Study guide for Chapters 4-6

Study Guide For Chapters 4-6
1. What are the characteristic features of epithelial tissue?
2. What are the various types of epithelial tissues? Where do you find them?
3. What are the names of the epithelia that line various cavities and organs of the body?
4. How are epithelial cell structures correlated to their functions?
5. What are the characteristic features of connective tissue?
6. What are the various types of connective tissues? Where do you find them? How are
connective tissues formed?
7. What are the functions of the various types of connective tissues in the body?
8. What are the steps in tissue repair?
9. What is adipose tissue? Where is it found and what are its functions?
10. What are the various types of glands found in the body? What do they secrete? How do
they secrete their secretions?
11. Study the parts of the skin from labeled diagrams, and understand the functions of the
various components. Know the layers of the skin, and understand their importance.
12. What are various types of skin cancer? What is the prevalence of each type? Which of
these cancers are hard to treat?
13. How does the skin on the palm and sole of the foot compare to that on the rest of the
14. What type of sensory receptors can be found on the skin? What do they respond to?
15. What are the various appendages of the skin? What are they derived from? What are
their functions?
16. What are the functions of the skin?
17. How do burns affect the skin? How are the types of burns categorized? How do medical
practitioners determine the degree of damage on burnt skin?
18. What are the functions of the skeletal system?
19. How can bones be categorized based on their shape? Where can you find long bones,
short bones, sesmoid bones, flat bones and irregular bones?
20. Learn the structure of a long bone. Where can you find compact bone, spongy bone and
cartilage on a long bone?
21. What are some common bone abnormalities? How do they occur? Where can they be
22. What are the components of cartilage and bone? What are the functions of the various
components? How does cartilage differ from bone?
23. Understand the structure of spongy bones and compact bones. What is an osteon?
What is diploë? Where is it found?
24. What are the methods of bone formation? What are the various stages of endochondral
bone formation?
25. Understand how bone structure is correlated to its functions. Study the differences in
functions of compact and spongy bones.
26. What are the functions of yellow bone marrow and red bone marrow? Where can each
kind be found?