FORM 14 THE COMPANIES ORDINANCE, 1984 (Proviso to section 123 and section 463) PARTICULARS OF AN ISSUE OF REDEEMABLE CAPITAL/DEBENTURES IN A SERIES WHEN MORE THAN ONE ISSUE IN THE SERIES IS MADE Please complete in typescript or in bold block capitals. 1. CUIN (Incorporation Number) 2. Name of the Company 3. Fee Paid (Rs.) 4. Receipt No. Name & Branch of The Bank Day Month Date (Bank challan to be attached in original) 5. Particulars of an issue of redeemable capital/debentures in series when more than one issue in the series is made 6. Date of registration of the series 7. Date of present issue 8. Amount of present issue. Year 9. Gist of the terms and conditions and extent and operation of the mortgage, charge, or other interest. 10. Particulars as to the amount or rate percent of the commission allowances, or discount (if any). 11. Signature of Chief Executive/ Secretary 12. Name of Signatory 13. Designation 14. NIC Number of signatory Day 15. Date Month Year