December 10, 2013 (.doc)

Graduate Studies Committee
Minutes of December 10, 2013
Members present: Sloane Burke, Tom Cai, Ranita Chatterjee, Sandra Chong, Beth Halaas,
Richard Moore, Abhijit Mukherjee, Jared Rappaport, Abraham Rutchick, Merril Simon, MaryPat Stein
Executive Secretary: Crist Khachikian
Guests: Tami Abourezk, Beverly Cabello, Richard Castallo, Shartriya Collier, Deborah Cours,
Dan Hosken, Jennifer Kalfsbeek, Robert Ryan, Margaret Shiffrar, Jackie Stallcup, Al Wright
Staff: Hedy Carpenter, Lani Kiapos, Gloria Roberts
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:07 p.m.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the November 12th meeting were approved.
Hedy Carpenter announced that Graduate Studies staff met with the graduate
coordinators. She reported that many departments stressed the same four topics.
1) the negative impact of S-factor on graduate programs
2) the need for more TA/GA positions
3) they need our help promoting/recruiting for their programs
4) the need for an online department application & letters of recommendation
Curriculum Review
A. College of Education
Elementary Education
1. New course proposal in EED 672-Family Literacy and Community Assets:
Teacher Advocacy in Multicultural/Multilingual Setting was approved.
2. Program modification proposal for the Reading Language Arts Specialist
Credential to decrease total units in the program was approved with one opposed.
Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
1. Course modification proposals in ELPS 684-Field Based Leadership, ELPS 685Inducation Plan, ELPS 686-Assessment of Candidate Competence, and ELPS 689Practicum to change unit value were approved.
2. Program modification proposal for the Clear Administrative Services Credential to
decrease total units in the program was approved.
B. College of Health and Human Development
Physical Therapy
1. Course modification proposals in PT 752A-Evidence-Based Physical Therapy
Practice II, PT 752B-Evidence-Based in Physical Therapy Practice III, and PT 752CSupervised Doctoral Project to change catalog description and requisites were
Program Review Updates
Sloane Burke attended the Anthropology program review meeting. She reported that
the external reviewers had some recommendations, but the comments were overall
Discussion Items
Merril Simon reported that she and Crist Khachikian will be presenting the
disqualification policy recommendation to the Senate Executive Committee in
Simon requested three subcommittees to 1) update the GSC manual, 2) review
inactive graduate and university certificate programs, and 3) revise the current
syllabus policy with members from the Educational Policies Committee (EPC).
Ranita Chatterjee and Mary-Pat Stein agreed to serve on the GSC Manual
subcommittee. Richard Moore and Abraham Rutchick will serve on the inactive
graduate and certificate programs subcommittee. Sandra Chong and Beth Halaas will
serve on the syllabus policy subcommittee with members from EPC.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:47 p.m.