Download the 2012 FLC Application

Center for Teaching and Learning
Faculty Learning Community (FLC) Application
January – December 2012
Due Monday, February 13, 2012
Section I
Academic position or rank
Number of years teaching
The following FLCs are open for application. Please check the FLC you are applying for:
(if applying for more than one FLC please complete a separate application for each one)
A. Examining the Impacts of Learning Management System (LMS) Tools using Action Research: Four
specific SacCT 9.1 (Blackboard 9.1) tools are examined. Participants focus on the setup and implementation of the
tool in comparison to its learning impact. Participants will also conduct a pilot study of the effect of their technology
implementation on student learning.
B. Writing and Submitting Successful Grant Proposals: Participants engage in a step-by-step grant writing
process, including identifying funding sources, writing a persuasive project narrative, constructing a budget, and
submitting a completed grant proposal.
C. Program Assessment: Working in a program team, faculty will align program learning objectives to the
Baccalaureate Learning Goals and course curriculum. Faculty will collect and assess student work that provides
evidence of achieving student learning outcomes across courses rather than within a particular course.
List your Spring 2012 and estimate as best you can your Fall 2012 course assignments:
Spring 2012
Course name and number Number of students enrolled Format (face to face, hybrid, online)
Fall 2012
Course name and number
Number of students enrolled
Format (face to face, hybrid, online)
Participation Requirements/Benefits:
Full time or Part time Sacramento State employment between January – December 2012
Commitment to attend 10 scheduled FLC meetings and submit all specified deliverables before by deadlines
Technical and administrative support for production of deliverables provided
Stipends or Professional Development Funds awarded upon submission of FLC deliverables
I have reviewed the FLC meeting schedule (see following pages) for which I am applying and commit to
attending the sessions and providing all deliverables.
Yes ___
No ___
Application Deadline: Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 before 5pm to Center for Teaching and Learning, Library 4026. Page 1 of 3
Section II.
On a separate page please respond to the questions corresponding to the FLC you are applying for. Please
limit your response to a single sided page, single-spaced, 12 point font or larger.
A. Examining the Impacts of Learning Management System (LMS) Tools using Action Research:
1. What is your experience with the current learning management system, SacCT 9.1 If you have used Sac CT, describe
which features you currently use. If you have not used SacCT explain what you hope to accomplish by adding an
online course management system to your course.
2. Which particular course do you hope to manage with SacCT 9.1 ? What is the average enrollment of a section of this
course. If it is a multisection course many sections are usually offered?
3. Describe the interest and experience you have in assessing the effectiveness of curricular changes in student learning
in your course.
Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:
• Format/Size of course selected for LMS implementation: Preference will be given to, large enrollment (80-200)
lower division GE courses, writing intensive courses, activity/project based/lab courses, capstone courses, and
discussion format courses.
• Technical skills: How experienced is the faculty member with the use of LMS? Do they have a vision for best
practice implementation? If experience is limited, how motivated is the faculty member to acquire new LMS skills?
• Interest/Experience in education research: At what level has the faculty member expressed interest or participated
in assessment of student learning or research on teaching and learning?
B. Writing and Submitting Successful Grant Proposals:
1. Please describe the type of project(s) you are seeking to fund (research, curricular development, leadership programs
etc.) and activities (purchase of equipment, release time, student employment etc.)you are seeking to fund.
2. Identify your greatest strength and area of greatest need in the grant writing process. If applicable, list previous grants
written or submitted. If identified, list funding agencies you plan to submit proposals to.
3. Explain how your proposed project connects with campus wide initiatives (Graduation Initiative, High Impact Practices
as described by the American Association of American Colleges and Universities ( or
essential functions of the university (teaching, advising, mentoring etc.)
Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:
• Match of grant writing readiness with FLC timeline: If the applicant’s funding agency has a mid-year due date, then
the applicant needs to be an experienced grant writer. If the applicant’s funding agency has an end-of-year due date,
or if the applicant has not identified a particular agency, then the applicant can be an inexperienced grant writer.
• Match with Institutional Initiatives: Any disciplinary field of study is eligible, however, applicants will receive
preference if their grant writing goals support institutional initiatives
C. Program Assessment: Although faculty are encouraged to apply as a team, each faculty member should submit a
separate application. Faculty may also apply without a team and an effort will be made to place that faculty in a
synergistic team.
1. If possible please list the names of other faculty members who are applying together with you as a team.
2. Describe the program and the program’s student learning objectives you propose to assess. List specific courses in the
program and student projects and assignments that might serve as evidence of achieving student learning objectives.
3. Describe your current work on assessment including your knowledge of the program assessment plan and its
implementation. Please share any feedback you have received on your assessment work.
Applicants will be selected based on the following criteria:
• Need/Motivation: How immediate is the need for the team’s program assessment? Programs currently in their
program review cycle will receive preference (Ex. Cross disciplinary teams specific GE areas (A-E))
• Ability/Preparation: How ready is the program to conduct assessment based on existing student learning outcomes?
How supportive is the department culture and how deep is the team’s knowledge of assessment? How likely are they
to provide leadership and mentorship to other teams?
Application Deadline: Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 before 5pm to Center for Teaching and Learning, Library 4026. Page 2 of 3
III FLC Meeting Dates: 10 two-hour meetings between February and December 2012
A. Examining the Impacts of
Learning Management System
Tools using Action Research
B. Writing and Submitting
Successful Grant Proposals:
C. Program Assessment:
Limited to 15 participants
Limited to 12 participants
Friday afternoon 2pm – 4pm
Tuesday Afternoon 12pm – 2 pm
Monday Afternoon 3pm-5 pm
Limited to 7 participants
Feb 24
March 16
April 6
April 27
May 4
May 18
Feb. 21
Mar. 6
Mar. 27
Apr. 10
May 1
February 20
March 12
April 9
April 23
May 14
5 additional meetings for Fall 2012 dates TBA
IV Full Description of Meeting agendas and deliverables are available on the CTL website under “Quick
Links” and “Faculty Learning Communities (FLC)” :
Please call: Center for Teaching and Learning 278-5945
Return completed application, to:
Center for Teaching and Learning Library 4026
e-mail to
Application Deadline: Monday, Feb. 13, 2012 before 5pm to Center for Teaching and Learning, Library 4026. Page 3 of 3