate Supervisor Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Department Head Signature: _______________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Submit completed request form to the Human Resources Department, AQU217 For Payroll Use Only _________________________ Employees Hourly Rate x _________________________ HEPLT Hours Purchased (above) = _________________________ Pre-tax Annual Cost _________________________ Pre-tax Annual Cost ÷ _________________________ 26 Annual Pay Periods or Pro-rated = _________________________ Pre-tax Cost per Pay Periods