ADDITIONAL NOTES MATH 1314 FALL ‘08 Homework will be collected on the last class day of the week. Homework due will not include work assigned the immediately preceding class. To get credit, homework must be turned in by or before the test day on those sections. Deadline for end-of-term work is the class day before final exam. Date of final exam is December 11. There will be no "early bird" or makeup final exam. Homework Prep: To make grading easier, attach pages from the same section, not different sections. Also please hand in daily problems and homework problems separately. Lowest course test grade (not the final exam) will be dropped. There will be no makeup or "early bird" exams. All extra non-homework points register as "daily" points. For E = course test average, H = homework average, D = daily average, and F = final exam, the course percentage C = .40E + .15H + .15D + .30F. To determine the course grade, the course percentage will be compared to this scale: A: 90%-100% B: 80%-89% C: 70%-79% D: 60%-69% F: Less than 60% Notice that with this system, a score of 100 on every test and the final, combined with no homework or daily work, yields a course percentage of 70%. Regulations for other issues are those of the College. Office Hours: MW 12-1, 2-3; TH 11-1:30, F 12-1 Or by appointment: Office phone (281)243-8520 E-mail: Note: The last day to withdraw with a "W" is November 16.