Plate Tectonics & Resources Judi Kusnick Geology Dept. How this happened • We hadn’t done a SIRC workshop on plate tectonics in a while. • We’ve never done a SIRC workshop on resources (I think) • So I said, SURE, I can do that. So regard this as fair warning… • You are the guinea pigs. • I just made this up this week. • It’s what I would do with MY students. This is what I promise you get from this presentation… • Some understanding for you of how resources (petroleum and minerals) are related to plate boundaries. • A chance to try out a jigsaw strategy. • You also get to help me figure out how to make something like this work with high school kids. First let’s all remember what we already know about plate tectonics • On your whiteboard… • Divide it into quarters • In each quarter you will illustrate one of these plate boundaries in words and pictures: • Diverging, transform, convergingsubduction, converging-suture (continentcontinent) Now on to the new activity • You are a member of a resource exploration team for a new geoscience company. • Name it. • Now you need to develop experts in minerals and in petroleum. So decide who will be the mineral people, and who will be the petroleum people. • Rearrange yourself. Find a table with the appropriate sign and join an expert group In your expert group… • Read the handout called Reading Assignment • Use the collaborative reading protocol to read your handouts. • Find the answers to the questions in the reading. • You will be going back to help your teammates understand this material, so be sure you understand it. Now back to your team • I am bringing you your challenge. • Your job is to choose a region of the world (out of a set of three) that you think is the most likely place to find petroleum and minerals. • NOT based on your prior knowledge. • Use the chart to organize your thinking. • Use your whiteboard to prepare a presentation for your investors.