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Acc Alg 2/Precalc H Course Syllabus

Acc Alg 2/Precalc H
Mr. Liu
(Virtual) Room B9
Course Description:
Accelerated Algebra 2 / Precalculus is the study of formal trigonometry and its application to complex numbers, polar
coordinates, and parametric equations. This class includes an in depth introduction to Calculus.
Assessments (Exams, Quizzes, etc.)
Exams are cumulative: each exam will consist of problems based on new material as well as review problems from any
concepts we covered previously. Each exam will be worth up to 100 points. There will also be a comprehensive midterm
each semester worth 200 points. Quizzes will also be given and will also be cumulative. They will be worth less points
but in the same weighted category. I might also assign other assessments such as a project in this grading category.
Exams and quizzes will be administered through Zoom during class time. When working on exams and quizzes, your
workspace must be visible through the Zoom meeting. On exams and quizzes, show work as demonstrated during the
Zoom lessons. No work, no credit!
Homework is assigned daily, worth 2 points each. They will be collected as a packet (approximately every week or two).
Be sure you are completing homework each day and showing all work. At least 1 point will be docked from each
assignment that has work not shown correctly. I will go over details on how to upload homework in Google Classroom.
For participation credit, you may get at most 1 participation point each day through answering problems on Zoom or
during problem discussions, and you will need 20 participation points each quarter for full credit.
You must have a notebook and take notes for class each day. You should be using your notes to study so the notebook
should be very organized.
A graphing calculator is strongly recommended for this class. I would recommend the TI-84+ (though not required)
Class Grades:
90 - 100%
80 - 89.99%
70 - 79.99%
60 - 69.99%
Below 60%
If you need additional help, please see me through office hours on Zoom.
Online Meetings:
Per Ed Code 51512, it is illegal to record audio or video during the Zoom sessions without prior consent of teacher and
school principal. There will be serious consequences if you record without consent as I care about the privacy for each
student as well as myself.
Attendance will be taken at the beginning of class. Please show up to the scheduled Zoom sessions on time. If you
cannot make it to class, please email me (before class if possible) and let me know the reason, especially on exam days.
I expect that you will arrive to class prepared and on time. All work for every problem (on all homework, notes, and
exams), should be done in pencil and organized neatly. Also, you will need a set of different color pens or pencils (at
least 2 colors that are NOT black or red) for graphing as well as a ruler. Please respect your classmates while online or in
the classroom. I will not tolerate bullying of any kind. Please let me know if you have any issues and I will take care of it.
I expect you to have integrity, which is being honest and choosing to do the right thing. Any student suspected of or
caught cheating will be pursued to the fullest extent of school and district policy. Cheating in this class mainly includes
(but is not limited to) giving yourself or another student any unfair academic advantage (eg. ANY discussion with another
student about exam problems on the day of a test or quiz).
To help remind you of the Honor Code, all work for this class must have "Integrity" written somewhere with your
signature next to it, otherwise I will not count it.