Fall 2013 International Education Week at Sacramento State

Fall 2013 International Education Week at Sacramento State
Monday, November 18 through Saturday, November 23
“Go International: Education Beyond Borders through Sacramento State”
The Office of Academic Affairs is inviting the campus community to join in the
recognition and celebration of International Education Week November 18-22, 2013. All
events and activities are free (light refreshment will be available). The activities listed
below for International Education Week at Sac State helps the campus to highlight
international awareness, enriches our campus life, and assists in graduating all our
students with the knowledge, skills and values to be competitive global citizens. Faculty
members are very strongly encouraged to urge their students to attend as much
of these events as their class schedules permit.
Special Request: members of the campus community are requested to come to
campus during international education week adorned in clothing that reflect cultural
heritage which will likely generate conversations across the campus about the origin
and significance of the culture.
International Education Week: Schedule of Activities
Monday, November 18, 10am-2pm; Redwood Room, University Union:
10-11 am: Dr. Pat Chirapravati (professor Asian Studies) presents a group of students
who will
be wearing traditional Asian Costumes and will talk about New Year
celebration in different Asian Countries including China, Japan, Korea,
Thailand, Cambodia, Laos (mainly Hmong), India, Pakistan, and Iran.
11-12 pm: Dr. Michael Vann (professor of History) and Sac State Fulbright Senior
Scholar will
share his experiences in Indonesia where he was a Fulbright scholar for 10
months. Presentation includes PowerPoint images of Dr. Vann wearing batik
and activities with his Javanese students.
12-1:15 pm Dr. Patrick Cannon (professor of Government) and Sac State Fulbright
Scholar will share his experiences in Africa. He will talk about the
environment for higher education, pedagogy, politics and international
relations in French Speaking Africa.
1:30-2 pm Video presentation on: “Beyond Borders” produced by the Chancellor’s
Office with
special insight into Study Abroad programs as a high impact practice for
graduation. Brief discussion following video presentation
Tuesday, November 19, 10am-2pm: Redwood Room, University Union
10am-2pm: “Study Abroad Fair & Foreign Language Learning”
 Visit the study abroad informational tables and the international activity tables to
learn about various ways to go international before graduating from Sacramento
 You are invited to spend a few minutes at any of our Language Learning
Activities tables. At each language table meet one of our students advanced in
the language of that table (e.g., Mandarin, French, Japanese, Spanish etc.) and
try your hand at completing a sentence in that language to receive a souvenir for
your successful participation. Language Learning Tables will be hosted by the
Department of Foreign Languages (led by Dr. Kazue Masuyama) and the Office
of Global Education.
12-1 pm: Watch the screening of two videos showcasing study abroad through the
“Beyond Borders” and “Ghana” discussion led by Thomas Krabacher and Kazue
Wednesday, November 20: 10am-2pm, University Ballroom 1
International Film Festival
10am-12 noon 3 short films (1 hr 18 min) featuring Beyond Color (South Africa 15
mins) Familia Ayara (Columbia/Spain; 19 mins) and Chumo-Bride Price (Tanzania, 44
mins) with brief discussion after each showing. Discussion led by Chike Nwoffiah, agent
for film producers (see brief summary of videos below).
12 noon-2 pm 1 film (1 hr 55min) featuring Joshua Oppenheimer's film "The Act of
Killing." It is amazing and causing a huge stir across Asia and in Indonesia, in particular.
It is about a topic that has been described as “a nightmarish vision of a frighteningly
banal culture of impunity”. The post film discussion will be moderated by Dr. Michael
Vann who is currently working on two articles related to this film.
Thursday, November 21, 4-5 pm
Forum on South Africa Conference planned for Summer 2014
Contact Dr. Ernest Uwazie (uwazieee@csus.edu) for location and other details
Friday, November 22, 6pm-10pm, Hinde Auditorium, University Union
The Cambodian Student Association of CSUS presents a film screening of, “Still I
Strive.” The cinematographer/director/writer of the film Adam Pfleghaar will be in
attendance to speak. The event is the first part of a two-day event, Khmer Student
Coalition Conference 2013.
Saturday, November 23, 5:30-6:30 pm, University Union Ballroom
The Cambodian Student Association of CSUS presents, “Nurturing the Mind & Body:
Performance by Renown Composer Chinary Ung & Dance Master Charya
Burt.” Composer Ung and Dance Master Charya Burt will speak on their experiences
as Cambodian-Americans in performing arts.
Saturday, November 23, 8 am-8pm, University Union Ballroom
The Cambodian Student Association of CSUS presents the 9th Annual Khmer Student
Coalition Conference dealing with questions such as: Who are we? How did we get
here? And how do we move forward? These questions will continue to be in our
(Registration Required 2013kscc.eventbrite.com)
Synopsis of Films scheduled for International Education Week
Wednesday, November 20, University Union Ballroom
10:00 am -12 Noon
Familia Ayara (19 min) Colombia/Spain: Directors: Gonzalo Escuder, Ignacio Gomez
Don Popo's life changes when he discovers hip-hop at the age of eleven. From that very
moment, hip-hop becomes the tool that will allow him to dream of a more just and
beautiful world: one that is full of wonderful possibilities. Through his foundation,
Familia Ayara, which works with young people who have been mentally, physically or
sexually abused, he tries to revive that same experience in as many kids as possible,
always using hip-hop as a tool for positive action. Hip-hop has several forms of
expression: "rapping, our poetry; breakdancing, our dance; graffiti, our fine arts; and
disc jockeying, embodying the movement's musicality." But hip-hop is much more than
an artistic expression; it is a social, political and transformational movement.
Beauty Beyond Color (15 minutes / 2013) Directed by Stanford Gibson (South Africa)
Beauty Beyond Color is a documentary on Thando Hopa, an unconventional star on the
rise. She is an albino who captured the imagination of well-known fashion designer
Gert-Johan Coetzee and became the face of his new Winter-Autumn 2013
collection. Thando is also a practicing attorney and breaks the stereotypes of what
being a celebrity is. This is documentary that questions our definitions of beauty, image
and identity.
Chumo / Bride Price (44 mins) Narrative Short Director: Jordan Riber (Tanzania)
Juma, a poor young fisherman, is in love with Amina. They long to be together, but
Amina’s father, Ali does not want her to live an impoverished life and sees a better
future in Yustus, a rich but self-serving young suitor. Jumo must put everything on the
line to save their love, but he must sacrifice more than he bargained for.
12 noon-2:00 pm
The Act of Killing is about killers who have won, and the sort of society they have built.
Unlike ageing Nazis or Rwandan génocidaires, Anwar and his friends have not been
forced by history to admit they participated in crimes against humanity. Instead, they
have written their own triumphant history, becoming role models for millions of young
paramilitaries. The Act of Killing is a journey into the memories and imaginations of the
perpetrators, offering insight into the minds of mass killers. And The Act of Killing is a
nightmarish vision of a frighteningly banal culture of impunity in which killers can joke
about crimes against humanity on television chat shows, and celebrate moral disaster
with the ease and grace of a soft shoe dance number.
Friday, November 22, 6-10 pm, Hinde Auditorium
The cinematographer/director/writer of the film Adam Pfleghaar will be in attendance.
“Still I Strive” Affected by social and economic issues due to the aftereffects of a
genocide that took place more than 30 years ago, children in Cambodia continue to
struggle to find proper care and basic necessities. However, at one orphanage in
Phnom Penh, the children use performing arts as a path to healing and
transformation. “Still I Strive is a story of transcendence through compassion, unity and