Graduate Studies Committee Minutes of November 12, 2013 Members present: Sloane Burke, Tom Cai, Ranita Chatterjee, Sandra Chong, Beth Halaas, Richard Moore, Abhijit Mukherjee, Jared Rappaport, Abraham Rutchick, Merril Simon, MaryPat Stein Excused: Crist Khachikian, Mary Woodley Guests: Tami Abourezk, Mechelle Best, John Binkley, Beverly Cabello, Richard Castallo, Deborah Cours, Dan Hosken, Jennifer Kalfsbeek, Rodica Kohn, Sheryl Low, Witaya Mathiyakom, Douglas McLaughlin, Robert Ryan, Margaret Shiffrar, Al Wright Staff: Hedy Carpenter, Lani Kiapos, Gloria Roberts I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 2:05 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes Minutes of the October 8th meeting were approved. III. Announcements Hedy Carpenter announced that the 18th Annual Student Research & Creative Works Symposium would be held on Friday, February 14, 2014. The application deadline for students to participate in the event is on December 24, 2013. Carpenter will be contacting the committee, associate deans, and faculty to participate as judges. Merril Simon announced that the annual Terry Piper Lecture speaker is on March 3, 2014. She reported that Laura Rendon from the University of Texas at San Antonio will be speaking on validation theory. IV. Curriculum Review A. College of Education Elementary Education 1. Course modification proposal in EED-674-Family Literacy and Community Assets: Teacher Advocacy in Multicultural/Multilingual Setting was tabled until the December meeting. 2. Program modification proposal for the Reading Language Arts Specialist Credential was tabled until the December meeting. 1 Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 1. Course modification proposals in ELPS 684-Field Based Leadership, ELPS 685Inducation Plan, ELPS 686-Assessment of Candidate Competence, and ELPS 689Practicum were tabled until the December meeting. 2. Program modification proposal for the Clear Administrative Services Credential was tabled until the December meeting. B. College of Health and Human Development Family and Consumer Sciences 1. New course proposal in FCS 413/L-3D Computer Applications for Interior Design was approved. Kinesiology 1. Course modification proposal in KIN 428-Aesthetics of Human Movement to change course description and requisites was approved. 2. New course proposals in KIN 405-Ethics and Kinesiology, KIN 410-Psychosocial Aspects of Athletic Injury, KIN 421-Advanced Urban Contemporary Dance were approved. Physical Therapy 1. Course modification proposals in PT 752A-Evidence-Based Physical Therapy Practice II, PT 752B-Evidence-Based in Physical Therapy Practice III, and PT 752CSupervised Doctoral Project were tabled until the December meeting. Recreation and Tourism Management 1. Course modification proposals in RTM 610-Sustainable Tourism and RTM 620Organizational Theory in Recreational Sport to change course title, course abbreviation, and course description were approved. 2. Course modification proposal in RTM 684-Advanced Research Methods and Design to change course title, course abbreviation, course description, and requisites was approved. 3. New course proposals in RTM 500-Foundations in Tourism Hospitality and Recreation, RTM 614-Advanced Food and Beverage Management, RTM 634Contemporary Issues in Accommodations Management, and RTM 660-Crisis Management for Tourism, Hospitality, or Recreation Organizations were approved. 4. New program proposal for the Certificate in Hospitality Management was approved. 5. New program proposal for the Certificate in Tourism Management was approved. 2 6. New program proposal to add the Hospitality Management Certificate and Tourism Management Certificated as options to the M.S. in Tourism, Hospitality, and Recreation Management was approved with the following caveat: Remove ACCT 505 as a required course and replace it with a non-business elective. C. College of Social and Behavioral Sciences Public Administration 1. Program modification proposal to add one 3-unit elective to the Health Administration Option in the MPA program was approved. V. Program Review Updates Jared Rappaport attended the Physics and Astronomy MOU meeting, Merril Simon attended the Political Science MOU meeting and Hedy Carpenter attended the Spanish MOU meeting. The GSC and Graduate Studies representatives reported that the external reviewers had minor recommendations, but the comments were overall very positive. VI. Action Item The GSC and the associate deans discussed the feedback from colleges about the draft of the Disqualification Policy. The GSC agreed that there were no additional revisions and approved the Disqualification Policy with one abstention. Simon will submit the policy recommendation to the Senate Executive Committee. VII. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 3:39 p.m. 3