

Taught By: Dr. Steve Condie

Office: A157 (Math Area)

Phone: 907-5967 email: scondie@imsa.edu

Topics Covered:

Much of Chapters 9 - 11, and other interesting topics.

Office Hours:

My free periods are:

2,3, and 4 or 9:00 – 12:00 daily

If you want to be certain that I am at my desk ready to help you, make an appointment.

Please feel free to stop by anytime without an appointment, but do not be surprised if I am busy with another student or out of the office.


Homework will be assigned on a daily basis. It is imperative that you keep up with this homework so as to get the most out of the classroom experience. If a student comes to class unprepared, they jeopardize the integrity of the learning environment. That is, they do not merely cheat themselves, they cheat the other students at their table, and in fact, the entire class. I expect each student to have made an honest attempt at completing the homework assigned the previous class period. Students will be asked to engage in the dialogue of problem solving, and help their classmates understand the content of the course. I will periodically check homework.


You should keep a notebook as in MI. Keeping worksheets, notes, problem sets, homework, quizzes, and other handouts in your notebook is a good idea.

Quizzes & Exams:

There will be relatively frequent assessments ranging from short one question, 5 minute

“quizzes” to full 55 minute “exams”. The shorter assessments may or may not be announced in advance, while longer assessments that cover multiple sections/chapters will be announced a week in advance. All points on these assessments will carry equal weight.

Problem Sets/AP Exam Prep :

Throughout the semester, we will be spending time preparing you to take the AP BC

Calculus exam, which will be given sometime in early May 2014. Much of the emphasis will be on doing good mathematical writing. This review will be a regular part of the curriculum of the class. Problem sets (consisting in large part of AP Free Response questions) will be handed out often. Please feel free to work together on these problems, but solutions should be your own. I suggest that you give yourself 15 minutes of uninterrupted individual work to sharpen your test-taking skill. You want to get these in at the beginning of class on the due date.

Answers with no work receive little credit; in fact, you will be graded in large part on how well the solution is communicated! Neat, easy to follow solutions are expected. The lowest problem set will be thrown out each quarter, so as a result late problem sets will not be accepted.

If you will be absent or tardy on a day that problem sets are due, give your set to another student in the class to hand in.


Semester Grades:

Problem Sets, Homework

Exams & Quizzes

Semester Exam

- 20%

- 60%

- 20%
