Français 2 Madame Brown Jenks High School Blg. 6 Room 171

Français 2
Madame Brown
Web sites :
Jenks High School Blg. 6 Room 171
299-4415 x2671
Text: Bien Dit Level 2 Holt/Rinehart/Winston (activities to accompany
text) and
Daily Writing, Speaking and Listening:
Composition notebook :
RECHAUFFER : Each day starts with a warm up on the board. Students will
copy the questions and answers in their notebooks. After each unit test a
BAVARDER : Once a week the réchauffer prompt is to prepare a conversation
for the student and a speaking partner. This conversation will be graded
based on a rubric evaluating interpersonal communication and the student’s
language development.
VOCABULAIRE : Vocabulary summary sheets will be given for each unit.
Students are expected to do a differentiated practice activity to master
vocabulary and keep these activities in their notebook.
NOTES : Students are encouraged to take notes concerning grammar,
vocabulary, culture and idiomatic expressions in order to better retain the
Daily Writing: The back half of the composition notebook is for the student’s journal.
Students will write in their journals approx. once a week. Each journal entry is
Worth 50 points. A word count goal is set each time. When students meet the word
count in the allotted time frame they will receive 5 points. If content shows good use
of time and increase in vocabulary students receive another 45 points. Students will
choose one journal per nine week period that he or she will expand upon and
correct for comprehensibility/accuracy, variety of vocabulary and complex
structures. This will be submitted for a written presentational assessment grade
Worth 100 points.
Daily Speaking and Listening : Students are given a grade for engaging in speaking
and listening tasks. If a student is consistently using English or not attempting to
demonstrate comprehension a zero will be given.
Homework: Daily homework is in the workbook. There is no late work accepted
unless a student is absent. Students have one day per day absent to make up their
Quizzes and Assessments: Two quizzes and two unit assessments per unit. Quizzes
are over vocabulary and grammar. Unit assessments involve written presentational
communication (paragraphs, essays), written interpersonal communication (letters,
email) spoken presentational communication (describing pictures, events) and
spoken interpersonal communication (guided conversation with a partner or
teacher). Listening is incorporated into the prompts for the assessments above. If
absent for an assessment or quiz students must arrange a time and date for make
up. If student does not make up test by that time and fails to contact the teacher, he
or she receives a zero.
Projects: Once per nine weeks students will complete a project using research on
the Internet or media center. Students prepare a presentation using a visual aide.
Students are graded on meeting the requirements of project by the deadline,
treatment of the topic, level of language use and fluency and overall effectiveness of
Grading :
Daily writing, speaking &
listening assessments
Final Exam
Classroom Behavior : My expectations of students is that they
1. Follow the school rules.
On time to class, Wear ID, No cell phones or music, Follow dress code
No inappropriate language, No food or drink in the classroom except water
2. Treat fellow classmates and classroom materials with respect.
Do not leave notebooks and or papers in the books or in the classroom.
Do not write on desks or school materials.
3. Arrive ready to learn French and s’amuser !
If a discipline problem is persistent a detention is administered. If the problem
continues the parents will be contacted and further consequences will be
negotiated. Students will be sent directly to the office for dress code, tardy past 10
minutes and disrespectful language, gestures or behavior.
Please have a parent sign that he or she has read this syllabus. If parents have
further questions or concerns please contatct me. A copy of this syllabus will be on
my website.
printed name
*Show this to Madame Brown for points then keep this in your notebook.