Converting GENESIS 1.4 Scripts to GENESIS 2.0
What Does Convert Do?
GENESIS 2.0 includes a major revision of command format and command
option naming, script language syntax changes and changes in various
GENESIS features. The convert program converts GENESIS 1.4 compatible
scripts to use GENESIS 2.0 syntax, commands and features. Some
features have changed dramatically enough that an automatic conversion
to the new features is not feasible. In these cases, convert generates
script code for compatibility libraries which support the GENESIS 1.4
Some scripts can be converted and run successfully without any manual
changes to the converted scripts. In most cases, however, some changes
to the converted scripts will be necessary.
The Conversion Process
Below is the process through which a GENESIS 1.4 script is converted
to run under GENESIS 2.0.
1 - Use the convert program to convert scripts from 1.4 to
2.0 syntax.
2 - Fix any known problem areas (See, Convert Problem Areas).
3 - Try the script out and fix any remaining problems.
Using the Convert Program
The easiest way to use convert is to create a new directory for the new
scripts, cd to the new directory and convert the files from the old
directory. A simple shell procedure may be used to convert an entire
directory. For example, if your 1.4 script files are in the directory
../oldscript, then the following shell commands will convert the entire
directory placing the converted scripts in the current working
foreach script (../oldscript/*.g)
convert $script
for script in (../oldscript/*.g)
convert $script
Global Script Variables
In order for convert to handle certain script expressions involving
global script variables, it must know what globals exist for a given
set of scripts. (This is not a problem for a self contained script
where global variables are defined and used within the script.)
Often a single script file is devoted to defining and initializing
global variables and constants for a given set of scripts.
The -constants option of the convert program gives a list of script
files which define the global variables for the script set. For
example, if the file constants.g contains global variable definitions
which are used througout a set of scripts in the ../oldscripts
directory then the following csh code would convert the scripts:
foreach script (../oldscripts/*.g)
convert $script -constants ../oldscripts/constants,g
The -constants option will allow one or more scripts to be given.
Compatibility Libraries
Two areas of major change in GENESIS 2.0 are the Xodus GUI and support
for network modeling (e.g. GENESIS 1.4 connections). Support for use
of these facilities in GENESIS 2.0 is provided by compatibility
While the compatibility libraries allow faster conversion of GENESIS
1.4 scripts for use under GENESIS 2.0, these libraries will not be
aggresively supported and should be viewed as a transitional step in
converting scripts to GENESIS 2.0 facilities. Those areas of your
scripts which use these libraries should eventually be recoded to use
the new GENESIS 2.0 features. Assistance for recoding of these
features may be found in the new GENESIS 2.0 Reference Manual (not
available at this time).
The X1compat Library
Compatibility for GENESIS 1.4 features of Xodus is provided as a set of
scripts using GENESIS 2.0 extended objects to implement the old Xodus
objects and script functions to implement old Xodus commands. To load
the X1compat library, include Scripts/X1compat in your SIMPATH and
include X1compat from your .simrc or your main simulation script.
Convert will not add an include statement for X1compat to your
X1compat defines a set of old Xodus compatible objects which are named
using the prefix "x1" in place of the normal "x" prefix for Xodus
objects (e.g. xform becomes x1form, etc). Convert will automatically
transform create statements from Xodus objects in 1.4 scripts to use
the X1compat objects. Some support for field naming of old Xodus
objects is included in the new Xodus objects, which may allow direct
use of the new Xodus objects. The -noX1compat convert option causes
convert not to perform the translation to X1compat objects. This is
likely to be useful for only those scripts which use the basic Xodus
widgets (i.e. xform, xlabel, xbutton, xtoggle and xdialog). Uses of
xdraw or xgraph are likely to require use of X1compat.
Convert and the X1compat library cannot address various issues of
layout of widgets on a form. See, Convert Problem Areas, for more
The Connection Compatibility Library
While GENESIS 1.4 connections are not a standard part of GENESIS 2.0, a
compatibility library may be compiled into GENESIS 2.0 which supports
the old connection feature. (See, src/Makefile or Usermake for
instructions on including the library.) The library defines the
connection related objects (e.g. axon, synapses, etc) and the
connection related commands (e.g. region_connect, expweight,
radialdelay, etc) as well as connection specific commands which support
set/get/show of connections (e.g. setconn, getconn and showconn).
Access to connection fields is not supported by the GENESIS 2.0
setfield, getfield and showfield commands.
Convert will change connection related script statements as needed to
use the Connection Compatibility Library. In particular, it will
convert uses of set, get and show on connections to use setconn, et
al. In some cases, convert will be unable to convert these statements
(See, Convert Problem Areas).
Converting User Libraries
Objects and commands defined in user libraries (for the most part) will
not need to change to run under GENESIS 2.0. To compile your libraries
and create a new GENESIS you will need to replace and update your
Usermake, Libmake(s), liblist and perhaps the library startup script.
Copy the Usermake and liblist files from the GENESIS 2.0 installation
directory to your local GENESIS directory renaming Usermake to
Makefile. Add your user libraries to the Makefile and liblist files.
In each user library you must copy the Libmake from the GENESIS 2.0
installation directory into the library directory renaming it
Makefile. Add your library specific information and files to the
The convert program cannot be used to convert startup scripts. The
only changes you should need to make are to modify any GENESIS 1.4
script language features which change in 2.0 and to remove any
non-startup commands from the script. (Startup commands are object,
addfunc, hashfunc, newclass and addaction.) Since a startup script is
usually straight line code and the typical commands in a 1.4 startup
script are the above named commands, there are normally no changes
required. There are, however, some GENESIS 2.0 features you may want
to take advantage of in your startup scripts. See the new GENESIS
Reference Manual section on library startup scripts for details.
Convert Problem Areas
There are a number of areas in which convert will be unable to
transform script statements or where the converted code will perform in
a less than optimal manner. Each problem area described below must be
found and fixed manually.
Script Callbacks
Commands used as callbacks to script commands or functions are not
translated by convert. As such, script callbacks like the following
would fail:
create xbutton echoButton -script "echo -n this is a test"
create xdialog vmDialog -script "set /mycompt Vm <v>"
The echoButton will result in a usage error when pressed and the
vmDialog will fail because the set command no longer exists.
Command Options in Script Variables
A command option which is passed to a command through a script variable
or as the result of a command or script function will not be
translated. For example, if leoptions is a script string variable
holding the value "-R" (a recursive listing), then the following code
will not be converted:
le {leoptions}
The code which sets leoptions must be found and changed.
Command Arguments That Look Like Options
All GENESIS 2.0 commands check for valid command options and complain
when an unkown option is given. As a result, code like
echo -notAnOption
will result in a usage error. This will also be the case if a script
variable value looks like an option, e.g.
str echoOption = "-notAnOption"
echo {echoOption} // Usage error!
The usage statement can be avoided by placing whitespace before the
value, e.g.
echo " -notAnOption"
echo " "{echoOption}
Set/Get/Show Connections in Script Variables
Commands like
set anElm:0 weight 10
will be correctly translated to use the setconn command.
However, code
str connelm = "anElm:0"
set {connelm} weight 10
will be translated to a setfield command. Convert behaves similarly
with translating the get and show commands.
Script Variable/Command Name Conflicts
With all the command name changes in GENESIS 2.0, it is possible that a
script variable in a GENESIS 1.4 script may coinside with a new GENESIS
2.0 command name. In this case, you may receive a syntax error or
unexpected result as the script variable will take precedence over the
command name. This is may be particularly likely with the el command.
(The convert program may be updated at some future point to rename
script variables which clash with GENESIS 2.0 command names.)
Setting Integration Methods
GENESIS 2.0 removes some of the previously existing integration methods
and renumbers some of the remaining methods. Convert will handle the
renumbering as long as a number is given directly to the setmethod
command. If this is not the case, convert will issue a warning and the
command will be left unaltered. You must change the integration
numbering manually. See setmethod.doc (or type "help setmethod" in
GENESIS) for the new numbering.
Sizing of Xodus Forms
XODUS 1 made use of an unsupported feature of MIT X11 which allowed
forms to automatically adjust their height to accomodate all the
widgets which they contain, even if the form was made too short.
Although this did not work under Openwindows, it allowed users of MIT
X11 to be somewhat sloppy in the sizing of forms when writing scripts.
This feature no longer exists in XODUS, so forms which are incorrectly
sized may not show all the widgets which they contain. The most
convenient way to detemine the proper hgeom for the form is to properly
resize it with the mouse and then inspect the hgeom field for the value
to use in your script.
Apart from the preceeding issue, forms previously large enough to
encompass a given set of widgets may not be large enough under GENESIS
2.0, as the border widths of XODUS object have increased.
Positioning and Sizing of Widgets
Scripts which explicitly set the dimensions of a widget based on the
expected dimensional requirements of a 1.4 widget may cause text or
graphics within the widget to be clipped under 2.0. This is due to the
additional requirements of the Motif style borders.
Likewise, widgets which are positioned using absolute coordinates on
the form based on expected default dimensions of other widgets on the
form may overlap other widgets on the form.
The only widget layouts used under GENESIS 1.4 which are likely to work
well under 2.0 are those using relative positioning. Even if this is
the case, the form size may need to be changed (See Sizing of XODUS
Forms above).