Realization of Self-Powered Electronics by 3-D Integration Zeynep Dilli, Neil Goldsman, Martin Peckerar and George Metze (*) Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742 USA (*)Laboratory for Physical Sciences, 8050 Greenmead Drive, College Park, 20740 MD USA Photodiode Array Design Introduction A micro-sized three-dimensionally integrated circuit (3DIC) with self-powering and energy storage units is designed for fabrication. •For a given incident optical power Pinc , iph=R×Pinc •R, responsivity: R=ηλ/1.24. •η, quantum efficiency: η=(1-R)ξ(1-exp(-αd)) Self-powered sensor units: Challenge for “smart dust systems.” •(1-R):Surface reflection;ξ:non-recombined carrier ratio; α:absorption coefficient; d:photosensitive material depth. System Overview •0.18 um SOI process: Si depth is 50 nm only. •Under daylight: 6.6 pA per mm2; net assigned design area 250 mm2. •Two types: lateral pin- and annular pn-junctions. Lateral PIN Photodiode Junction: n-type threshold adjust implant & p-type low doped “body/intrinsic” Si. Layout Three tiers connected with dense vertical vias. Top tier: PD arrays; bonding pads Middle tier: 30 pF storage capacitor Advantage: Large depletion width. Disadvantage: “i” region not recommended for use. Left: Only implant layers shown. Right: Bottom tier: Local oscillator, output buffer Full diode layout shown. System Concept An array of 52 of these diodes is in the final layout; expected ~99.5 pA per diode. Available tiers each meet a general function in a specific way. Tier & Function In this design… Also could be… Top Tier: Sensors Middle Tier: Storage Bottom Tier: Functional Electronics Power-harvesting Data (sound, light, photodiode arrays temperature…) sensors A charge-storage Data storage capacitor elements A local oscillator Data processors, and output buffer converters, communication… Annular PN Photodiode Junction: n-type threshold adjust implant & p-type threshold adjust implant. 2062 diodes in final layout; ~3.63 pA expected per diode. Top: Only implant layers shown. Right: Full diode layout shown. Circuit Operation Photocurrent charges Cstorage Inverter rail voltage. Inverter switching discharges Cst Vrail stabilizes. Top: Full operation. Left: Start of oscillation. Right: Full oscillation.