Volcano Study Guide What is plate tectonics?

Volcano Study Guide
Review plate tectonics in general. You may want to look over the last set of notes.
What is plate tectonics?
What is some evidence for plate tectonics?
Lithosphere and asthenosphere
How many plates have geologists identified?
Convection Currents
Continental Drift
What scientist?
What evidence is there for continental drift?
Spreading Centers
Heat flow and elevation
List the 2 types of magma and the characteristics of each.
Why are lava compositions different than they were before they reached the surface?
List and describe the 3 types of plate boundaries?
What is subduction?
List and describe the types of tephra.
List and describe the 3 types of volcanoes in detail.
List the 3 causes of eruptions and describe them in detail.
Know about the 3 examples of famous volcanoes we discussed.
What determines if a volcano is explosive?
What causes Hot Spots?
What causes the Mount St. Helen’s?
Know what each of the following are and be able to recognize them on a diagram.
Pluton, Sill, Dike, Laccolith, Batholith, volcanic neck