LearnerWeb Usability

LearnerWeb Usability
Account name should be in upper right corner
Navigation menu open close button are not keyboard navigable
Result list headings > Color contrast does not meet standards
Search box should be relocated
Table headings line height is too short
Links need better focus styling
Course description page uses tables for layout without table headings
Calendar view uses mouseover on events that triggers a popup with additional information
FAQ pages have show answer before the question.
Remove Course ID from results
Why do some courses not have Action links?
Not sure what ‘Duration’ means in result list
Results are listed by CourseID > should be by Course Title alpha
What is the point of the link that acts as a header? Example: Course Catalog link on result page.
The sort links need better focus style
Dashboard needs a design overhaul/refresh
Links need colors that are visible during all states.