February 25th 2005

Present –
Absent -
Ms. Jezima Ismail
Prof. Swarna Jayaweera
Ms. Seela Ebert
Ms. Ranjini Manuelpillai
Ms. Indrani Sugathadasa
Mr. T.M.K.B. Tennakoon
Ms. Amara Peeris
Mr. Herath (SLIDA – on invitation)
Prof. Uma Coomaraswamy
Ms. Leelangi Wanasundera
Ms. Jezima Ismail chaired the meeting.
The Minutes of the previous meeting held on 31st January was confirmed unanimously.
As decided by the Members on 31st January meeting it was decided to send a letter to
Prof Uma Coomaraswamy to send a nominee who could take decisions on behalf of the
Open University whenever she is unable to attend the CAG meetings.
US $ 1500 received by CENWOR for tsunami victims will be utilized as follows as
decided by the Members –
– US $ 500 (for the Eastern Province where predominantly Muslims and
Tamil communities have been affected)
- US$ 350 (for Galle, Matara and Hambantota in Southern Province)
- US $ 350 (for Hambantota District)
- US$ 300
The members were happy that Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) had agreed to
collaborate with SLIDA in conducting the course and issuing the certificates. The letter
received from Prof. Uma Coomaaswamy to this effect was tabled at the meeting. It was
decided to inform NIU accordingly.
A lengthy discussion took place regarding the medium of instructions for the Certificate
Course as many would find it difficult to study only in English. Therefore it was decided
that as and when it is appropriate translations to be provided in Sinhala and Tamil. As
Cenwor had nominated only one participant for the course they agreed to send the
additional name to Mr. Herath at SLIDA. The number of participants who were
identified to follow the course (after a discussion Seela had with Mr. Herath) are as
follows :
11 - Males
17 - Female
It was agreed to have around 30 people initially as there would be dropouts. As the
amount allocated for each person per month for travel was Rs. 2,000/- it was decided to
allocate the travel according to the distance of travel and also to keep within the budget of
Rs. 50,000/- per month.
The note on political participation to be sent to the following and the letter to be signed
by Chairperson of CAG, Ms. Jezima Ismail.
Hon President
Hon Prime Minister
Opposition Leader
Hon. John Seneviratne
Hon. Dew Gunasekera
Hon Sumedha Jayasena
Hon Janaka Bandara Tennakone.
Secretaries to the Ministries of the 5 Ministers who comprised the sub committee.
Leaders of all Political Parties
Inauguration of the Certificate Course will be held on 7th March 2005 at SLIDA
auditorium. The programme is as follows :
09.30 a.m.
09.45 a.m.
09.50 a.m.
09.53 a.m.
09.55 a.m.
10.00 a.m.
10.20 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
10.40 a.m.
10.50 a.m.
10.55 a.m.
Arrival of Chief Guest
National Anthem
Lighting of the Oil Lamp
Welcome address by the Director, SLIDA
Address by Vice Chancellor, Open University
Address by CAG member
Address by the Guest of Honour
Address by the Chief Guest
Vote of Thanks
The Chief Guest will be Hon. Amarasi Dodangoda, Minister of Public Administration
and Home Affairs and the Guest of Honour will be Ms. Angela Gemza, Cultural Affairs
Officer, US Embassy
The Coalition members will also be invited to be present at the inauguration.
The Power point presentation on the Certificate Course made by SLIDA for the
inauguration was shown to the members to get their views.
The meeting terminated at 12.30 p.m.