ADDITIONAL NOTES MATH 1342 FALL 2008 Text is Brase & Brase, Understanding Statistics, Fourth Edition. Homework counts 5 points per section. Each section is due on or before the day of the exam over that section. Late homework gets zero credit. Please bind problems from the same section, not different sections. Please do not submit homework along with daily problems. Lowest course test grade (not the final exam) will be dropped. There will be no makeup or “early bird” exams. Instructor reserves the right to deduct test points for missing steps, even if final answer is correct. Date/time of final exam is December 10. There will be no “early bird” or makeup final. For E=course test average, H=homework average, D=daily average, and F=final exam, the course percentage C= .40E + .20H + .15D + .25F. To determine the course grade, the course percentage will be compared to this scale: A: 90%-100% B: 80%-89% C: 70%-79% D: 60%-69% F: 0%-59% Notice that with this system, a score of 100 on every test and the final exam, combined with no homework or daily work, yields a course percentage of 65%. College regs apply to Academic Integrity, ADA, Disciplinary Action and other issues not covered above. Office hours: MW 12-1, 2-3 TH 11-2 F 12-1 Office phone (281)243-8520 E-mail: Note: The last day to drop with a “W” is November 14.