Agriculture and Rural Development

Sector fiche – IPA National programmes / Component I
MIPD Sector Code
ELARG Statistical code
DAC Sector code
Total cost
(VAT excluded)1
EU contribution
Management mode
Responsible Unit or
Agriculture and Rural Development
Agriculture and Rural Development
6.125.000 EUR
5.382.750 EUR
Decentralised implementation
The Central Financing and Contracting Department (CFCD) will
be the implementing agency and will be responsible for all
procedural aspects of the tendering process, contracting matters
and financial management including payment of project
activities. The Head of CFCD will act as the Programme
Authorising Officer (PAO) of the project.
Mrs. Radica Koceva (PAO)
Central Finance and Contracts Department
Ministry of Finance
Tel: +389 2 3231 219
Fax: +389 2 3106 612
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy
Ms. Maja Lazareska, Senior Programme Officer
Bul. Treta Makedonska Brigada bb, Makedonija Tabak 1000
Phone/Fax: +389 2 3298 162
Implementing modality Service/Twinning contract (s)
Supply contract (s)
Zone benefiting from Nationwide activities
the action(s)
The total cost should be net of VAT and/or of other taxes. Should this not be the case, clearly indicate the
amount of VAT and the reasons why it is considered eligible.
The main goal of the Agriculture and Rural Development Sector is to reinforce itse ability to
compete in the integrated regional markets of the European Union and South-Eastern Europe,
through measures for increasing the efficiency of agricultural production, processing and
marketing; contribute to the gradual alignment to the EU standards and acquis; and to build
viable rural communities through sustainable rural development, which are also prepared to
adapt to the effects of climate change. In particular, the objective of the sector is to increase
the ability of Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE) to provide
adequate support to the Macedonian agricultural sector in compliance with EU standards.
According to the Multi-Annual Indicative Planning Document 2011-2013 (MIPD) the overall
objective is to contribute to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector as well as
the implementation of EU standards and acquis concerning the Common Agricultural Policy
(CAP) and related policy areas like food safety, veterinary and phyto-sanitary issues,
including adapting to climate change. Moreover, through IPA support the EU is helping the
beneficiary country to get ready for the effective use of the European Agriculture Rural
Development Fund (EAFRD) upon accession, as well as to contribute to the sustainable
development of the economy in the rural areas. The IPARD Programme also envisages the
possibility to introduce other areas of intervention such as support to producer groups,
preparatory actions for the implementation of agri-environmental measures and development
of local rural development strategies with LEADER approach.
The project directly links to the following key national strategic documents and action plans
in the sector and envisages supportcontained in thenational strategic documents and action
- National Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Development for the
period 2007-2013;
- Operational programme under the EU Instrument for Pre-accession for Rural
Development (IPARD) 2007-2013;
- Strategic Plan 2011-2013 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water
- Work Programme of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia 2011-2015.
The National Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Development (NARDS)
for the period 2007-2013 is based around five strategic policy focal issues that are to be
addressed in the respective period: i) to increase sector competitiveness; ii) to achieve food
quality and safety; iii) to achieve sustainable resource management; iv) to improve living
conditions in rural areas; v) to reform regulatory and institutional framework.
The Operational Programme under the EU Instrument for pre-accession for Rural
Development (IPARD) 2007-2013 aims to contribute to the sustainable development of the
agricultural sector as well as the implementation of EU standards and acquis concerning the
common agricultural policy and related policy areas like food safety, veterinary and phytosanitary issues.
The Strategic Plan 2011-2013 of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy
envisages support of objectives and different range of measures and activities related to longterm perspective measures focused on development and advancement of the integrated,
transparent and sustainable agriculture, according to the EU policy.
Within the Work Programme of the Government of Republic of Macedonia 2011-2015 the
following is foreseen:
- Co–financing projects for reconstruction and construction of local road networks,
landscaping public spaces, pathways, recreational facilities and children’s and youth
cultural centres. At least 15 local countryside roads up to 1 km will be built annually
and at least 5 projects for arranging areas and facilities for local use will be conducted
- Supporting the formation of Local Action Groups comprised of representatives of the
local government, business community and NGOs, in order to prepare and implement
measures for the need of the local community (2012–2015);
- Supporting agro–ecologic based production, in order to maintain specific traditional
areas, biodiversity and promote traditional types and species. As a support, additional
subsidies per cattle–head and cultivated land area will be provided (2012–2015);
- The development of family businesses and achieving extra income from agricultural
and non–agricultural activities will be stimulated, with a possibility for self–
employment in grafting, beekeeping, floriculture, craftsmanship, rural tourism, etc., by
co–financing projects for diversification of activities in rural areas (2012–2015).
The principles, priorities and conditions contained in the Accession Partnership with the
Republic of Macedonia, are observed in the sector fiche, following key short-term and
medium-term priorities, to upgrade the capacity of the agricultural administration and
complete preparations for enforcement and practical application of the management
mechanisms of the common agricultural policy.
The activities foreseen in the project are closely related to the National Programme for the
Adoption of the Acquis (NPAA 2011). Explicitly under Chapter 11 - Agriculture and Rural
Development of the NPAA, project activities are directly linked with all 5 areas under the
chapter 11.
Europe 2020 puts forward three mutually reinforcing priorities:
- Smart growth: developing an economy based on knowledge and innovation;
- Sustainable growth: promoting a more resource efficient, greener and more
- Inclusive growth: fostering a high-employment economy delivering social and
This Sector Fiche contributes to all above mentioned Europe2020 main priorities.
Regarding the EU pre-accession assistance for rural development (IPARD), the IPARD
Programme was adopted with a Commission Decision on 25.02.2008. On 23.10.2008 a
Sectoral Agreement on the rules for using the EU instrument for pre-accession assistance for
rural development - IPARD Sectoral Agreement was signed. The Sectoral Agreement has
been ratified by the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia and published in the Official
Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 165/2008. In addition, the Government of the
Republic of Macedonia has adopted a Decree determining mutual relations between the
bodies and structures for the purposes of decentralised management of the Fifth Component
of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) of the European Union (Official Gazette
of the Republic of Macedonia No. 144/2008) which defines the bodies and structures for the
purposes of decentralised management of the fifth component of the Instrument for PreAccession Assistance (IPA) of the European Union and the provisions for regulating their
mutual relations.
With respect to the Farm Accounting Data Network (FADN) preparatory activities have been
realized; the National Committee for Farm Accounting Data was established, the Rules of
Procedure for the work of the National committee have been adopted, the methodology and
the procedures for collection of structural data of the agricultural holdings have been
established, as well the calculation of the Standard Output coefficients specific for the
Republic of Macedonia, the questionnaires for selection of the agricultural holdings and the
questionnaires for collection of the data on family agricultural holdings and data from legal
entities has been prepared, which enabled a start for collection of the data on the agricultural
holdings according to the national legislative and the legislative of the EU for FADN.
Legal framework regulating the raw tobacco market is currently determined by several laws –
the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Products and the Law on Agriculture and Rural
Development. Pursuant to the Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Products a number of bylaws
have been adopted.
The project will contribute towards the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association
Agreement (SAA)Articles 1 and 68 on approximation of legislation to that of the Community,
and Article 100 (Agriculture, and the agro-industrial sector) on modernisation and
restructuring of agriculture, the agro-industrial sector and rural development.
The 2011 EU Progress Report notifies the following on each of the sub-sectors envisaged
with this Sector Identification Fiche:
For the Measure 1: “There was some progress in improving the capacity of the paying
agency (the Agency for Financial Support for Agriculture and Rural Development —
AFSARD). Staff employed in AFSARD has a wide range of responsibilities, covering both
national support schemes and existing and planned additional Instrument for Pre-Accession
Assistance for Rural Development (IPARD) measures under Component V. However, despite
high levels of motivation and training, their number is insufficient. Preparations for
implementation of the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) (direct payments) are
being initiated through the introduction of relevant implementing legislation. ... “Further
progress can be reported in the field of rural development. Implementation of the IPARD
programme under component V continues for three measures 'Investments in agriculture
holdings', 'Processing and marketing' and 'Diversification in rural economy'. …The
institutional capacity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE)
Managing Authority was strengthened. Preparations for accreditation of the Technical
Assistance measure were renewed with a view to finalisation by the end of 2011.
For the Measure 2 and 3: “Further progress was achieved in the field of agriculture and rural
development. Key support policies for agriculture and rural development are gradually being
aligned with EU requirements. Alignment with the acquis requires continuing sustained
efforts. Administrative capacity remains a concern throughout the sector. Overall,
preparations in the area of agriculture and rural development are moderately advanced.
For the Measure 4: “Limited progress is evident in the development of a sustainable and
efficient agricultural information system. The activities of the Pilot Farm Accountancy Data
Network (FADN) continue. Provision of support in agriculture was strengthened. Preparations
in the area of horizontal issues are moderately advanced”.
For the Measure 5: With respect of the tobacco policy, in 2010 EC Progress Report, more
concretely in the conclusions it has been noted that the measures introduceddiffer from the
EU provisions in certain areas, particularly tobacco.
National sector policy, strategy and context
The Agriculture and Rural Developmentsector has witnessed significant developments on the
legal, policy and strategic side. A variety of laws has been adopted, harmonising with the EU
According to the National Strategy for Development of Agriculture and Rural Development,
MAFWE has translated the overall development vision into following long-term sectoral
strategic objective as the basis for agricultural and rural development and formulation of
future agricultural policy: “To strengthen the ability of the country's agriculture to compete in
the integrated regional markets of the European Union and South-Eastern Europe through
measures to increase the efficiency of agricultural production, processing and marketing, and
to build appropriate, effective public and private institutions; to improve farm incomes; to
ensure that consumers have access to safe, healthy food; to optimize the use of scarce land,
forest and water resources, in an environmentally sustainable manner; and to build viable
rural communities through sustainable rural development”.
TheNational Strategy for Development of Agriculture and Rural Development for the period
2007-2013and the Operational programme under the EU Instrument for Pre-accession for
Rural Development (IPARD) 2007-2013envisage support of objectives and different range of
measures and activities related to long-term perspective measures focused on development
and advancement of the integrated, transparent and sustainable agriculture, according to the
EU policy.
The implementation of the Strategy is connected to coordinated and complete cooperation
between the Government, MAFWE and institutions in the system, as well as the cooperation
of the relevant national institutions and civil society sector.
The National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis Communautaire (NPAA) sets the
priorities for achieving the Copenhagen and Madrid criteria. Of particular relevance to the
agriculture and rural sector is the economic criteria “capacity to cope with competitive
pressure and market forces within EU” for which enhancing human resource capacity through
vocational training is one of the strategies identified. One of the short-term goals set in the
NPAA is to strengthen the administrative capacity of the MAFWE.
Support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 5th Component (IPARD) beyond
The overall objective of the IPARD programmes to contribute to the sustainable development
of the agricultural sector as well as the implementation of EU standards and acquis
concerning the common agricultural policy and related policy areas like food safety,
veterinary and phyto-sanitary issues. Moreover with support under the pre-accession
assistance the EU, through IPARD, is helping the beneficiary country to get ready for
effective implementation of structural funds under EARDF upon accession, as well as to
contribute to the sustainable development of the economy in the rural areas.
In accordance to the EU legal framework for pre-accession assistance for rural development
in the period 2007-2013, the principle areas programmed under the available pre-accession
funds for agriculture and rural development concern the following: Priority axis 1: to improve
market efficiency and implementation of EU standards in the fields of environmental
protection, public health, animal and plant health, animal welfare and occupational safety;
Priority axis 2: to launch preparatory actions for implementation of the agri-environmental
measures and local rural development strategies; Priority axis 3: to contribute to the
development of the rural economy through establishing micro- and small- enterprises in rural
areas. The IPARD Programme 2007-2013 encompasses the following measures: Under
Priority Axis 1: Measure 101 "Investment in agricultural holdings" and Measure 103
"Investments in processing and marketing of agricultural products" with focus on the fruit and
vegetable (fresh and processing), grapes and wine, milk and dairy and meat and meat products
sub-sectors; Under Priority Axis 3: Measure 302 "Diversification and development of rural
economic activities" targeting the assistance towards support for establishment of microenterprises and crafts in rural areas and support to rural tourism development.
Implementation of the Program 2007-2013 IPARD began immediately after the decision to
transfer the right to manage funds for Component V of the IPA Rural Development (IPARD),
awarded by the European Commission on December 18, 2009 (Commission Decision No.
(C) 2009/987/EU)for the above mentioned three measures of the IPARD programme.
From the date of adoption of the decision to transfer the right to manage the funds of the
component V of the IPA, five public calls for submission of requests for use of funds from
IPARD Programme 2007-2013 have been published.
The remaining measures are planned to be subsequently introduced in the IPARD programme
in the following period 2011-2013 especially the measures concerning Support to setting up
of producer groups under Priority Axis 1, launch of preparatory actions for implementation of
the agri-environmental measures and local rural development strategies addressed through
measures "Actions to improve the environment and the countryside" and "Preparation and
implementation of local rural development strategies" under Priority Axis 2 and Investment in
training in agriculture under Priority Axis 3.
Preparatory activities for introducing the new measures are ongoing. However, the
administrative capacity can still largely benefit from additional support, especially in terms of
further strengthening of the Managing Authority and the AFSARD (IPARD) Agency and
support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 5th Component (IPARD) beyond
2013, with manifold effects of better absorption of the rural development pre accession funds
in the Republic of Macedonia, further alignment of managerial capacities to the European
standards, as well as strengthening the competitiveness of the agribusiness and the overall
sustainable development in the rural areas.
Bearing in mind the on-going discussion in the EU for future CAP post 2013 i.e. for the
period 2014-2020, besides the budget distribution, the debate encourages new insights in
rural development policy which will result in a shift in focus towards meeting new challenges
identified, including climate change, renewable energy, water management and biodiversity
while maintaining the existing objectives for improved competitiveness at farm level;
encouraging restructuring of the agriculture sector; preserving agriculture and other economic
activity in rural areas; protecting the rural environment and landscape; and encouraging
enterprise development and employment in the rural economy. It is expected that these
developments will contribute to shaping the pre-accession assistance objectives for the period
post 2013 (2014-2020) for the candidate countries as support to agriculture holdings and rural
population to adapt to the forthcoming challenges.
In order to meet the forthcoming pre-accession assistance principles of support the institutions
need further technical support for transition from IPARD 2007-2013 towards “IPARD 2”.
In close coordination with the on-going assistance under IPARD 2007-2013, IPA Component
I will provide significant support for further capacity building of the legal approximation on
the various parts of the Common Agriculture Policy of the EU, that are considered as medium
term priority for the country.
Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with natural handicaps
Rural Development areas with limited potential for agricultural activity are described in the
Article 64 in the Law on agriculture and rural development as follows: “Areas with limited
potentials for agricultural activity shall be areas with natural and socio-economic impact that
derive from unfavourable climate conditions, steep slopes of agricultural land, low soil
productivity, depopulation due to specific inappropriateness that decrease the potentials for
efficient utilization of the agricultural land”.
The new Law on agriculture and rural development2, Article 77, states that the foreseen
support aid for performing agricultural activity in areas with limited capacities for agricultural
activity shall be awarded to agricultural holdings for performing agricultural production in
areas with limited capacities for agricultural activity, in the form of direct payments for
support of the revenue of agricultural holdings.
According to this Law, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy is foreseen
to develop the scheme for additional aid in performing agricultural activity in areas with
Law on agriculture and rural development OG 49/10
limited capacities for agricultural activity. The aim of the aid is the mitigation of significant
risk of agricultural land abandonment and thus the possibility of loss of biodiversity,
desertification, forest fires and the loss of highly valuable rural landscape, as well as the risk
of decline of agriculture and food production and related industries and their adverse
consequences for the economic and social stability of the rural areas in the country.
In addition, the alignment with the Acquis requires further sustained efforts, in particular
thorough implementation of the legislation adopted. In this context, in the area of rural
development, technical support for classification of agricultural areas with natural handicaps,
identification of soil and climate criteria as a basis for objectively and clearly classifying such
areas, development of policy related measures and their implementation.
Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with natural handicaps is needed
towards better implementation of the Rural Development policy in the areas with restricted
performing of agricultural activity in order to contribute to the protection of the environment,
nature and biological diversity in accordance with EU regulations.
Introduction of the Land consolidation activities
In the National Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy of the Republic of Macedonia3,
land fragmentation is foreseen as one of the most serious obstacles for sustainable
development of agriculture production in Macedonia. The issue of fragmented farm properties
is recognized in the Strategy stating that it is hampering the overall development of the
agriculture sector. “However, in the long run, the existence of small and very fragmented
farms, even if with medium intensity production levels, does not allow for a stronger
modernization and mechanization which results in lower competitiveness.”
The NARDS document recognizes the improvements towards which Land Consolidation can
contribute; namely increased competitiveness and improved farm structure. “Increased
competitiveness of the agricultural sector can be achieved by improving the effectiveness of
key factors of production, namely land, capital and work, horizontal and vertical integration,
and improving policies to support the modernization of agriculture and processing industry.
Key policy guidelines to be followed to achieve sustainable competitiveness of domestic
producers and foreign markets are: Increase the size of sustainable (market oriented) family
farms. Effective land use is hampered by small, fragmented private holdings (which prevail in
Macedonia) with out-dated production technology, wide coverage in rural areas on farms for
the household, the informal economy and slow growth markets. By itself, the existence of
modern, efficient and market-oriented production cannot compensate for the overall situation.
Increasing the size of sustainable (market-oriented) family farms, and reduction of
fragmentation, prevent further fragmentation (reducing the size of parcel) can be achieved by
appropriately designed and synchronized policies such as: providing names of land,
appropriate tax regime that encourages and strengthens the consolidation of the land market,
privatization / long term lease of land in state ownership, and programs for land consolidation,
etc.). These policies may include the necessity of revising the legislation related to land and
Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy (NARDS) for the period 2007-2013, Government of Republic of
Macedonia, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Skopje, 2007
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy is developing specific legislation
in line with the strategy to support Land Consolidation. The Government of Macedonia has in
its 2011 programme included the amendment of the Law on Agricultural Land, which will
include land consolidation. The aim of the amendment is to streamline and harmonize
legislation provided by existing and other laws to achieve rational use of agricultural land as a
limited natural resources, protection and provision of legal security for owners and users of
agricultural land. This is in line with the Government aims on development of the agricultural
sector to increase sustainable production and competitiveness.
To develop Land Consolidation in Macedonia the National Land Consolidation Strategy
defines several areas of work. The main areas of work are: Development of legislation and
regulation framework for land consolidation (MAFWE started with this through the process
of amendment of the Law on Agricultural Land, while a completely new Law on Land
Consolidation is expected to be enacted by the end of 2012. Based on this further regulative
and supportive administrative legislation is needed); Institutional development of Land
Consolidation within the Ministry (The development of specific Land Consolidation
Directorate with gradual growth is foreseen in the Land Consolidation Strategy); Capacity
Strengthening on Land Consolidation of Ministry and other stakeholders (farmers,
municipalities, cadastre etc); Development and practice of land consolidation projects;
Awareness on land consolidation.
The strategy is in process of preparation now, with first draft discussed among the
stakeholders in October 2011, and with projection to be finalized and approved by the
Government in 2012.
For EU member states, Land Consolidation should be included in their Rural Development
Programme for 2007-2013. For candidate countries, such as Macedonia, it is important that
they include land consolidation as a priority in all relevant planning documents, strategic
documents and agreements such as the IPARD.
The IPA instruments are within a scheme of wider EU programmes for rural development
such as European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). These instruments
reinforce the trend towards a broader treatment of rural development. Earlier programmes had
an emphasis on agricultural development. This expanded with including improvements of
rural conditions, later on followed with requirements for social, environmental aspects to be
considered for rural areas. A measure on “re-parcelling” was included in the EU programmes.
Land consolidation is now explicitly included in the EAFRD as a measure that member states
can adopt under the Rural Development Programme for 2007-2013, and a wide range of other
measures can be considered to make an indirect contribution to land consolidation projects, or
to be more effective if implemented with land consolidation. For candidate countries, like
Macedonia, it should be possible in principle to use IPARD in a similar way to EAFRD. It
may also be possible to use IPA to undertake institutional strengthening activities to land
Successful implementation of the process of Land Consolidation is closely related with
existence of data for real land use coverage of whole territory of the country including steps in
production of aerial photography and orthophoto maps and digitalization of the land use. The
main objective of this task is to prepare initial land use data containing digitized physical
boundaries of agricultural land for the whole territory. Digitalization shall be based on visual
interpretation of produced digital orthoimages while using topographic maps and additional
available geographic data as ancillary data. In this way a solid framework of physical
boundaries of agricultural land (e.g. forest edge, road, green cover around water stream,
hedgerow, etc.) which will be subsequently refined during the process of land consolidation
will be prepared. Updated data on orthophoto images and physical boundary delineation will
replace ones currently in use which have been produced back in 2009, and according to EU
Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) methodology should be updated periodically, in the
period of time no longer than five years.
Finalisation of the Farm Accountancy Data Network in the Republic of Macedonia
FADN is an instrument for evaluating the income of agricultural holdings and the impacts of
the Common Agricultural Policy. It consists of an annual survey carried out by the Member
States of the European Union. The FADN is a central component of the Agricultural
Information System (AIS) governed by the acquis of the European Union.
The objectives of Macedonian FADN are to fulfil the needs of FADN system and from the
other side to use the FADN data for analyzing the current situation of Macedonian
Agriculture based on economic criteria. The bodies which are included in the Macedonian
FADN network are the following: the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy,
National Committee for FADN, FADN Unit in the MAFWE (Liaison agency), National
Extension Agency (Body for collecting the data), State Statistical Office and farms.
FADN in the Republic of Macedonia became operational in 2010, and the activities were
supported by the World Bank Project for Agriculture Strengthening and EU Accession within
the component for strengthening the administrative and management capacity of MAFWE
according to EU requirements and establishment of an Integrated Administration and Control
System (IACS). The project started in June 2009 and ended in September 2011. However,
additional efforts are required to achieve finalization of the FADN in the Republic of
Macedonia and full alignment with the Acquis in that respect.
Macedonian FADN - in accordance to the EU regulations, was established by adopting of
legal framework – ‘’Law on establishing a network for collection of farm accounting data”4 in
2007. The Law defines the type of data that are collected, the farms that participate and
institutions that are included in the system, as well as the method of collection, processing and
use of accounting data.
The Work Programme of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia52011-2015 foresees
establishing FADN. From this system, the farmers will receive information conducive to
improvement of their economic and financial operations, and the institutions will be able to
develop quality policies.
The activities for the establishment of National Farm Accountancy Data Network 'Macedonian FADN', which includes enactment of an appropriate legislation, appointing an
„Official Gazette of the Republic of Macedonia No. 110/07
institution for data collection, Liaison Agency and National Committee for FADN/AIS with
defined rules and procedures for cooperation, financing and exchange of information were
realized and it communication with the European Commission has been established.
According to the Action plan, in 2010 activities were realized that contributed for
implementation of an effective and functional network for farms accounting data in the
Republic of Macedonia at a level of high harmonization with the corresponding national and
EU regulations.
After consultations with the Secretariat for Legislation of the Republic of Macedonia and
European Commission (DG AGRI), it was suggested that changes in the FADN Law should
be prepared. In response, an amendment and addendum of the ‘’Law on establishing of
network for collection of farm accounting data’’ („Official Gazette of the Republic of
Macedonia No 110/07”) has been drafted, with the aim to achieve compliance with the EU
Regulation. The amendment and addendum define the type of data that shall be collected,
farms participating, and institutions included in the system, as well as the manner of
collection, processing and usage of accounting data. The adoption of the amendment and
addendum is in the process of adoption.
The legal framework for FADN will be completed, with preparation of a Rulebook for the
scope and the manner of accounting data collection, as well as the farm return content. The
enactment of the Rulebook will occur after adoption of amendment and addendum of the Law
for FADN.
In the 2010 sample data was collected from 368 representative farms and 11 legal entities
from whole territory of Republic of Macedonia, which represents one FADN region. Holdings
were selected in the survey on the basis of sampling plans. The survey does not cover all the
agricultural holdings but only those which due to their size could be considered commercial.
The methodology applied aims to provide representative data with respect to two dimensions:
economic size and type of farming.
From the 2010 data standard results calculation and farm return calculation were prepared.
Data provided through FADN will be used for an annual determination of incomes on
agricultural holdings coming within the field of survey, a business analysis of agricultural
holdings and evaluation of the planned modification of agricultural policies.
In addition to this, activities should be formulated related to the finalization of an efficient
agricultural information system, in view of its importance for the development,
implementation, monitoring and evaluation of agriculture and rural development policies. In
this respect, additional minor efforts are required to achieve finalization of the FADN in the
Republic of Macedonia and full alignment with the Acquis in that respect.
Reform of the tobacco sector in accordance with the EU’s CMO
In the field of agriculture, tobacco has importance in the agriculture production of the
Republic of Macedonia and for the rural areas and communities where tobacco grows. The
Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Products regulates the primary tobacco production. The
production and trade of tobacco and tobacco products has a share of 3.2% in the GDP. The
tobacco industry has a share of 3.9% in the total industrial production, and share of 4.1% in
the total industry employments.
According to the National Agriculture and Rural Development Strategy tobacco is
traditionally a strategic product for Macedonia due to its social aspects (it is the main cash
crop and engages considerable rural labour in the specific production areas and in the
processing industry), to its export trade relevance and to the non-negligible tax revenues for
the national budget.
In 2006 a comprehensive Law on Tobacco and Tobacco Products6 was adopted which
regulates primary tobacco production, the financing, purchase, storage, processing of
purchased raw tobacco in leaves, trade of fermented tobacco, as well as the production of
tobacco products. The Law on tobacco and tobacco producers is the legal basis for the
organisation of the tobacco market in Macedonia. It contains basic elements of the Common
Market Organisations of raw tobacco such as contracts between tobacco producers and
tobacco buyers; developed role of the Union of Associations of tobacco; strengthening of the
control of tobacco production and marketing of fermented tobacco and tobacco products and
harmonisation of the directives on tobacco products. In June 2006, Macedonia ratified the
World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) and
has to meet the entailing obligations.
In the field of agriculture, further alignment with EU legislation and management
mechanisms in the area of CMO on tobacco is required, particularly where national measures
differ from the EU provisions. In this sense, the initiation of the reform of the tobacco sector
in accordance with the EU’s CMO on tobacco, towards complete decoupling of production
and aid, and establishment and management of a Tobacco Fund, would be of primary interest,
bearing in mind its’ importance in the agriculture production of the Republic of Macedonia,
as well as the important role of tobacco growing for the rural areas and communities.
Sector and donor coordination
The major assistance in the sector provided by the EU and the World Bank is complementary
and is designed to cover a wide range of institutional reforms necessary to address key
bottlenecks in the sector and support for the EU approximation process (CMOs, Paying
Agency, IACS, AIS, FADN, Agri-environment programme, food safety etc). Their assistance
is closely aligned to the national and sectoral approximation process. Together these projects
cover a large number of the priorities for which the framework has been provided in the
National Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Development 2007-2013,
National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis Communautaire (NPAA) and other relevant
strategic documents. However, it is expected that further resources will be necessary in some
of the areas covered in order to realize the full benefits of this assistance and to fully achieve
the desired results.
Aside from the institutional reforms, there are donors which address directly the needs of the
sector. USAID has been supporting the private sector through a cluster approach in priority
subsectors including support for producer organizations, and comprehensive support has been
provided by SIDA to strengthen the extension service as well as introducing, on a pilot basis,
on tobacco and tobacco products OG 24/06
the EU Leader Programme for rural development. These efforts need to be continued to
address the issue of agricultural competitiveness and to enhance the skills of the rural
USAID supports economic growth in the Republic of Macedonia through programs that
strengthen and improve competitiveness of Macedonian businesses, improve the business
environment, and encourage local economic development. The USAID AgBiz Programme is
focused on increasing the economic growth in the Republic of Macedonia through expanded,
environmentally sustainable production and sales of value-added agricultural products by
enabling producers and processors to compete regionally and globally.
Macedonia is part of an FAO funded regional TCP project (6 countries) addressing capacity
building for rural development at local level. It should enable rural communities to benefit
from rural development support programmes provided currently and in the future under
In the area of agricultural land, FAO is supporting land management reforms introducing
policy options for better management and use of state agricultural land. The Dutch
Government is providing technical assistance to support preparatory work relating to land
consolidation. In the development of initial conditions for introduction of a Macedonian Land
Consolidation framework (strengthening of the competent units by training of the staff,
legislation amendments, and strategy/policy formulation) as well as in piloting of the simple
land exchange instruments, the Ministry has been provided with Dutch government assistance
within the following projects: EMERALD - Encouraging Macedonia’s Endeavours to Rural
Land Development in the period of 2008-2009; STIMERALD - Strategy and Institution
Building for Macedonia’s Endeavours to Rural Land Development in the period 2010-2011.
Implementing agencies are Dutch Government Agency for Land and Water management
DLG and SNV Macedonia (Dutch Development Agency).
To strengthen the capacity of the Government system for aid coordination, and in cooperation
with the donor community, the Government through the Secretariat for European Affairs has
initiated the introduction of the concept of Programme Based Approach (PBA) in several
sectors including agriculture and rural development. Particular attention has been given to the
principles of the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness, including ownership, harmonization,
and alignment. The general approach is, therefore, to ‘scale up for more effective aid’, rather
than to identify entirely new areas of donor assistance in the short to medium term. The
priorities identified for further donor assistance in the sector are consistent with the PBA
methodology and structures and will also create basis for programming of the further PreAccession Assistance. Based on initial assessment of institutional capacity, sector strengths
and weaknesses and PBA readiness, rural development has been proposed as potential area to
apply PBA approach. Rationale is based on the expectations that it would enable the country
to meet the enormous challenges of harmonising with the EU in the field of rural development
additional donor assistance.
Sector budget and medium term perspective
Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, within the regular annual process of
planning and execution of the national budget, foresees activities and financial resources for
the areas covered with this sector fiche. The financial projections are with the relevance for
the forthcoming year and mid-term projects for the following 2 years.
MAFWE Budget for 2012 amounts MKD 1,430.4 million. Compared to the budget spending
in 2011 (MKD 1,520.6 million), the budget for 2012 is reduced in spending by 6%. The real
trend of sizeable expansion of expenditures in agricultural sector can be completely perceived
if we take into consideration the Budget of the Agency for Financial Support of Agriculture
and Rural Development (IPARD/Paying Agency)7 and the Budget for 2012 of the Agency for
Food and Veterinary. Thus, the total agriculture and rural development funds for 2012
counting around 9.741 million MKD being mainly distributed as state support in agriculture
and rural development. Its share in the central national budget expenditures counts for around
(4) Sector monitoring system
Implementation of the IPARD Programme is set up on the basis of decentralised management
without ex ante controls where the IPARD Agency is responsible for the implementation of
the IPARD programme in respect of implementing and paying actions.
The Managing Authority is responsible for IPARD Programme monitoring and assisting the
work of the IPARD Monitoring Committee, notably by providing the documents necessary
for monitoring the quality of implementation of the IPARD Programme, following
consultation with the IPARD Agency, and after their examination by the IPARD Monitoring
Committee, submitting to the Commission, the National IPA Co-ordinator (NIPAC) and the
NAO. The Managing Authority is proposing adjustments of the IPARD Programme to the
Commission and to the NIPAC after consultation with the IPARD Agency, and following
agreement by the IPARD Monitoring Committee. The Managing Authority is responsible for
ensuring that the relevant authorities are informed of the need to make appropriate
administrative changes when such changes are required following a Decision by the
Commission to amend the IPARD Programme. The Managing Authority and the "IPARD
Monitoring Committee" for the rural development component are monitoring the
effectiveness and the quality of the implementation of the IPARD Programme and reporting
to the IPA Monitoring Committee and to the Commission on progress of the measures.
Aside from the afore noted monitoring elements and mechanisms, the sectoral monitoring
system is comprised of a number of other elements, such as: the regular monitoring and
annual review of the NPAA, which covers the area of agriculture and rural development; the
monitoring of the fulfillment of the Strategic plan of the Ministry and the Managing
Authority; the monitoring of the implementation of the Working Programme of the
Government, which entails activities on agriculture and rural development etc. In addition, the
sectoral activities which have been supported through IPA assistance are being monitored
both at project level (line institution, CFCD), but also on a programme level in the framework
While in 2007 – a year of establishment, the IPARD/PA has own funds within MAFWE budget, in 2008 it acquired its
separate budget programme. Agency budget in 2009 of MKD 4.46 billion in relative terms means enlargement of 63%,
basically as a result of € 70 million for agriculture support schemes e encompassed in two separate sub-programmes for
Financial Support in Agriculture and for Rural Development. In order to meet with the implementation of the IPARD
Programme, the national co-financing against the expected disbursement is planned in the budget in the amount of 15 million
of the IPA TAIB and overall IPA Monitoring Committee. The implementation of obligations
under the SAA is being followed in the framework of the Stabilization and Association
Committee and the respective Sub-Committee on Agriculture and Fisheries.
(5) Institutional setting
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy and its IPA Operating Structure
has overall responsibility related to programming, technical implementation and monitoring
of the projects that have been delegated by HOS to the IPA Operating Structure.
The other institution involved in this sector fiche is the Agency for Financial Support of
Agriculture and Rural Development (AFSARD) which is responsible for the implementation
of the projects and execution of payments (national and EU funded), as well as other issues of
relevance to the development of agriculture and rural areas.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy (MAFWE) and the Agency for
Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development (AFSARD) are the main
beneficiaries of the project, as well the Governmental public advisory services represented
through the National Extension Agency could benefit from the project, as well.
Administrative capacity in the area of agriculture and rural development can still benefit from
IPA component I assistance, especially in terms of further strengthening of the IPARD
Managing Authority and IPARD Paying Agency in terms of further implementation of the
Common Agricultural Policy of the EU in the country, as well the other MAFWE
departments and the National Extension Agency.
(6) Macro-economic context and Public Financial Management
Agriculture together with hunting, forestry and fisheries is the third largest sector after
participation in GDP (in 2010 account for 10.6% of total GDP), immediately after service and
industry sectors, while food, beverages and tobacco participate with 39% in total consumption
per household.
In the last few years, until 2010, there were positive changes in gross domestic product
(GDP). However, in 2009 there was a decrease of the GDP by -0,9% due to the world
financial crisis influenced in the Macedonian economy by the fall of the export demand, the
lower expectations of the economic entities and the decrease of the capital inflows. In 2010
there is a slight increase in gross domestic product by 0.7% compared with 2009 and
amounted to MKD 423,862 million (or € 6,905 million).
(7) Sector assessment
Implementation of the Acquis communautaire concerning the Common Agricultural Policy
(CAP) and related policies for competitive and sustainable agriculture, strong, sustainable
rural communities and diverse and sustainable rural environment is the main objective of the
Agriculture and Rural Development sector.
MIPD 2011-2013 acknowledges that agriculture has traditionally been one of the most
significant industries of the country's economy. Unlike some of the transitional economies, in
which agriculture suffered loss of its importance in certain periods, the agriculture of the
Republic of Macedonia has constantly maintained its position in the economy during the
overall transition. Nowadays, the sector is facing major challenges and structural reforms in
the country. An eventual decline in agriculture, food-production and associated industries, as
well as the effects of climate change, could have significant adverse consequences in rural
areas as well as represent a threat to the overall economic and social stability of the country.
Strengthening the competitiveness of the national agribusiness is therefore the focal point for
its survival. This must be supported through well targeted agriculture and rural development
policies and programmes and by modernization of the relevant public institutions.
An important factor for the modernisation of the agricultural sector is its gradual alignment to
the EU Acquis and the relevant standards. Building of administrative capacity in the relevant
national institutions to conceive and implement agriculture and rural development policies
and programmes upon accession will also be of crucial importance for the future development
of the sector.
The overall objective of the sector plan on Agriculture and Rural Development is further
support and institutional strengthening of the capacities in the area of agriculture and rural
development for the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy in compliance with
EU criteria.
Through IPA support the EU is helping the beneficiary country to get ready for the effective
use of the European Agriculture Rural Development Fund (EAFRD) upon accession, as well
as to contribute to the sustainable development of the economy in the rural areas.
In order to meet the forthcoming pre-accession assistance principles of support the institutions
need for further technical support for transition from IPARD 2007-2013 towards “IPARD 2”,
a Service Contract will contribute to the further strengthening of the capacities within these
institutions. In addition, as a part of support to rural development, classification of agricultural
areas with natural handicaps should be supported by a Twinning project under IPA 2013
programme, and another Twinning project will contribute towards full compliance of FADN
with EU standards. A Service contract could contribute to the institutional and administrative
set up within MAFWE and other Government institutions regarding land consolidation policy.
A further Service contract will assist better preparation and implementation of tobacco sector
reform in line with CAP requirements.
The specific objective of the sector plan on Agriculture and Rural Development is to develop
a common sector-wide approach and understanding of the priorities in Agriculture and Rural
Areas which will contribute to the implementation of the Common Agricultural Policy of the
The measure foreseen under this sector plan will achieve the following:
Measure 1: Support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 5th Component
(IPARD) beyond 2013
- New IPARD Measures for future absorption of EARDF for rural development
- The legal and institutional framework with regard to new measures assessedand the
required legislation and institutional arrangements identified and implemented;
- The additionally required legislation on obligatory mandatory standards prepared;
- The monitoring and evaluation indicators as well as baseline indicators (in line with
CommonMonitoring and Evaluation Framework) elaborated;
- The detailed measure fiche and sub-measure fiches for inclusion in the IPARD
Programme prepared;
- The accreditation package (preparation of project application forms, guidelines and
implementationmanuals, operational manuals, sample grant contract, on the spot
control principles etc…) for theimplementation of the measure prepared;
- The training needs assessed and a Training Plan prepared for the necessary
trainingneeds in order to establish the capacity of Managing Authority and IPARD
Agency staff as well as therelated institutions on the new measures of IPARD;
- Advisers from the National Extension Agency trained on new Measures, and able
tohelp farmers;
- Staff of Managing Authority and IPARD Agency trained with respect to the new
measures underIPARD (EU legislation, programming and technical-fiche
design,establishment of monitoring and evaluation indicators, establishment of the
amounts of payments,implementation procedures, monitoring and evaluation
procedures as well as on additional training needsidentified in the training plan);
- The legal and institutional framework with regard to additional measures under
IPARD programme assessed and the required legislation and institutional
arrangements identified;
- A Communication Strategy prepared for the publicity activities of the measures;
- Analysis of the available IT system of the IPARD Agency and MA and identification of
the needs of the IT system to implement and monitor the new measures carried out, and
necessary and justified IT equipment supplied.
Measure 2: Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with natural
- LFA criteria defined and measures introduced ;
- The LFA Support Measures developed and eligibility conditions to qualify for LFA
- Developed/introduced method for calculating LFA payments;
- Mapping of the LFA areas developed;
- Changes in relevant legislation supported;
- Advisory services to support the implementation of the LFA prepared and trained
(Information and advice services for farmers concerning LFA);
- Established LFA system of payments;
- The training needs assessed and a Training Plan prepared for the employees.
- Developed guidelines and procedures;
- Leaflets, brochures and other information materials prepared and distributed;
- A series of workshops and seminars organized;
- Necessary software and hardware identified and supplied.
Measure 3: Introduction of land consolidation activities
In line with the approved National Strategy on Land Consolidation:
- Legislative and regulation framework on land consolidation developed;
- Institutional capacity for land consolidation of competent authorities and newly
established organizational structures (at central and local level) strengthened to be
capable to implement consolidation projects;
- Procedures and guidelines for implementation of land consolidation and land boundary
policy developed;
- Training needs to strengthen the capacity for employees on land consolidation in
MAFWE headquarter and branch offices, as well as to other relevant stakeholders
farmers, municipalities, cadastre etc) identified and delivered;
- Pilot projects on development and practice of different models/instruments of land
consolidation activities implemented;
- Public awareness on Land Consolidation raised;
- Aerial photography and orthophoto production including digitalization of initial land use
layer for the whole territory of the country and data quality control conducted in order to
determine the boundaries of the parcels and monitor the completion of land
- IPARD programme amended to incorporate new Land consolidation measure in line
with National Strategy for Land Consolidation 2012-2020 and IPA regulations;
- Institutional capacity of IPARD operational structures for introduction of land
consolidation measure developed at the level necessary to be granted with conferral of
Measure 4: Finalization of the Farm Accountancy Data Network in the Republic of
- Training needs in data processing (computation and testing) identified and delivered;
- Training needs for weighting scheme and managing data query, compiling tables from
the individual farm data identified and delivered;
- Data quality control system including early warning steps in phases of data collection
till data processing in the Liaison Agency completed and functioning;
- Data Quality Control IT system managed by the Liaison Agency developed and
- Trainings for data collectors about preparation of individual farm reports delivered;
- Trainings for quality checks, testing of the FADN data on National level and RICC 1
requirements delivered;
- FADN system among farmers, farmers union and the economic chamber promoted;
- Prepared guidelines on reports and analysis preparation;
- Data quality control procedures in the Accountancy body and in the Liaison Agency
- Data collectors and Liaison Agency trained in managing a data quality assurance
- Introduction of off-line typology software and national software for quality checks
- Methodological and technical trainings of employees of the Macedonian Farm
Accountancy Data Network completed;
Necessary software and hardware for the Liaison Agency (MAFWE) and National
Extension Agency (Body for collecting the data) identified and supplied.
Measure 5: Reform of the tobacco sector in accordance with the EU’s CMO
- SWOT analyses on economic and social effects of decreasing of tobacco production in
the Republic of Macedonia prepared;
- Comparative analyses for crops with equal economic benefits to tobacco prepared, also
a study situation for tobacco production for the next 10 years and future requirements
for development of direct payments in this sector identified and structure developed;
- Study on climate and soil condition for diversification activities completed;
- On the basis of the above, a feasibility study on tobacco prepared, and adopted by
government. On the basis of the feasibility study, a pilot-project in two regions in
Macedonia in order to prepare tobacco producers for production of other crops which
will replace the tobacco and create new jobs in the rural areas prepared and delivered;
- Plans, programs, and guidance for structuring and capacity strengthening in tobacco
sector developed and adopted as Government policy;
- Legislative and regulation framework in accordance with EU CMO on tobacco
- Annual plans and program for technical support of permanent group for development of
tobacco market, trained tobacco producers organisations and inter-branch organisation
prepared and introduced, and capacity built in accordance with EU requirements;
- Enhanced change of experience between Tobacco fund or Agencies of the Member
- Established new system of support in tobacco sector;
- A series of workshops and seminars for the stakeholders organized;
- Necessary equipment for tobacco soil analyses identified and supplied;
The intervention options for each action foreseen under this sector plan are:
Measure 1: Support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 5th Component
(IPARD) beyond 2013
Operation 1.1: Support in preparation of the measure fiche and sub-measure fiches.
- Preparing new IPARD Measures in range to be expanded to include other preparatory
measures for future absorption of EARDF for rural development;
- Identification and assessment of the legal and institutional framework with regard to
the implementation of the new measures;
- Provide support for the additionally required legislation on obligatory mandatory
- Provide support in elaboration of the monitoring and evaluation indicators as well as
baseline indicators (in line with Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework);
As defined in Article 6(2) of the IPA Implementing Regulation No 718/2006. IPA Component I programmes
are subdivided into sectors (priorities), each of which define a global objective to attain and which shall be
implemented through measures, which may be subdivided into operations, or directly through operations.
Operations shall comprise a project or a group of projects (implemented by the Commission or the
beneficiary country).
Provide support in preparation of the measure fiche and sub-measure fiches for
inclusion in the IPARD Programme;
- Provide support in preparation of the accreditation package (preparation of project
application forms, guidelines and implementation manuals, operational manuals,
sample grant contract, on the spot control principles etc…) for the implementation of
the measure;
Operation 1.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a
Training Plan for the Managing Authority and the Paying Agency
- Provide support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a Training Plan
for the necessary training needs in order to strengthen the capacity of Managing
Authority and IPARD Agency staff as well as the related institutions on the new
measures of the IPARD;
- Design and implementation of the training plan for the advisers from the National
Extension Agency;
- Design and implementation of the training plan for the Managing Authority staff and
IPARD Agency on the new measures under IPARD (EU legislation, programming and
technical-fiche design, establishment of monitoring and evaluation indicators,
establishment of the amounts of payments, implementation procedures, monitoring
and evaluation procedures as well as on the training needs, identified in the training
- Provide support in preparation of a Communication Strategy for the publicity activities
of the measures;
- Organisation of the Internship and study visits with EU Member Study for the
employees in Managing Authority and IPARD Paying Agency to develop their
competence, capabilities and capacities;
Operation 1.3: Supply of IT equipment
- Preparation of the analysis of the available IT system of the IPARD Agency and the
identification of the needs of the IT system to implement and monitor the new measures,
as well supply of the IT equipment.
Measure 2: Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with natural
Operation 2.1: Definition of the criteria for LFA
- Provide support in definition of the criteria for LFA;
- Provide support in preparation of the guidelines and procedures for employees in the
MAWFE and Paying Agency;
- Provide support in introduction of measures in accordance with the defined LFA
- Provide support in development and specification of eligibility conditions to qualify for
LFA support;
- Provide support in development and introduction of a method for calculating LFA
- Provide support in development of the Mapping of LFA areas;
- Provide support in changes in the legislation;
- Organisation of a training for Advisory services to support the implementation of the
LFA (Information and advice services for farmers concerning LFA)
- Provide support in development of the LFA system of payments;
- Provide support in preparation of guidelines and procedures;
Operation 2.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a
Training Plan
- Provide support in preparation ofthe Training Needs Assessement and a Training Plan
for the employees.
- Preparation and distribution of a leaflets, brochures and other information materials;
- Conducting workshops and seminars for the stakeholders;
- Organisation of Study visits and internship with Member States for representatives of
MAFWE and Paying Agency to develop their competence, capabilities and capacities;
Operation 2.3: Supply of IT equipment
- Supply necessary software and hardware.
Measure 3: Introduction of the Land Consolidation activities
Operation 3.1: Establishment of Land Consolidation activities
- Drafting of primary and secondary legislative acts, procedures and guidelines for
implementation of land consolidation and abounded land policy;
- Conduct studies to improve land structure and land market;
- Establishment of new operational structures necessary to implement consolidation
projects (such Land Consolidation Authority and Agricultural Land Bank within it)
including activities of training and procurement of goods and services;
- Technical assistance to IPARD operational structures for introduction of land
consolidation measure in accreditation procedures till conformal of management;
Operation 3.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a Training
- Design and implementation of the Training Needs Assessment and Training Plan for
Land Consolidation Authority and other stakeholders;
- Establish, train and equip the local land consolidation teams to practice pilot projects of
land consolidation projects in two regions of the country;
- Preparation of a Communication Strategy for the publicity activities of the consolidation
measures at national level and targeted within pilot projects;
- Conducting a public campaign for farmers;
- Training of employees for land consolidation operations: MAFWE headquarter and
branch offices, and other relevant stakeholders such as farmers, municipalities, cadastre
- Organisation of Internship and study visits with EU Member States for employees in
order to exchange experience and increase their knowledge.
Operation 3.3: Aerial photographing and orthophoto production for LPIS
- Conducting of aerial photographing and orthophoto production including digitalization
of initial landuse layer for the whole territory of the country and its usage in LPIS and
land consolidation processes;
Operation 3.4: Supply of vehicles and IT equipment
- Supply of the IT equipment
- Supply of vehicles
Measure 4: Finalization of the Farm Accountancy Data Network
Operation 4.1: Upgrade of the current FADN
- Assessment of the overall data quality control system including early warning steps in
phases of data collection till data processing in the Liaison Agency;
- Development/upgrade of FADN IT based solution for data quality control;
Drafting of data quality control procedures in the Accountancy body and in the Liaison
- Using the FADN data, modelling the impact of policy measures based on the FADN
data, analysing data and preparing reports from stakeholders and preparing different
software’s for analyses of the FADN data;
- Preparing of a National software for data quality check and software for reporting;
- Preparing guidelines on reports and analysis preparation;
Operation 4.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a Training
- Training of employees for increasing of skills: in data processing (computation and
testing), for weighting scheme and managing data query, compiling tables from the
individual farm data; for data collectors; for quality checks, testing of the FADN data on
National level and RICC 1 requirements;
- Design and implementation of the Training Needs Assessment and Training Plan for
FADN Unit and NEA advisors;
- Promotion of FADN system (public campaign) among farmers, farmers union and the
economic chamber;
- Conducting study visits and internship for the employees with Member States to
exchange the experience and develop their competence for FADN;
- Trainings for employees from NEA (Body for collection of data) for collecting quality
data, entering the data in the software and delivering the data to the Macedonian Liaison
Operation 4.3: Supply of the IT equipment
- Supply with the necessary software and hardware for the Liaison Agency (MAFWE)
and National Extension Agency (Body for collecting the data);
Measure 5: Reform of the tobacco sector in accordance with the EU’s CMO
Operation 5.1: Preparing a feasibility study on tobacco
- Conducting a situation analyses on economic and social effects of decreasing of tobacco
production in the Republic of Macedonia;
- Preparing comparative analyses for crops with equal economic benefits as economic
benefits of tobacco, preparing study situation for tobacco production for next 10 years
and future requirements for development of direct payments in this sector;
- Provide support in development of plans, program, and guidance for structuring and
capacity strengthening in tobacco sector;
- Provide support in development in preparation of annual plans and program for
technical support of permanent group for development of tobacco market;
- Provide support in development of a the diversification plan;
- Establishment of a pilot-project in two regions in Macedonia in order to prepare tobacco
producers for production of other crops which will replace the tobacco with a similar
income and jobs in the rural areas;
- Strengthening the Administrative Capacity in order to follow the forthcoming policies in
line with EU requirements;
- Provide assistance in order to align national legislation with EU CMO requirements;
- Organisation of study visits and internship in Member states for representatives of
MAFWE to develop their competence, capabilities and capacities.
Operation 5.2: Supply of the equipment for soil testing
Supply of equipment for soil testing (pedological) analysis;
Training for the laboratory staff to maintenance the equipment.
The largest proportion of assistance available to this sector has been provided by the
European Union, starting from the previous CARDS programmes in 2001, to the recent
projects included within the IPA programme. Other active supporters in the sector are the
World Bank, OSCE, SIDA and USAID.
The activities foreseen build upon the activities realised under the CARDS 2006 Support to
IPARD preparations project, which contributed for IPARD Programme implementation and
strengthening of the Managing Authority. Besides this, this project area will also benefit from
the foreseen results under several on-going/planned projects (IPA-TAIB 2008: CMO and
Agri-environment project, LPIS/IACS) that are primarily related to the institutional
strengthening of MAFWE and development of various sets of managerial procedures related
to the measures foreseen to be introduced under these projects, IPA-TAIB 2009 (Twinning
project on cross-compliance, Twinning project on quality and organic production and
IACS/LPIS project), contributing towards quality improvement capacities, as well as
improvement of the management and operation of the overall agricultural sector and planned
IPA 2011 (Further strengthening of AFSARD and its’ gradual upgrade from an “IPARD” to a
comprehensive “Paying” Agency and Further upgrading of the Agriculture Information
System (AIS) in order to strengthen the national and regional capabilities to manage, enforce
and apply the mechanisms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Finally, several activities (study visits, expert missions and workshops) realised on topics
related to MAFWE through the EU’s TAIEX Instrument, as well as certain experiences and
practical knowledge, gained through the realisation of the National Programme for
Agriculture Support during the past years, are valuable.
In this respect, the bilateral ongoing G2G project Improvement of the Agricultural Education
in Macedonia could contribute to the further absorption of the IPARD assistance for the rural
development resulting in a strong framework for support to the training system in agriculture,
as well as improvement of the occupational skills and competences of persons engaged in
agriculture, food, forestry and other economic activities in the rural area.
MIPD 2011 – 2013 foresees that the main EU assistance will be provided under the IPA Rural
Development Component. This component has the main goal to facilitate the preparation of
the beneficiary country for the participation in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and
related policies respecting the related EU standards while at the same time assisting the
country with getting ready to effectively implement EU rural development programmes upon
Considering the presence of many donors in the sector, the Government has made efforts
through the Programme Based Approach (PBA) - ‘Priorities for Donor Assistance in the
Agriculture and Rural Sectors’ to ensure efficient donor coordination in order to avoid
possible overlapping and alignment with the national priorities, which can be further
enhanced and supported.
In the area of the land consolidation policies, initial land consolidation activities have been
focused on performing some pilot projects activities in selected rural regions in the country
and delivering basic training programmes for Ministry staff. Activities have included basic
analysis on limiting factors to rural land situation, development of simple methodology, as
well as awareness raising steps.
However, setting up of a policy formulation phase and introduction of policy framework to
support the successful implementation of a land consolidation programme in Macedonia, will
be completed by drafting of National land consolidation strategy and operational programme
in the beginning of 2012. Its further implementation, including: setting up and/or
strengthening of institutional capacity, legislative issues, development of appropriate rural
development support schemes, and finally carrying out of real infield consolidation practices,
remain as main challenge in the period to come.
Provision of accurate updated aerial photograph images, updating those acquired in 2009, is
essential, both as a tool to support land consolidation practices, and to provide sustainable
continuation in development of the efficient system for identification of land parcels – LPIS,
established in the country as the most crucial part of IACS.
The expected impact of the components of this sector support fiche will bring about
significant improvement in the administrative capacities of the institutions responsible for
agriculture and rural development, which will result in a shift in focus towards meeting new
challenges identified in future changes in CAP support post 2013. The sector fiche will have
impact on improving the systems (strategic planning documents, strategic management),
skills, practices, mechanisms, rules, by laws and strategies of the relevant institutions as well
as contributing to the sustainable development of the agricultural sector implementing of EU
standards. The objective of this sector fiche is to facilitate the sustainable impact, based on the
results and outcomes that should be achieved over time. It is expected to have a positive
impact on developments in the agricultural and rural development sector, stimulating growth,
diversification and exports. An ongoing review of key issues impacting on sustainability will
start from the beginning of project implementation, based on the results and outcomes that
should be achieved over time. The objective of this review is to facilitate the sustainable
impact of outcomes beyond the end of the project. This support, of the main components of
this sectoral fiche, will focus on implementing the acquis communautaire, including
introduction of new rules and tasks, under envisaged sectors. After project completion, the
key elements of the system are expected to be in place and operational.
Assumptions are external factors that have the potential to influence (or even determine) the success of a
project but lie outside the control of the implementation managers. Such factors are sometimes referred to as
risks or assumptions but the Commission requires that all risks shall be expressed as assumptions. Preconditions are requirements that must be met before the sector support can start.
During the implementation of the sector support plan the risks that might occur could be
related with lack of integral approach during the implementation of the project, defined
activities; inadequate coordination in providing resources for the support of the
implementation of the objectives; lack or insufficient information, consultation and
involvement of stakeholders, communities and groups; no system or insufficient capacities for
program and project management; and no system or insufficient capacities for monitoring and
evaluation of implemented measures, as well as luck of coordination and support by all
beneficiaries of the projects. Completion of the tasks, according to the time schedule and the
budget could be another risk that might occur during the implementation of the project.
The assumptions related with this sector fiche are related with the commitment, responsibility
and accountability for its implementation at national and local level and effective coordination
of undertaken measures by all stakeholders in order to multiply the effect to a larger scope of
socially excluded groups.
The project includes the following pre-conditionalities:
- Endorsement by all key stakeholders of the Terms of Reference, specifications for the
individual contracts to be engaged;
- Strengthened administrative capacities (staffing) of the beneficiaries at the start of the
project activities as foreseen in accordance with the National Plan for the Adoption of
the Acquis, assuring the appropriate absorption capacity for the foreseen activities and
developments and their future implementation.
- Participation by the beneficiaries in the tender process as per EU regulations;
- Organisation, selection and appointment of members of working groups, steering and
coordination committees, seminars by the beneficiaries as per work plan of the
- Appointing the relevant staff by the beneficiaries to participate in training activities as
per work plan;
- Amendments to legislation to harmonise with the Common Agricultural Policy
- EU procedures to be followed for the procurement of supplies, contracting of technical
assistance & training financed from pre-accession funds.
A Steering Committee (SC) comprising of representatives of the Beneficiary Institution, the
Beneficiary Country Project Leader, the Member State Project Leader/the Resident Twinning
Adviser, and other stakeholders will be established to monitor the implementation of the
project. The Delegation of the European Union will be invited as observer, as well SEA. The
final and exact composition of the SC will be agreed with the Contracting Authority at the
start up of the project.
The Steering Committee will meet quarterly or more frequently, if required. The SC meetings
are called and chaired by the Minister or Deputy Minister. The Project Leaders/Resident
Twinning Advisers will be responsible, jointly with the national counterpart, for drafting an
interim quarterly report and presenting it to members of the committee at least 2 weeks prior
to each Steering Committee meeting. The SC will take the necessary decisions related to
project facilitation and progress and will be the forum to discuss any unforeseen difficulties.
Exceptional SC meetings can be convoked in case of exceptional needs.
Support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 1.089.000
5th Component (IPARD) beyond 2013
Technical support for classification of agricultural areas 648.375
with natural handicaps
Introduction of the Land consolidation activities
Finalization of the Farm Accountancy Data Network in
the Republic of Macedonia
Reform of the tobacco sector in accordance with the
Various supply contracts
Indicative budget (amounts in EUR)
Measure 1
IPARD beyond
2013 -Service
Measure 2 LFA
Measure 3 Land
consolidation X
Service contract
Measure 4
Measure 5 CMO
Tobacco X
Service contract)
Operation 6.1
including lab.
Equipment soil
testing, vehicles
% (2)
Amounts net of VAT
(1) In the Operation row, use "X" to identify whether IB or INV
(2) Expressed in % of the Public Expenditure (column (b))
(3) Expressed in % of the Total Expenditure (column (a))
Operation 1.1
Operation 2.1
Operation 3.1
Operation 4.1
Operation 5.1
Operation 6.1
Start of
Call(s) for
Q1 2014
Q1 2014
Q1 2015
Q1 2015
Q3 2014
Signature of
Q4 2014
Q4 2014
Q4 2014
Q4 2015
Q4 2015
Q2 2015
Q4 2015
Q4 2016
Q4 2016
Q2 2017
Q1 2016
4.3.1 Equal Opportunities and non-discrimination
Cross cutting issues have to be systematically addressed during the project lifetime. Up to
10% of the budget for capacity building may be allocated to assist the beneficiary to comply
with European standards and best practices, implement relevant existing Government
strategies and develop internal measures to ensure each cross-cutting issue is appropriately
The training activities will include a specific component to train beneficiary staff in the
implementation of the Government Gender Strategy, while reference will be made to the EC
Programme of Action for the mainstreaming of gender equality in community development
cooperation (2001-06). In view of the specific sector, it is not expected that the gender aspects
will be of prime relevance for the outputs of this project.
4.3.2 Environment and climate change
Any ecological friendly initiative which can be taken will have to be implemented.
4.3.3 Minorities and vulnerable groups
Whereas the main reference in the country in relation to minority groups is the Ohrid
Framework Agreement, in an EU context, reference is made to the “Race directive” of 2000
(200/43/EC of 29 June), which has an important impact on employment (including vocational
training, working conditions, social protection etc.) and is also a crucial aspect of the acquis.
The beneficiary will be assisted to implement an ‘internal minority and vulnerable group
assessment’ to identify areas where it could improve its internal performance vis-à-vis
minorities or other vulnerable groups. In view of the specific sector, it is not expected that the
minority aspects will be of prime relevance for the outputs of this project.
4.3.4 Civil Society/Stakeholders involvement
Substantial efforts will be dedicated to the purpose of regular informing and involvement,
whenever possible of the civil society organisations and social partners, as well as any other
institution/organisation as parties concerned regarding the project implementation, outcomes
and results achieved within the Sector Plan.
Documents to be annexed to the Sector fiche
1. Log frame
2. Description of Institutional Framework
(Including composition of the relevant sector Steering Committee, Sector Monitoring
Sub-Committees, and sectoral working group)
3. Political, legal and institutional framework:
Reference to sector strategies and national / sector investment plans
4. Details per EU funded operation(*) where applicable:
5. Possible visibility activities
Any visibility actions of the projects are defined in the communication and visibility manual
for European Union external actions mainly covers the written and visual identity of the EU. It
sets out requirements and guidelines for briefings, written material, press conferences,
presentations, invitations, signs, commemorative plaques and all other tools used to highlight
EU participation. In addition, it offers tools designed to enable the development of a dynamic
communication strategy that will highlight the achievements of EU support.
The Visibility Guidelines for IPARD Programme 2007 – 2013 Beneficiaries define the use
and the visibility identity of the following visibility materials:
1. Stickers
2. Commemorative plaques
3. Billboards
The guidelines which have been designed to ensure that IPARD projects and actions funded
by the European Union (EU) incorporate information and communication activities designed
to raise the awareness of specific or general audiences of the reasons for and impact of the EU
pre-accession support, and identify EU support for the action in the Republic of Macedonia,
as well as the impact of that particular action. The guidelines are meant to offer tools designed
to define the type of visibility activity for specific actions and contexts. The guidelines also
include information concerning the correct use of the EU logo and identity as well as the
Republic of Macedonia flag
These guidelines are prepared in accordance with the following documents:
Communication and Publicity Plan of the IPARD Programme 2007-2013, final
version June, 2009
Actions, final version July, 2009
and legal acts:
Sectoral Agreement (OG 165/2008)
Law on use of the emblem, flag and the anthem of the Republic of Macedonia (OG
Law on flag of Republic of Macedonia (OG 47/95)
The above listed document shall be the basic reference in the preparation and use of the
visibility materials for IPARD funded projects.
ANNEX 1: Logical framework matrix for sector support in standard format
National sector or sub sector objective
The overall objective of the sector plan on Agriculture and Rural Development is
further support and institutional strengthening of the capacities in the area of
agriculture and rural development for the implementation of the Common
Agricultural Policy in compliance with EU criteria.
Sector support objective within the MIPD sector
The specific objective of the sector plan on Agriculture and Rural Development is
to develop a common sector-wide approach and understanding of the priorities in
Agriculture and Rural Areas which will contribute to the implementation of the
Common Agricultural Policy of the EU.
Sector support name and
budget: EUR
Objectively verifiable indicators
Sources of verification
- Preparation and adoption of - Progress reports;
relevant legislation;
- Annual
- Enforcement of the legislation;
- Human resources and management
Objectively verifiable indicators
Sources of Verification
- Timely
the - Progress reports;
programming document by the - Annual
Government to the Commission
- Timely implementation of the
IPARD Programme
- Timely implementation of the
project tender processes
- Timely contacting of support
- Availability
agencies and staff
Rural Development
- lack of integral
approach during
of the project
- defined activities
- inadequate
coordination in
resources for the
support of the
of the objectives
- lack
consultation and
involvement of
- no system
- no system
- luck
support by
the projects
Results of the sector support
The measure foreseen under this sector plan will achieve the following:
Measure 1: Support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 5th
Component (IPARD) beyond 2013
- New IPARD Measures for future absorption of EARDF for rural development
- The legal and institutional framework with regard to new measures assessed
and the required legislation and institutional arrangements identified;
- The additionally required legislation on obligatory mandatory standards
- The monitoring and evaluation indicators as well as baseline indicators (in line
with Common Monitoring and Evaluation Framework) elaborated;
Objectively verifiable indicators
Sources of Verification Assumptions
- Project reports;
- The beneficiary
- Monthly reports
country partners
- Number of new measures accredited;
from different
- Audit on accreditation progress
support the RTA
carried out;
- Government reports;
and PL in the
- Prepared assessment of the legal and
- Progress Reports
implementation of
institutional framework with regards
the project (s)
to the new measures harmonised
with the acquis;
- The beneficiary
appoints the
The detailed measure fiche and sub-measure fiches for inclusion in the IPARD
Programme prepared;
The accreditation package (preparation of project application forms, guidelines
and implementation manuals, operational manuals, sample grant contract, on
the spot control principles etc…) for the implementation of the measure
The training needs assessed and a Training Plan prepared for the necessary
training needs in order to establish the capacity of Managing Authority and
IPARD Agency staff as well as the related institutions on the new measures of
Advisers from the National Extension Agency trained on new Measures, and
able tohelp farmers;
Staff of Managing Authority and IPARD Agency trained with respect to the
new measures under IPARD (EU legislation, programming and technical-fiche
design, establishment of monitoring and evaluation indicators, establishment of
the amounts of payments, implementation procedures, monitoring and
evaluation procedures as well as on the training needs identified in the training
A Communication Strategy prepared for the publicity activities of the measures;
Analysis of the available IT system of the IPARD Agency and MA and
identification of the needs of the IT system to implement and monitor the new
measures carried out, and necessary and justified IT equipment supplied.
- Number of monitoring and
evaluation indicators elaborated;
- Number of accreditation packages
per new measures prepared;
- Programme adopted by EC;
- Prepared Training Plan;
- Number of identified training areas;
- Number of trainings organised;
- Prepared Communication Strategy for
the public activities of the measures;
- Number of publicity activities
- Prepared analysed of the IT system
of IPARD Agency and MA;
Measure 2: Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with
natural handicaps
- LFA criteria defined and measures introduced;
- The LFA Support Measures developed and specified eligibility conditions to
qualify for LFA support;
- Developed/introduced method for calculating LFA payments;
- Mapping of the LFA areas developed;
- Changes in the legislation ensure prepared;
- Advisory services to support the implementation of the LFA prepared and trained- Prepared aassessment of conditions
(Information and advice services for farmers concerning LFA);
of less favoured areas available;
- Established LFA system of payments;
- Established functional payment
- The training needs assessed and a Training Plan prepared for the employees;
Project Leader and
all relevant
counterparts and
makes available
the staff that will
be involved during
the project(s)
- Cooperation
among the
- Commitment from
national authorities
in the process.
Developed guidelines and procedures;
Leaflets, brochures and other information materials prepared and distributed;
A series of workshops and seminars organized;
Necessary software and hardware supplied.
- Prepared MFA areas mapping;
- Number of prepared and adopted
related new legislative acts;
- Number of trained representatives
from the advisory service;
- Prepared Training Plan;
- Number of identified training areas;
- Number of trainings organised;
Measure 3: Introduction of the Land consolidation activities
In line with the approach from the approved National Strategy on Land
- Prepared design for leaflet and
- Legislative and regulation framework on land consolidation developed;
- Number of distributed leaflets,
- Institutional capacity for land consolidation of competent authorities and newly brochures and project information;
established organizational structures (at central and local level) strengthened to - Number of workshops and seminars
be capable to implement consolidation projects;
- Procedures and guidelines for implementation of land consolidation and land
- Number of participants attend the
boundary policy developed;
- Trainings to strengthen the capacity for employees on land consolidation in
- Software and hardware equipment
MAFWE headquarter and branch offices, as well as to other relevant
delivered and operational
stakeholders farmers, municipalities, cadastre etc) delivered;
- Pilot projects on development and practice different models/instruments of land
consolidation activities implemented;
- Public awareness on Land Consolidation raised;
- Aerial photography and orthophoto production including digitalization of initial - Number of prepared and adopted
landuse layer for the whole territory of the country and data quality control
related new legislative acts;(Legal
conducted in order to determine the boundaries of the parcels and monitor the
and regulation framework prepared);
completion of land consolidation;
- Defined and established appropriate
- IPARD programme amended to incorporate new Land consolidation measure in organisational structure;
line with National Strategy for Land Consolidation 2012-2020 and IPA
- Prepared and published guidelines
and procedures;
- Institutional capacity of IPARD operational structures for introduction of land - Published guidelines and procedures
consolidation measure developed at the level to be granted with conferral of
of land consolidation and abounded
land policy developed;
- Prepared procedure and guidelines;
Measure 4:Finalization of the Farm Accountancy Data Network in the Republic- Number of trainings organised and
of Macedonia
Training in data processing (computation and testing) delivered;
Training for weighting scheme and managing data query, compiling tables from
the individual farm data delivered;
Data quality control system including early warning steps in phases of data
collection till data processing in the Liaison Agency sustained;
Data Quality Control IT system managed by the Liaison Agency developed;
Trainings for data collectors about preparation of individual farm reports
Trainings for quality checks, testing of the FADN data on National level and
RICC 1 requirements delivered;
FADN system among farmers, farmers union and the economic chamber
Prepared guidelines on reports and analysis preparation;
Data quality control procedures in the Accountancy body and in the Liaison
Agency drafted;
Data collectors and Liaison Agency in data quality assurance system trained;
Introduction of the off-line typology software and national software for quality
check, prepared; Conducted methodological and technical trainings of employees of the
Macedonian Farm Accountancy Data Network;
The Liaison Agency (MAFWE) and National Extension Agency (Body for
collecting the data) supplied with the necessary software and hardware.
- The co-operation and co-ordinations
mechanisms between the different
departments within MAFWE and
other relevant stakeholders
formalised and operated;
- Number of trainings organised and
- Functional pilot project in the place;
- New aerial photography and
orthophoto production with
determined boundaries of the
- IPARD programme/operation structure
in line with National Strategy for Land
Consolidation 2012-2020;
- Adequate IT systemis in place and
Measure 5: Reform of the tobacco sector in accordance with the EU’s CMO
- Prepared SWOT analyses on economic and social effects of decreasing of
- Established data quality control system
tobacco production in the Republic of Macedonia;
and procedure;
- Prepared comparative analyses for crops with equal economic benefits as
- Number of realised publicity
economic benefits of tobacco, prepared study situation for tobacco production for activities on FADN;
next 10 years and future requirements for development of direct payments in this - Number of functional guidelines
- Developed study on climate and soil condition for diversification activities;
- Number of trainings organised in each
- Developed pilot-project in two regions in Macedonia in order to prepare tobacco relevant area (RICC and
producers for production of other crops which will replace the tobacco and create comprehensive FADN);
a new jobs in the rural areas;
- Unit structure in place;
- Developed plans, programs, and guidance for structuring and capacity
strengthening in tobacco sector;
Legislative and regulation framework in accordance with EU CMO on tobacco
Prepared annual plans and program for technical support of permanent group for
development of tobacco market, trained tobacco producers organisations and
inter-branch organisation;
Prepared and introduced and capacity built in accordance with EU requirements;
Enhanced change of experience between Tobacco fond or Agencies of the
Member States;
Established new system of support in tobacco sector;
A series of workshops and seminars for the stakeholders organized;
- Prepared SWOT analysis;
Necessary equipment for tobacco soil analyses supplied;
- Number of prepared comparative
A feasibility study on tobacco prepared.
analyses for crops;
- Prepared stuffy situation for tobacco;
- Prepared Study on climate and soil
- Two pilot regions identified;
- Two pilot projects developed;
- Number of developed plans,
strengthening in tobacco sector;
- Number of prepared and adopted
related new legislative acts;
- Number of annual plans prepared;
- Number of workshops and seminars
- Number of trainings organised and
- Equipment for tobacco soil analyses
supplied and delivered;
- Prepared feasibility study on
Measures to achieve results
Means / operations
The intervention options for each action foreseen under this sector plan are:
1 Service contract for Measure 1
Measure 1: Support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 5th
Component (IPARD) beyond 2013
Operation 1.1: Support in preparation of the measure fiche and sub-measure
- Preparing new IPARD Measures in range to be expanded to include other 1 Twinning arrangement for Measure
preparatory measures for future absorption of EARDF for rural development;
- Identification and assessment of the legal and institutional framework with
regard to the implementation of the new measures;
- Provide support for the additionally required legislation on obligatory mandatory
- Provide support in elaboration of the monitoring and evaluation indicators as
well as baseline indicators (in line with Common Monitoring and Evaluation 1 Service contract for Measure 3
- Provide support in preparation of the measure fiche and sub-measure fiches
for inclusion in the IPARD Programme;
- Provide support in preparation of the accreditation package (preparation of
project application forms, guidelines and implementation manuals, operational
manuals, sample grant contract, on the spot control principles etc…) for the 1 Twinning contract for Measure 4
implementation of the measure;
Operation 1.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and
a Training Plan for the Managing Authority and the Paying Agency
- Provide support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a
Training Plan for the necessary training needs in order to strengthen the
capacity of Managing Authority and IPARD Agency staff as well as the related 1 Service contract for Measure 5
institutions on the new measures of the IPARD;
- Design and implementation of the training plan for the advisers from the
National Extension Agency;
- Design and implementation of the training plan for the Managing Authority
staff and IPARD Agency on the new measures under IPARD (EU legislation,
programming and technical-fiche design, establishment of monitoring and 1 Supply contract for measures
evaluation indicators, establishment of the amounts of payments, 1,2,3,4,5
implementation procedures, monitoring and evaluation procedures as well as
on the training needs, identified in the training plan);
Total budget: 1.210.000
IPA contribution:
1.089.000 EUR
National contribution
121.000 EUR
Total budget: 682.000
IPA contribution:
648.375 EUR
National contribution:
34.125 EUR
Total budget: 1.280.000
IPA contribution:
1.152.000 EUR
National contribution:
128.000 EUR
Total budget: 735.000
IPA contribution:
698.250 EUR
National contribution :
36.750 EUR
Total budget: 880.000
Provide support in preparation of a Communication Strategy for the publicity
activities of the measures;
- Organisation of the Internship and study visits with EU Member Study for the
employees in Managing Authority and IPARD Paying Agency to develop their
competence, capabilities and capacities;
Operation 1.3: Supply of IT equipment
- Preparation of the analysis of the available IT system of the IPARD Agency and
the identification of the needs of the IT system to implement and monitor the new
measures, as well supply of the IT equipment.
Measure 2: Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with
natural handicaps
Operation 2.1: Definition of the criteria for LFA
- Provide support in definition of the criteria for LFA;
- Provide support in preparation of the guidelines and procedures for employees in
the MAWFE and Paying Agency;
- Provide support in introduction of measures in accordance with the defined LFA
- Provide support in development and specification of eligibility conditions to
qualify for LFA support;
- Provide support in development and introduction of a method for calculating
LFA payments;
- Provide support in development of the Mapping of LFA areas;
- Provide support in changes in the legislation;
- Organisation of a training for Advisory services to support the implementation
of the LFA (Information and advice services for farmers concerning LFA)
- Provide support in development of the LFA system of payments;
- Provide support in preparation of guidelines and procedures;
Operation 2.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a
Training Plan
- Provide support in preparation ofthe Training Needs Assessement and a Training
Plan for the employees.
- Preparation and distribution of a leaflets, brochures and other information
- Conducting workshops and seminars for the stakeholders;
IPA contribution:
792.000 EUR
National contribution
88.000 EUR
Total budget: 1.337.500
IPA contribution :
1.003.125 EUR
National contribution :
334.375 EUR
6.125.000 EUR
5.382.750 EUR
742.250 EUR
Organisation of Study visits and internship with Member States for
representatives of MAFWE and Paying Agency to develop their competence,
capabilities and capacities;
Operation 2.3: Supply of IT equipment
- Supply necessary software and hardware.
Measure 3: Introduction of the Land Consolidation activities
Operation 3.1: Establishment of Land Consolidation activities
- Drafting of primary and secondary legislative acts, procedures and guidelines for
implementation of land consolidation and abounded land policy;
- Conduct studies to improve land structure and land market;
- Establishment of new operational structures necessary to implement
consolidation projects (such Land Consolidation Authority and Agricultural Land
Bank within it) including activities of training and procurement of goods and
- Technical assistance to IPARD operational structures for introduction of land
consolidation measure in accreditation procedures till conformal of management;
Operation 3.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a
Training Plan
- Design and implementation of the Training Needs Assessment and Training Plan
for Land Consolidation Authority and other stakeholders;
- Establish, train and equip the local land consolidation teams to practice pilot
projects of land consolidation projects in two regions of the country;
- Preparation of a Communication Strategy for the publicity activities of the
consolidation measures at national level and targeted within pilot projects;
- Conducting a public campaign for farmers;
- Training of employees for land consolidation operations: MAFWE headquarter
and branch offices, and other relevant stakeholders such as farmers,
municipalities, cadastre etc;
- Organisation of Internship and study visits with EU Member States for
employees in order to exchange experience and increase their knowledge.
Operation 3.3: Aerial photographing and orthophoto production for LPIS
- Conducting of aerial photographing and orthophoto production including
digitalization of initial landuse layer for the whole territory of the country and its
usage in LPIS and land consolidation processes;
Measure 4: Finalization of the Farm Accountancy Data Network
Operation 4.1: Upgrade of the current FADN
- Assessment of the overall data quality control system including early warning
steps in phases of data collection till data processing in the Liaison Agency;
- Development/upgrade of FADN IT based solution for data quality control;
- Drafting of data quality control procedures in the Accountancy body and in the
Liaison Agency;
- Using the FADN data, modelling the impact of policy measures based on the
FADN data, analysing data and preparing reports from stakeholders and
preparing different software’s for analyses of the FADN data;
- Preparing of a National software for data quality check and software for
- Preparing guidelines on reports and analysis preparation;
Operation 4.2: Support in preparation of the Training Needs Assessment and a
Training Plan
- Training of employees for increasing of skills: in data processing (computation
and testing), for weighting scheme and managing data query, compiling tables
from the individual farm data; for data collectors; for quality checks, testing of
the FADN data on National level and RICC 1 requirements;
- Design and implementation of the Training Needs Assessment and Training Plan
for FADN Unit and NEA advisors;
- Promotion of FADN system (public campaign) among farmers, farmers union
and the economic chamber;
- Conducting study visits and internship for the employees with Member States to
exchange the experience and develop their competence for FADN;
- Trainings for employees from NEA (Body for collection of data) for collecting
quality data, entering the data in the software and delivering the data to the
Macedonian Liaison agency.
Operation 4.3: Supply of the IT equipment
- Supply with the necessary software and hardware for the Liaison Agency
(MAFWE) and National Extension Agency (Body for collecting the data);
Measure 5: Reform of the tobacco sector in accordance with the EU’s CMO
Operation 5.1: Preparing a feasibility study on tobacco
Conducting a situation analyses on economic and social effects of decreasing of
tobacco production in the Republic of Macedonia;
Preparing comparative analyses for crops with equal economic benefits as
economic benefits of tobacco, preparing study situation for tobacco production
for next 10 years and future requirements for development of direct payments in
this sector;
Provide support in development of plans, program, and guidance for structuring
and capacity strengthening in tobacco sector;
Provide support in development in preparation of annual plans and program for
technical support of permanent group for development of tobacco market;
Provide support in development of a the diversification plan;
Establishment of a pilot-project in two regions in Macedonia in order to prepare
tobacco producers for production of other crops which will replace the tobacco
with a similar income and jobs in the rural areas;
Strengthening the Administrative Capacity in order to follow the forthcoming
policies in line with EU requirements;
Provide assistance in order to align national legislation with EU CMO
Organisation of study visits and internship in Member states for representatives
of MAFWE to develop their competence, capabilities and capacities.
Operation 5.2: Supply of the equipment for soil testing
- Supply of equipment for soil testing (pedological) analysis;
- Training for the laboratory staff to maintenance the equipment.
ANNEX 2: Essential relevant excerpts from national sector policy and strategy
Work Programme of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia 2011-201510
The strategic objectives of the Work Programme of the Government of the Republic of
Macedonia for the period 2011–2015 is to continue to implement agricultural policies that
contribute to development and better competitiveness of the Macedonian agriculture. There
will be continuation of the measures the implementation of which provides farmers with:
access to favorable loans, covering part of the costs for procuring livestock, raising
plantations and crops, as well as subsidizing agricultural production. Support for the
modernization of the outdated production technology will be provided, by covering at least
half of the expenses for procuring machinery, equipment and irrigation systems, as well as
restoration of the cattle breeding and agricultural facilities. Investments will be made in the
local infrastructure for improving the quality of life in the rural areas and strengthening the
organization of rural communities by forming Local Action Groups.
With an aim of improved functioning of the agricultural produce market and better prices for
the farmers, the Government will work on increasing the competition among buyers and
processors with larger private and state investments in centers for purchasing and distribution,
enhanced association of the farmers in the market in order to boost the bargaining power in
relation to the buyers, commencement of contractual relationships and further regulation of
the work of traders and processors in order to prevent abuses. Devising a complete food safety
system will be a priority, by establishing a food safety control system. The capacity of the
inspections for controlling the movement of smuggled, poor quality food and raw materials
will be increased, and the transport of Macedonian products will be speeded up.
National Programme for Agriculture and Rural Development (IPARD) 2007-201311
The main purpose of the Programme is to act as planning document for implementing Council
Regulation (EC) No 1085/2006 of 17 July 2006 establishing an Instrument for Pre-Accession
Assistance (IPA) for the period 2007-2013.
The document has been prepared by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water
Economy (MAFWE) with the technical support provided by the Structural and Legal Reforms
Project funded by the EU, in close collaboration with the Commission, other relevant
institutions and the economic and social partners at various levels.
This Programme has been prepared according to the provisions set in Commission Regulation
(EC) No 718/2007 and based on Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September
2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural
Development (EAFRD), Council Decision of 20 February 2006 on Community strategic
guidelines for rural development (programming period 2007 to 2013).
The drawing-up of the Programme, the implementation and the follow-up mechanisms are in
compliance with the Common provisions set in the Commission Regulation (EC) No
718/2007 and in specific with the Principals for Assistance (Article 3) and the provisions for
IPA for Rural Development (Title IV) and thus facilitate the transition process of
implementation of the Acquis Communautaire. The Programme is subject of the
Commission’s approval referred to in Article 6 of the Commission Regulation (EC) No
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy has overall responsibility for this
In the first stage of elaboration, the principal priorities were identified in consultation with
various agriculture sector stakeholders. Initially, independent in-depth studies were prepared
for four agri-food sub-sectors (milk and dairy, meat and meat products, fruit and vegetables
and wine and grapes) to identify the major weaknesses to be addressed and potentials to be
boosted. The four sub-sectors were selected based on their importance in the agricultural GDP
and according to the process of adoption of the EU Acquis according to the NPAA.
Self-governments, regional agricultural departments, regional offices of the National
Extension Agency, Farmers Federation, non-governmental organisations and sector advisory
technical committees participated in the Programme definition.
The drafting of the Programme was based on the National Development Plan (NDP), the
National Strategy for Agriculture and Rural Development (NARDS adopted by the
Government on 29.06.2007) and the National Programme for Adoption of the Acquis
(NPAA), as well as the Multi-annual Indicative Planning Document (MIPD), framework of
available measures under Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance for Agriculture and Rural
Development (IPARD) and the results of the independent sub-sector analysis.
National Strategy for the Development of Agriculture and Rural Development for the
period 2007-2013
The National Strategy for Rural and Agricultural Development 2007-2013 (NARDS) has two
interlinked purposes.
The first one is to provide the Macedonian Government (and, more in particular, the Ministry
of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy - MAFWE) and to the stakeholders (rural
dwellers, farmers and their associations, producer groups and processors) a multi-annual
reference material – strategy and a tool for the development of Macedonian agriculture and
rural areas.
The second one is to establish a base for supporting the drafting of the hierarchically lowerlevel agricultural and rural development operational plans, in particular the Instrument for
Pre-Accession for Agricultural and Rural Development (IPARD) plan, and for their
discussion with the European Commission.
Infact, according to the EU Council Regulation no. 1085 dated 2006, establishing an
Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) -– the Preamble, point 16 stipulates that:
“Assistance should be provided on the basis of a comprehensive multi-annual strategy that
reflects the priorities of the Stabilisation and Association Process, as well as the strategic
priorities of the pre-accession process”. This is reinforced in Title 1, article 6 Planning of
assistance – “For countries listed in Annex I, assistance shall be based in particular on the
Accession Partnerships. Assistance shall cover the priorities and overall strategy resulting
from a regular analysis of the situation in each country and on which preparations for
accession must concentrate …”. The mentioning of the strategic document for IPA reflects
and resemble the provisions for EU Member States, that are included in the EU Regulation
no. 1698 of the year 2005, that requires – specifically for rural development – that “each
Member State should prepare its rural development national strategy and plan constituting the
reference framework for the preparation of the rural development programmes…”.
ANNEX 3 - Description of Institutional Framework
Mandate of the Ministry
The Law on Organisation and Operation of the State Administration Bodies (“Official Gazette
of RM” No. 58/00 and 44/02) defines the competence of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry
and Water Economy related to agriculture and rural development, forestry and water economy,
utilisation of agricultural land, forests and other natural resources, hunting and fishery,
protection of livestock from diseases and pests, monitoring and exploring the water conditions,
maintaining and improving the waters regime and other items defined with the Law DAPA is
organised as separate Department within the Ministry, with several units within the
Department with major competency in policy analyses and management of information
systems in the agriculture field.
Brief job description of the units within the Department:
- Policy Analyses Department: provision of appropriate flow, collection and
dissemination of data related to agriculture and rural development from various
sources; analyses of the data and production of policy options; monitoring the
implementation and evaluation of the effects of the policy measures; and budget
planning and financial management.
- Agriculture Department: drafting, proposing and implementation of the legislation,
as well as with administrative and governing issues in the area of livestock and plant
production; monitors the overall development of the agriculture sector; and proposes
measures (market and direct support measures) for development of agriculture sector
through the support programmes of the MAFWE.
- IPARD Department: all aspects of management, programming, monitoring and
evaluation of rural development policies ,EU funded schemes; organizes and supports
the work of the Rural Development Monitoring Committee and Inter-Governmental
Rural Development Body; prepares multiannual plans for utilization of EU rural
development pre-accession funds based on the strategic document for rural
development and the Rural Development Programme.
- Rural Development Department: all aspects of management, programming,
monitoring and evaluation of rural development policies, national schemes; develops
and proposes rural development policies and strategies in line with national strategies;
- EU Department: monitoring and management and coordination of all aspects of EU
integration processes within the MAFWE; preparation, implementation, coordination
and monitoring of the National Programme for the Adoption of the Acquis (NPAA);
implementing the process of EU integration and approximation/adoption of the EU
Acquis Communautaire; programming of the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) ,
Component I; and preparation of database of all relevant data (acts, documents, reports
etc) related to the EU integration process in the fields under the responsibilities of
- Department for Management and Registration of Agriculture Land: all aspects of
the overall management, including managing, registering and improvement of the
agriculture land in the Republic of Macedonia.
Mandate of the Agency
The Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and Rural Development was given a mandate
with the Law on establishing the Agency which came into force on 02.06.2007.
Article 1 of this law reads: This Law shall regulate the establishment, competences,
organisation and the manner of performing the work and management of the Agency for
Financial Support of Agriculture and Rural Development and shall determine the sources of
funding and their purpose, as well as other issues of relevance to the development of
agriculture and rural areas.
The total number of employees within the Agency for Financial Support in Agriculture and
Rural Development as of 31.08.2010 is 97.
Brief job description of the sectors and units within the Agency:
Sector for Approval of Projects: main function is to receive the project applications and to
evaluate the project application before approving it;
Sector for Authorisation of Payment: main function is to receive the claim for payment and
to perform necessary control of the eligibility of the costs occurred during realization of the
Sector for Control: main function is to control the investment before approval according the
request from the Sector for Approval of Project, to control the realization of the investment
before payment and to perform ex-post control of the investment;
Sector for Finance and Accounting: main function is to execute the payment and to record
the payments which are executed
Sector for General and Legal Affairs: main function is to give administrative and legal
support to the Agency;
Sector for Internal Audit: main function is to perform audit of the administrative and
financial work of the Agency and possible delegated bodies, thus examining all operating
functions of the Agency;
Sector for Information and Communication Technology: main function is to give ICT
support to the working process of the Agency by creating secure IT system, data base and
provide technical support to the ICT system;
Unit for Human Resources: main functions are keeping and updating the personal records of
the Agency’s civil servants and their personal files, carrying out employment procedure within
the Agency for the purpose of occupying the available work posts, taking care of the rights and
liabilities coming out of the employment contract of each of the Agency’s employees,
preparation and implementation of the human resources development program within the
Agency, preparing the monthly allowances for the Agency employees, identifying necessary,
and proposing training programs for the Agency’s employees;
Sector for National Payments: execution of National payments schemes related to agriculture
and rural development.
The organisation chart of the Paying Agency is presented further below:
Organization units which are subject of accreditation by the European Commission
Organizational units which are not subject of accreditation by the European Commission
total: 149 expected employees + 1 director = 150
ANNEX-4 Details per EU funded operation (*) where applicable:
The expected contracting arrangements are:
- 1 Service contract, for the implementation of activities under Measure 1: Support for the
preparation and implementation of IPA 5th Component (IPARD) beyond 2013. The contract
has an expected duration of 20-24 months, and is expected to start at Q1 of 2014. The total
budget of this contract will be approximately 1.210.000 EUR, of which IPA funds
1.089.000 EUR and national contribution 121.000 EUR;
- 1 Twinning arrangement will be concluded for the implementation of activities under
Measure 2- Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with natural handicaps.
The contract has an expected duration of 13-16 months and is expected to start at Q1 of
2014. The budget of this contract will be approximately 682.000 EUR, of which IPA funds
648.375 EUR and national contribution 34.125 EUR;
- 1 Service contract, for the implementation of activities under Measure 3 - Introduction of the
Land Consolidation activities. The contract has an expected duration of 20-24 months, and is
expected to start at Q1 of 2014. The budget of this contract will be approximately 1.280.000
EUR, of which IPA funds 1.152.000 EUR and national contribution 128.000 EUR;
- 1 Twinning contract, for the implementation of activities under Measure 4 - Finalization of
the Farm Accountancy Data Network in the Republic of Macedonia The contract has an
expected duration of 13-16 months, and is expected to start at Q1 of 2015. The budget of this
contract will be approximately 735.000 EUR, of which IPA funds 698.250 EUR and
national contribution 36.750 EUR;
- 1 Service contract, for the implementation of activities under Measure 5 - Reform of the
tobacco sector in accordance with the EU’s CMO The contract has an expected duration of
20-24 months, and is expected to start at Q1 of 2015. The budget of this contract will be
approximately 880.000 EUR, of which IPA funds 792.000 EUR and national contribution
88.000 EUR;
- 1 Supply contract is expected to be concluded to provide equipment and vehicles. The total
budget of this contract will be approximately 1.337.500EUR, out of which 1.003.125 EUR
IPA funds and 334.375 EUR National contributions.
- For the Measure 1: Support for the preparation and implementation of IPA 5th Component
(IPARD) beyond 2013/Operation 1.3: Justification for the supply of IT equipment: is to
provide a preparation of the analysis of the available IT system of the IPARD Agency and
Managing Authority and identification of the needs of the IT system to implement and
monitor the new measures, as well supply of the IT equipment for provision of the
information and communication technology and related equipment required by authorities
charged with managing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the rural development
component of IPA (including the authorisation, execution and accounting for payments)
- For the Measure 2: Technical support for classification of agricultural areas with natural
handicaps/ Operation 2.3: Supply of IT equipment is to provide the necessary software and
hardware for identification of structural needs in rural areas for the definition of the maps;
preparation plans and procedures for improving the economy, efficiency and effectiveness of
national budgetary funds for agricultural and rural development.
- For the Measure 3: Introduction of the Land Consolidation activities /Operation 3.4: Supply
of vehicles and IT equipment is to provide the supply of the IT equipment for the regional
offices which will be included in the preparatory activities for the Land Consolidation as
well as the Supply of vehicles in the purposes for of the Land Consolidation in order to be
more effective in technical and practical implementation of the Land Consolidation.
- Measure 4: Finalization of the Farm Accountancy Data Network/ Operation 4.3: Supply of
the IT equipment is to provide the necessary software and hardware for the Liaison Agency
(MAFWE) and National Extension Agency (Body for collecting the data) related to the
finalization of an efficient agricultural information system, in view of its importance for the
development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of agriculture and rural
development policies.
- Measure 5: Reform of the tobacco sector in accordance with the EU’s CMO/Operation 5.2:
Supply of the equipment for soil testing is to provide the equipment for soil testing
(pedological) analysis and training for the laboratory staff to maintenance the equipment.
The adequate soil testing (pedological) analysis is necessary to assist in the control of
tobacco production and implementation and harmonisation with the EU CMO policy on
tobacco and in compliance with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Framework
Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC).